We would like to review Tenergy 05 FX, one of Butterfly (Tamasu)’s signature rubbers. First of all, I would like to write about Tenergy again. The release of the world standard Tenergy 05 dates back to April 2008, about 13 years ago. Tenergy 05, which still wants the name of the world standard even after more than 10 years have passed due to the prohibition of post-processing with organic solvents, has become an existence that can not be talked about without it when thinking about table tennis. .. Considering the features of this Tenergy series as katsuo000 as of 2021, I think it will be as follows.
Features of the Tenergy series ・ High rotation performance ・ High speed performance ・ Light
I think that the characteristics of the Tenergy series as described above are largely due to Butterfly’s unique sponge. The sponge used in the Tenergy series is an orange sponge called Spring Sponge, and the bubbles in the sponge have a closed cell structure, and it seems that they are able to show high performance. This spring sponge is a technology that differentiates it from other competing table tennis makers with only Butterfly technology. While other competing table tennis makers basically outsource rubber manufacturing, Butterfly, despite being a table tennis maker, owns a sponge manufacturing factory and is trying to differentiate itself. Because of this spring sponge, Tenergy can produce high performance, but due to the fact that it costs research and development in addition to resale and counterfeiting, it has become an open price and it is almost double the price compared to other rubbers. It can be said that it is also a (bad) feature. However, there is no doubt that the usage rate of top players is high and it is the world standard.
In addition to Tenergy 05, which has the highest usage rate of the top players and high rotation performance, Tenergy 64, which has high speed performance due to the difference in the top seat, Tenergy 80, which has a good balance of spin and speed, There are 5 types of seats, including the Tenergy 25, which is strong against counters and front teams, and the Power Tenergy 19, which was released the other day. The explanation of each sheet is as follows.
No. 05: The grain spacing of 1.7 mm is narrow. High rotation performance.
No. 25: 2.65 mm grain height is low. Easy to play on the table and counter.
No. 64: Wide grain spacing of 1.7 mm. High speed performance.
No. 180: Medium grain spacing of 1.7 mm. The rotation and speed are well balanced.
No. 219: The grain spacing of 1.5 mm is narrow. It is easy to grab the ball well and put out power.
As mentioned above, the characteristics of each top sheet are reflected, and there are key phrases such as “Spin 05”, “Balance 80”, “Speed 64”, “Front 25”, and “Power 19”. It is crowned.
About 13 years ago, after launching Tenergy 05 in April 2008, Butterfly launched Tenergy 25 in November 2008, Tenergy 64 in April 2009, and Tenergy in July 2010. 05 FX, Tenergy 25 FX in November 2010, Tenergy 64 FX in November 2011, Tenergy 80 in January 2013, 2014 Tenergy 80 FX in April 2017, Rozena in April 2017, Tenergy 05 Hard, which is a harder version of Tenergy 05 in November 2018, in April 2019. Dignics 05 has been released as a rubber that exceeds Tenergy. Then, in March 2021, when the transition from Tenergy to Dignics was beginning to appear, Tenergy 19 was put on the market. So far, there are 10 types of Tenergy. Each of them has been sold as a new product, and the fact that Tenergy 05 is still popular is a manifestation of completion and trust.
And I think that Tenergy 05FX is a world standard Tenergy that is easy to handle by combining the world standard Tenergy 05 with a soft spring sponge. As a back rubber for intermediate users, I think it is a very popular rubber for beginners’ first Tenergy.
Published performance value

Published performance values do not depend on the presence or absence of FX. At competitors’ manufacturers, rubber with a soft sponge has high rotational performance, but I feel like Butterfly’s claim that this is not the case. Actually, the soft sponge is easier to use, but it seems that it is difficult to get the maximum rotation amount and speed, but it may be that it is not impossible to get it. In that sense, Tenergy 05FX can be said to be a high-performance and easy-to-use rubber.
Easy-to-use technics
On Butterfly’s homepage, radar charts are posted about the technologies that are easy to do for each Tenergy. I measured the ease of doing each technology with a measure, and tried to show the numerical values in the figure below. Items
・ Ease of loop drive
・ Ease of hitting speed drive
・ Ease of counter drive
・ Easy to play on the table
・ Ease of blocking
・ Ease of smashing
It will be six. Personally important items are loop drive, speed drive, bench play, block and counter drive. If the smash is not adhesive rubber, you will be accustomed to hitting it.
I quoted from Butterfly’s homepage.

If you look at this chart, you can see that Tenergy 05FX is really at the center. There are few technologies that are difficult to do. It can be said that it is a rubber that can be recommended from beginners to intermediates if you do not consider the cost.
Recommended racket combination
Combinations recommended by the manufacturer are also posted. I will also post this. All of the following are quoted from Butterfly’s homepage. First, I tried arranging the Tenergy FX system.
Tenergy 05 FX ・Timo Boll ZLF For players seeking stable play ・Inner Force Layer ALC For learning various techniques ・Maze Advance For players who are not confident in their strength
Tenergy 80 FX ・Marcos Freitas ALC For playing in a well-balanced and wide area ・Timo Boll CAF For all-round play in pursuit of power
Tenergy 25 FX ・Timo Boll ZLC To players who want to use the opponent's play
Tenergy 64 FX ・Timo Boll TJ To junior players aiming for the top ・Maze Advance To players who use Tenergy for the first time
Basically, I felt that there were many phrases for beginners and intermediate users. Only the Tenergy 25FX has been proposed to be combined with the Timo Boll ZLC, and it seems that there are many combinations with a racket that is basically very easy to handle. Personally, I feel the intention of the manufacturer to feel the ease of handling and the fun of table tennis rather than the power. However, as a beginner, Tenergy makes the household account book cry. If my daughter wants to do that, I’ll cooperate. .. ..
It’s almost April, and if you want to step up or take on the challenge of Tenergy in a new environment, it is recommended to combine it with the Tenergy FX system as described above.
Tenergy 05 Hard ・Viscaria For all-round power play ・Inner Force Layer ALC For playing in the front middle team with an emphasis on rotation ・SK7 Classic To power hitters who prefer wood plywood rackets
Tenergy 05 ・Zhang Jike ALC For all-round play without blind spots ・Harimoto Tomokazu Inner Force ZLC For aggressive play that emphasizes the rotation of the hit ball ・Inner Force Layer ALC For players who want the rotation and stability of the hit ball
Tenergy 19 ・Lin Yun-Ju Super ZLC Pursuing both speed and spin ・Inner Force Layer ZLC Powerful play with an emphasis on rotation ・Timo Boll ALC For all-round play in pursuit of power
Tenergy 80 ・Mizutani Jun ZLC For players aiming for technical play ・Tiago Apolonia ZLC To players aiming for solid play ・Inner Shield Layer ZLF For all-round cut play
Tenergy 25 ・Mizutani Jun Super ZLC To players who want to use the opponent's play ・Inner Force Layer ALC.S To the players who make full use of rotation in the front team
Tenergy 64 ・Matsudaira Kenta ALC For speedy play in the front team ・Inner Force Layer ZLF For players who use a lot of flat striking methods ・Petr Korbel For players who want to acquire the feeling of spinning
Looking at Tenergy as a whole, Tenergy 64 is recommended for beginners and intermediates, Tenergy 25 is recommended for intermediate and advanced players in combination with the bouncing outer Super ZLC, and Tenergy 05 Hard and Tenergy 19 are recommended for advanced players and top players. It is an impression. The combination of Tenergy 25 and Jun Mizutani Super ZLC is not a story that started in 2021, but it is an impression that Butterfly has been proposing for a long time. It’s a pretty interesting combination.
Tenergy 05 FX Weight and Paste

The rubber weight of the Tenergy 05FX was about 46 g. It’s lighter than Tenergy 05 (48 g). Butterfly’s characteristic is that there are many high-performance and lightweight rubbers as a whole, and you can see that this time as well, it is light and of high quality.
Tenergy 05 FX High Tension ・Sponge thickness: thick (1.9 mm), extra thick (2.1 mm) ・Spin: 11.5 ・Speed: 13.0 ・Sponge stiffness: 32 ・Open price (8,900 yen + tax) ・66 g (before cut) → 46 g (after cut)
Three features of Tenergy 05 FX
Bring it to your backhand!
It’s soft, so I brought it to my backhand anyway! The backhand speed drive of the third ball was very easy to hit! I felt that I could swing with great peace of mind because I could draw an arch line firmly by rotating. In addition, I felt that I could make a table tennis that would not lose even if I went down to the middle team or the apse because I could spin with the ball firmly even with a backhand that tends to have insufficient impact.
Even though it’s soft, it stops and it’s easy to counter!
Both the stop and the counter were very good. I was surprised that the counter drive was easy to do. I think it’s because of the ball holding due to the shape of the seat. With this performance, I think it’s easy to play sticky table tennis!
It’s FX, but it’s surprisingly hard!
I feel the softness because it is FX, but I felt the hardness more than I expected due to the influence of the shape of the sheet. It’s easy to handle, but I also feel the hardness, so I thought it was easy to drive. I felt that this hardness was a performance that matched modern table tennis.
Each technics review
Fore hand
Counter drive
It’s easy to do. I felt that I could overwrite it before it was affected by the rotation of the other party. This is high performance.
Easy to stop. I just played it when I tried to rotate it.
It is a little harder to rotate than Tenergy 05.
Back hand
Light hit
I didn’t feel much difference from Tenergy 05 with a light hit.
Rally drive
It was easy to drive. The balls were easy to align and I felt very stable. I don’t think the power is that high.
Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
It was easy to do. There was a feeling that it came off a little, and I felt that the amount of rotation was low compared to Tenergy 05, but anyway, it was easy to lift, so I felt that I could drive at once.
Speed drive against back spin
This was pretty good. I didn’t need that much impact, and it was difficult for the opponent to predict the speed drive from the front backhand, so I felt it was quite easy to get points.
I felt that it was affected by the rotation. Especially for katsuo000, I felt that it was a little difficult because I felt that the backhand was easier to block with a stiffer rubber. It is an impression that it is affected by heavy balls.
Counter drive
If anything, meat was easier to do.
It was easy to do.
Because it is soft, it is easy to repel, so it is easier to rotate with Tenergy 05.
It was easy to get up, so it felt very good. The power may be small, but I think that the opponent does not like it if you put a horizontal rotation in the front team.
Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)
Spin amount
Tenergy 80 > Tenergy 05 FX > Evolution MX-P
Evolution MX-P > Tenergy 05 FX > Fastarc G-1
Ease of handling
Rasanter R48 ≧ Tenergy 05 FX > Tenergy 19