Rhyzer Pro 45(ライザープロ45)はJoola(ヨーラ)のラバーで、既にレビューしたRhyzer Pro 50(ライザープロ50)の硬度を柔らかくしたラバーのようですね。どちらもJoola(ヨーラ)のハイエンドラバーに位置します。日本ではJoolaはラージボール卓球の方が有名なメーカーかもしれません。しかしながら、Joolaの用具は卓球王国を拝読していると度々取り上げられます。良い製品が多いことを反映しているのでしょう。Rhyzer Pro 50(ライザープロ50)のキャッチコピーは「鋭く尖った」ラバーでしたが、名前のとおり50°のハードなスポンジを採用していて、ヘビー級ラバーでした。打球感としては、Tenergy 05 Hard(テナジー05ハード)に近く、若干ミートがしやすく、回転性能が劣りはするものの、非常に高性能なラバーでした。Rhyzer(ライザー)シリーズには、Rhyzer 48(ライザー48)、Rhyzer 43(ライザー43)と柔らかいラバーと、今回試打したRhyzer Pro 45(ライザープロ45)が販売されています。Rhyzer Pro 50(ライザープロ50)が非常に好感触でしたので、Rhyzer Pro45(ライザープロ45)もとても期待感をもって試打しました。
あまり軟テンションを比較したことがないのですが、回転性能や相手のボールに負けない強さなどを考慮すると非常に高性能なラバーだと感じました。軟テンション系ラバー、例えばVega Euro(ヴェガヨーロ)やOmega VII Euro(オメガ7ヨーロ)、Tenergy 05 FX(テナジー05FX)などが挙げられると思います。Rhyzer Pro 45はその中でもシートが硬く、他の軟テンション系ラバーとは一線を画すと感じましたね。
Rhyzer Pro45(ライザープロ45)、Quantum X Pro(クァンタムXプロ)を次は試打予定
Rhyzer Pro45ですが、柔らかいラバーですね。しかもかなり食い込ませないと回転がかからない気がします。使ってみて扱いやすさ、ツッツキやサーブがどんな感じとなるか、ポテンシャルは高そうで楽しみです。でも、扱い切れるか少し不安を感じています。Quantum X Proも触ってみました。やはりテナジーっぽい気がします汗。先入観かもしれませんが。Thibar(ティバー)さんは既にテナジーっぽい、Evolution MX-Pがありますからね。今ここでQuantum X Proを販売するのは、中級者向けというのが強いのかもしれません。テナジーよりも気持ちスポンジは硬い気もしましたが、この辺は季節の影響な気もしました。Quantum X Proの後はThibarラバーをもう少し試打するつもりです。 柔らかいラバーのレビューって、結構難しいなって最近感じています。尖った部分を見つけるのが難しいという表現が正しいというか。一方で様々な試打を経て、ラバーの知識と感覚を掴めるようになったと信じたいですね。今年も後わずかですが、これからもよろしくお願い申し上げます。
katsuo000 feels high spin performance in andro rubbers made in Germany, especially Rasanter series. The latest Rasanter rubber is Rasanter R48, which was started to sell in Japan on May 2020. Rasanter R48 is Crimson Rasanter, and is applied sponge with Energy Cell Technology, which is made a difference from other Green Rasanters. The same category with Ranter R48 is Rasanter R53. katsuo000 is now acclaiming Rasanter R53 with amazing spin performance and raging power drive as exceeding rubber than a World Standard Tenergy 05! Therefore, katsuo000 was expecting to buy Rasanter R48. Rasanter R47, which is one of Green Rasanters, has already been sold before 2020. Somebody feels “Why now Rasanter R48“? Actually, a friend of mine, who has used Rasanter R47 before, was not interested in Rasanter R48. And there’s information (from Table Tennis Kingdom, Japanese magazin) that someone feels Rasant series (now end of sale) were better than Rasanter series. However, Rasanter R48 is recommended more than Rasanter R53 as “R48 will be symbolized Rasanter series!”Anyway, emphasizing, Rasanter R48 is not just the minor changed rubber from Rasanter R47 at least. Akifumi Hamakawa (Best 16 in All Japan Championship in 2019), who is contract player with andro Japan for promotion and public relation activities, is now using Rasanter R48 for both fore and back sides. By the way, Simon Gauzy, who is fantasista from France and a top world player, is now using Rasanter R53 for both fore and back sides. It’s very effective promotion which the fact top players uses the latest rubbers. Promotion words with Rasanter R48 by andro is “Evolution of Rotational and Acceleration Powers. Super Monster Gear equipper with Energy Cell.” katsuo000 assumed ‘Monster Gear’ means maybe Tenergy 05, thus, imaging that andro wants Rasanter R48 to be said as ‘Super’ with meaning to overcome the Tenergy 05.
Public Properties of Rasanter R48
In fact, Rasanter V47 is the fastest speed property in all Rasanter series. One of Currently trends is high spin performance, which is required because of spin down by stiffer plastic ball (ABS resin). Therefore, Crimson Rasanters possess high spin performance.katsuo000 felt Rasanter R53 with high spin performance and raging drive with strong arc, (not so linearity). Comparing to Rasanter R53, Rasanter V47 is faster because drive by V47 is linearity and time to grip ball by V47 is shorter than time of R53. Rasanter R48 is a rubber to be easy to control from Rasanter R53, but R48 possesses higher spin property than R53.
Paste and Weight of Rasanter R48
Rasanter R48
UM Tension (Tensor Bios UM)
Energy Cell
for 40+ Plastic Ball
・Sponge Thickness:1.7 mm、2.0 mm、ULTRAMAX(UM)
・Sponge stiffness:48°
・6,500 yes + tax
・70 g (before cut) → 48 g (after cut paste to Zhang Jike ZLC)
Three Points of Rasanter R48
katsuo000 felt R48 was easy to control! One of pro coaches, who was participant to All Japan Championship, now uses R48 on his back side. He also said it’s very easy to control. Before using R48, he used Rasanter R42. katsuo000 also felt about about 45 as sponge stiffness.
Higher Spin Performance than Tenergy 05!
R48 Feeling touch and grip a ball was similar to Tenergy 80. katsuo000 felt time of R48 to grip ball is shorter than time of Tenergy 05. This depended on the sheet shape. Sheet of R48 is maybe narrower pimple and wider distance between pimples than sheet of Tenergy 05. However, spin performance of R48 was amazingly high!R48 is very easy to control, controllability of R48 is similar to Rasanter R42. But, the spin performance of R48 is similar to Tenergy 05! katsuo000 felt the Tenergy 05 era can be end!
Easy to Control as Back Side Rubber!
R48 is easy to control, thus, capable to use in back side rubber!Back hand drive is very good to control even hitting unreasonable posture. Back hand drives are very stable because of high spin performance. Using R48 in fore side, katsuo000 felt high spin performance in drives and services. katsuo000 didn’t feel dissatisfied with fore hand. R48 is easy to control and high spin performance, which is cheat in a sense! R48 possesses contradictory performance!
Rasanter R48 is faster than R53
If you feel to be dissatisfied with speed of R53, katsuo000 recommended R48. katsuo000 felt good speed drive with high sound.
Review of Every Technique
Fore Hand Series
Light hitting katsuo000 felt soft. Honestly speaking, too soft.
Drive during Rally katsuo000 felt good to hit a drive. Sponge of R48 is softer than R53, thus easy to control drive. Ballistic of drive by R48 is similar to R53. But the power drive by R48 is not so raging such as R53.
Top Spin Slow Drive against back spin ball katsuo000 felt time to grip of R48 is short, thus, little a bit difficult.
Speed Drive against back spin ball Very good! It may be cheat! katsuo000 felt very easy to hit enough for speed drive!
Curve- / Reverse Curve- Driveドライブ Curve- drive is also good and katsuo000 felt stable. Drive by R48 is no raging and similar to drive by Tenergy 05.
Block Receivable to spin. Thus, over mistakes against top spin drive may increase. However, very easy to control against smash and knuckled ball (no spin ball).
Counter Drive Counter drive with Rewriting spin is good.
Stop Better to stop than Rasanter V47. But, making spin amount higher is difficult.
Push Good to control low. But spin amount is not so high.
Service Very good spin amount! No dissatisfied.
Back Hand Series
Light hitting Very good to control.
Drive during Rally Both drives with hitting only sheet and through sheet and sponge is good!
Top Spin Slow Drive against back spin ball
Speed Drive against back spin ball Very good! katsuo000 felt very easy to hit enough for speed drive!
Curve- / Reverse Curve- Driveドライブ
Counter Drive Receivable to spin. Stop
Chiquita Chiquita with R48 is stable to control. But, sponge thickness is UM, katsuo000 felt mistakes increase.
Dignics 09C is one of the latest Top Gear sold by Butterfly / Tamasu on April 2020. Main rubbers of Butterfly are totally 12 rubbers of Tenergy series and Dignics series as ”World Standards”. Top Professional Players in the world are currently use these Tenergy and Dignics series’s. These 12 rubbers are categorized in spin type tension rubbers, compatibly equipping spin and speed without tacky sheet. On 2020, Butterfly adopted tacky sheet into Dignics 09C as tacky type tension rubber! Butterfly sells tacky rubbers such as Tackiness series and Spin Art in the past. Not categorized in the tention, thus, Tackiness is omitted here. Spin Art is used by Ai Fukuhara (Japan) on her fore side rubber. I also used Spin Art on my back side rubber for high spin push and chiquita. Sponge of Spin Art is applied spring sponge, the same sponge with Tenergy series, thus Spin Art is nice rubber, however, on December 2019, Butterfly announced Spin Art will be out of sale (maybe, for production of Dignics 09C). Dignics 09C is categorized “Tacky-type High-Tension Rubber” (Spin Art was also categorized the same) with the State-of-the art Properties. Promotion of Dignics 09C was held with Timo Boll, currently top player even 39 years old from Germany! Timo Boll is Legend with competing Top Chinese players, thus he is sometimes called Emperor in Japan! In the first place, development of Dignics 09C was involved deeply with Timo Boll for very long span as 7 years.Timo Boll said “I would like to play with rubbers such like Dignics 09C for several years”!His comment makes every player get interested in Dignics 09C. From end of March on 2020, sale of Dignics 09C was started, then lots of reviews were outgoing through the world. Moreover, Dimitrij Ovtcharov, a top player from Germany, also started to use Dignics 09C on his fore side rubber after surprising contract with Butterfly in January on 2020. Immediately after change into Dignics 09C, He won Fan Zhendong, Chinese top young player in the world tour! Then, Butterfly also delivered on You Tube to promote that ‘His victory was thanks to Dignics 09C!’ This promotion was maybe succeeded in. Key phrase of Dignics 09C is “Rubber that overcomes contradictions is strong”. What is contradictions? Probably, Dignics 09C shows obtaining speed and bounce such as spin type tension rubber, however, obtaining high operability and make stop on near net and table such as tacky type rubber!
Public Properties of Dignics 09C
Butterfly publicly shows spin and speed properties of every rubbers. In this properties, Dignics 09C possesses the same level of speed to Tenergy 05, and the highest level of spin property transcending more than Dignics 05. Dignics 09C shows the highest spin property overcoming than Dignics 05, thus naturally expecting to use, I guess! Butterfly also makes to promote Dignics 09C shows good affinity with outer special fiber and/or carbon type blades. katsuo000 mainly uses Zhang Jike ZLC, a outer zylon carbon blade, therefore, expecting Dignics 09C. For the first time, katsuo000 reserved to purchase Dignics 09C!
Paste and Weight of Dignics 09C
Weight of Dignics 09C (extra thick) was about 50 g. This weight was similar to Tenergy 05 Hard. One of characteristics of Butterfly’s rubbers is that overall rubbers shows high performance and light. Thus, Dignics 09C is heavy type rubber in the Butterfly.
Dignics 09C(ディグニクス09C)
Tacky High Tension Rubber
・Sponge thickness: Thick (1.9 mm), Extra thick (2.1 mm)
・Spin: 13.0
・Speed: 13.0
・Sponge stifness: 44
・Price: open price (9,800 yen + tax)
・78 g (before cut) → 50 g (after cut paste to Zhang Jike ZLC)
Three Points of Dignics 09C
Tacky Tension Type Infinitely close to Spin Tension Type
katsuo000 felt Dignics 09C was finely soft and Tacky Tension Type Rubber which infinitely close to Spin Tension Type rubber. katsuo000 also felt Dignics 09C designed as almost Spin Tension rubber with minimal tacky property. Genuine Players using with Chinese Tacky rubbers such as Hurricane (Double Happiness Shanghai, DHS) maybe feel pros and cons.
Personal impression, katsuo000 felt Tenergy 05 Hard was more Tacky type rubber than Dignics 09C. Therefore, I recommend to use Dignics 09C as not Tacky Tension Type rubber but High Spec Spin Tension Type rubber. Of course, Dignics 09C possesses ease to stop near net and bench, and to screw speed drive in the table with strong arc line even hitting under the table and/or after vertex.
Ballistic of Drive by Dignics 09C is the most Soaring Up and Down in Dignics series!
Certainly, possessing 13 point, the highest spin property in the Butterfly rubbers, drive by Dignics 09C is amazing awesome! During drive-drive rally, a top spin drive with Dignics 09C catching deeply to hit can be letting ballistic soaring up and down amazingly! I also infrequently feel ballistic of a top spin drive soaring up and down with Tenergy 05. But, the soaring ballistic of a top spin drive with Dignics 05 is more remarkable, and the ballistic with Dignics 09C is more amazing and splendid!This soaring ballistic of a top spin drive is one of big characteristics with Dignics and Tenergy series! On the other hand, Hurricane, the most famous Chinese rubber, shows ballistic of a top spin drive sinking down. Dignics 09C showed a similar type with Tenergy and Dignics series, the top of spin tension type rubbers. Therefore, katsuo000 felt Dignics 09C is just spin tension type rubber!
Easier to control than Dignics 05!
Pimples of Dignics 09C‘s sheet are separated far, thus, during hitting a ball, Dignics 09C seems soft rubber.Therefore, Dignics 09C is easier to control than Dignics 05!katsuo000 felt Dignics 80 is easy to control, similarly, Dignics 09C is also evaluated good by lots of players. katsuo000 recommend to use Dignics 09C a player who wants to convert a spin tension type rubber into a tacky tension type rubber. Dignics 09C shows enough both high bounce/speed and highest level spin with keeping easy to control near net and table.katsuo000 think Dignics 09C is more appropriate rally type players avoiding miss than aggressive players with punching out. If feeling the weight of Dinigcs 09C is not heavy, katsuo000 also recommend to use Dignics 09C your back side rubber.
Review of Every Technique
Fore Hand Series
Light hitting Comparing to Hurricane NEO III Blue Sponge for Ministry term (Double Happiness Shanghai, DHS), Dignics 09C showed higher bounce and longer flying distance.Hurricane NEO III Blue Sponge is clearly softer than Hurricane NEO III for general use (DHS), but the Hurricane NEO III Blue Sponge shows low bounce shorter distance. Similarly, Spin Art is also showed low bounce and short flying distance. katsuo000 was surprised the high bounce of Dignics 09C! katsuo000 felt that Dignics 09C is infinitely close to Spin Tension Type rubbers. katsuo000 expected Dignics 09C to obtain the same level drive speed to Dignics 05.
Drive during Rally Drive by Dignics 09C with hitting lightly showed short flying distance and shallow of tables. katsuo000 felt drive of Dignics 09C was the shallowest than drive of Dignics 80, which was shallower than drive of Dignics 05. Speed drive of Dignics 09C was not so fast and not so spin. katsuo000 felt enabling to control spin amount of drive by Dignics 09C.Of course, top spin drive of Dignics 09C with hitting deeply into sponge to draw an arc was amazing soaring up and down. This amazing soaring drive by Dignics 09C was more remarkable than the drive by Dignics 05! Drive of Dignics 09C with hitting deeply showed clearer arc and more stable to bound into table than drive by Dignics 05.Top spin drive by Dignics 09C was amazing spin to make block over mistake. Moreover, low spin drive by Dignics 09C is much effective because of the change of spin amount. katsuo000 felt this change of spin amount was difficult by using Hurricane, because Hurricane is not bounce highly. Honestly talking, speed of the drive by Dignics 09C was not so fast, slower than drive by Tenergy 05. Therefore, katsuo000 felt a better affinity between outer carbon blades with Dignics 09C.
Top Spin Slow Drive against back spin ball katsuo000 felt easy and stable to hit a top spin drive by Dignics 09C. However, katsuo000 felt Diginics 09C is softer than Dignics 05. Thus, hitting image by Dignics 09C let to feel not so high amount of spin. Probably, the top spin slow drive by Dignics 09C should possess amazing spin amount in fact. Ballistic of top spin slow drive by Dignics 09C tends to high similarly to Dignics 05 and not so sinking.
Speed Drive against back spin ball katsuo000 also felt easy and stable to hit a speed drive by Dignics 09C.Especially, katsuo000 felt better to hit rising drive by Diginics 09C. Of course, katsuo000 felt good and ease to control a speed drive with hitting after vertex and dropping down under table because Dignics 09C let to draw an arc strongly. This was maybe advantage of Dignics 09C. Moreover, katsuo000 felt hitting points being in front of body. katsuo000 felt swinging to hit not bottom to top, but from back to front!
Block not so bad
Counter-Drive katsuo000 felt good controlling. katsuo000 felt Dignics 05 let to enable speed counter-drive, on the other hand, Dignics 09C let to enable counter-drive with overwriting spin.
Stop katsuo000 felt good controlling to stop! However, katsuo000 felt this good feeling was not by tacky sheet but the stiffness of rubber. Hard rubbers such as Tenergy 05 Hard, Omega VII Tour (XIOM), Omega VII Hyper (XIOM), and Rasanter R53 (andro) also showed controllability of stop. katsuo000 felt similar to the hard rubbers. katsuo000 felt difficulty to stop against short up rotation ball. In fact, up rotation short serve is more effective against Dignics 09C user.
Push katsuo000 felt good controlling to push with side courses! Trying more spin amount is not so easy because Dignics 09C let to feel soft.
Flick katsuo000 felt good controlling to flick with up rotation! Even with soft touch, drive spin could be obtained automatically.
Serves Strong spin amount! Especially latsuo000 felt more spin with reverse side back spin by hook type than that of Dignics 05.
Back Hand Series
Light hitting katsuo000 felt stronger arc with Dignics 09C than other rubbers such as Spin Art and Dignics 05. Moreover, katsuo000 felt Dignics 09C is infinitely close to spin tension type rubber.
Drive during Rally Comparing to Tenrgy 05 Hard, a drive by Dignics 09C is deeper landing on the table.
Top Spin Slow Drive against back spin ball katsuo000 felt lots of over mistake. Thus katsuo000 recommended to hit top of ball with swinging horizontally.
Speed Drive against back spin ball katsuo000 also felt easy and stable to hit a speed drive by Dignics 09C.Especially, katsuo000 felt illusion that back hand technique is suddenly growing up by Dignics 09C!
Block Very good. katsuo000 didn’t felt such as drop down when using tacky rubber. Moreover, katsuo000 felt good gripping. I loved it.
Counter-Drive By back hand, counter-drive with dropping down vertex is difficult. Thus, katsuo000 felt no good and the similar level to Dignics 05. Counter-drive with Dignics 05 was more liner than that of Dignics 09C.
Stop not so good. katsuo000 felt difficult with soft rubbers.
Push Good. However, katsuo000 felt no characteristic with Dignics 09C.
Chiquita katsuo000 felt over mistakes. katsuo000 felt Dignics 09C soft, thus feeling not so good.