
Review Blue Grip C1


I’d review DONIC’s 2021 Adhesive Tension Rubber, Blue Grip C1. Speaking of DONIC rubber, there are many rubbers that are named blue. It also features a large lineup of spin blue fire series, speed blue storm series, and adhesive tension blue grip series. I think this brings the merit of being able to finely change the hardness and seat according to the skill of the player. The highlight of this Fall-Winter 2021 is Blue Storm PRO, which will be the latest rubber in the Blue Storm series. I have already placed an order for Blue Storm PRO because I want to review it in the future, but the performance of German rubber has improved considerably these days, and as an evolved Tenergy rubber, it may have the same or higher performance than Tenergy. I’m expecting it. Among Japanese players, Kaede Suzuki of Aiko Dai Meiden is famous because he uses DONIC’s equipment. It seems that he used blue grip rubber for a while, but he seems to be using blue storm rubber in search of a habit ball that is drawn out by technology, not a habit of relying on rubber. Perhaps you are using the latest Blue Storm PRO. I’m looking forward to playing an active part in the All Japan Championship in January 2022.

Among such DONIC rubbers, the Blue Grip C1 reviewed on this page was released as a rubber that gives off a unique color. This Blue Grip C1 is a rubber sold at the same time as XIOM’s Omega VII China Ying, and has a sponge hardness of 60 degrees. Since the concept of the Omega VII China shadow released earlier was “rubber that exceeds the Chinese rubber leopard”, I think that this blue grip C1 is also a rubber with a strong image as a super hard German adhesive tension rubber. In fact, when compared with the hardness of the German standard, the only rubber that is so hard is Omega VII China shadow, and I think it is one of the ambitious rubbers. Looking at what has already been reviewed, I got the impression that there are many rubbers that are easier to use and have improved speed and ease of use compared to the Omega VII China shadow. How is it actually?

The explanation in Japanese of the manufacturer is as follows.

A spin rubber that is convincing to the power group.

The 60 degree bubble blue speed sponge made quite hard and the adhesive top sheet with the best rotation performance and grip feeling firmly produce a big catapult effect. It is recommended for players who use the power of fore drive as a weapon with strong adhesive rubber.


Published performance value

Blue Grip C1 has the highest spin performance of 11 +++. You can also see from the published performance values that it is the latest Blue Storm PRO that is well-balanced. Next is the comparison of katsuo000 hardness testers.

After all, when you compare the hardness, the characteristics of rubber come out. Among the rubbers of DONIC owned by katsuo000, the one that is heavy and hard is Blue Grip C1. On the other hand, the Blue Fire JP01 Turbo, which went up considerably and felt easy to rotate, is the same weight as the Tenergy 05 and is a little softer. Taking the difference between the sheet side and the sponge side of the shore a hardness, the values ​​of JP01 turbo and Tenergy 05 are quite close. This is not a coincidence, and as the name JP01 suggests, JP01 was probably made with Tenergy 05 in mind. The Z1 turbo and M1 turbo still have a smaller difference than the JP01 turbo and a larger difference than the Dignics 05, so it may be said that it is an easy-to-use rubber among the German spin tensions. The difference in Blue Grip C1 is obviously small, and I think it shows how difficult it is to bite. Blue Grip C1 is quite difficult to bite into, so I think one of the evaluation axes is how easy it is to get a habit ball.

Blue Grip C1 sticking and weight

Although it is a strong adhesive, I thought that it was a rubber with a low adhesive feeling and almost a slight adhesive, which seems to be the adhesive tension made in Germany these days. Since the Kyo Leopard Dragon 5 is a racket with a wide blade area, I think it is also characteristic that it has become quite heavy. It weighs 57 g, which is a little lighter than the Omega VII China shadow, and is an obvious super heavyweight. Compared to Nittaku’s Hurricane Pro III Turbo Blue’s 65 g, I think it’s a rubber that doesn’t go that far.

Blue Grip C1
    Tacky tension
    Made in Germany
・Sponge Thickness: 2.0 mm, Max
・Speed: 11
・Spin: 11++
・Sponge stiffness: 60
・オープンプライス (4,363 yen)
・82 g (before cut) → 57 g (Hurricane Long V, 158 × 150 mm)

Three features of Blue Grip C1

To be honest, I’m getting used to the Omega VII China Ying, so I’m wondering if I can make an accurate comparison of ease of handling, but I felt that it was a rubber with outstanding hardness and rotation amount rather than a habit ball.

Compared to Omega VII China Ying, rubber from spin tension with a hardness of 60 degrees

There are many comparisons with Omega VII China Ying of the same hardness, but while Omega VII China Ying were a tacky rubber, this Blue Grip C1 was a rubber with a high cross-linking density. While it is difficult to bite in, I felt that it is a rubber that makes it easier to do meat technology than Omega VII China Ying. I felt that it was a rubber that was quite incompatible with the Hurricane Long 5, which is easy to drive. Omega VII China It is an adhesive rubber rather than a spin type tension rubber compared to a rubber that is used for adhesive habits like shadows, and I felt that it is a rubber that requires a more overwhelming amount of rotation.

Even though it’s an adhesive rubber, it bounces a lot!

Like the Omega VII China Ying, it is an adhesive rubber, but what surprised me was its speed performance. It was a large gymnasium, so I felt it was slow, but it still had outstandingly high speed performance compared to the leopard. I also felt it in the shadow of Omega VII China, but if the speed goes up to this point, it will pop out before spinning, so I also felt that the racket that should be matched naturally would be an inner carbon or wood plywood racket. No matter how much you want to fly, if you do not stay in the inner system, it will bounce too much and it will be difficult to drive with the amount of rotation, and the quality of the drive will deteriorate. There is no doubt that the racket to be matched will be a wood plywood system or an inner carbon racket.

Easy to hit down!

As I get used to the shadows of Omega VII China, I also felt the ease of hitting the downward rotation speed drive with this Blue Grip C1. However, I also felt that it was easy to get a speed drive like a smash because it is hard to feel the chewy feeling like the shadow of Omega VII China. I think this is a part that depends on skill and sense.

Each technics review


Light hit
As for the impression of receiving the ball, I didn’t feel that it didn’t bounce like a leopard, but it felt like a normal spin tension rubber.

Drive on long balls and rallies
I think there is a part due to my own arm, but it’s not a chewy rubber, but a chewy rubber, so I felt that it was hard to bite and I just played it. It bounces firmly, so I thought it would be a rubber that would be easy to meet even if it was attached to the Hurricane Long V. However, I also felt that the taste and habit of driving was hard to come out. It may mean to use it like a spin type tension rubber, but it is heavy and not as fast as a spin type tension rubber, so I think that I still want to drive.

Drive with open face
I felt that the good thing about this rubber is that even if you hit it fairly roughly, the drive will enter. I didn’t feel that it was spinning, but there may be a feeling that the speed drive will come in due to the impact.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
Since it is a combination of Hurricane Long V and hard rubber, it was easy to hit a strong loop drive with strong rotation even if it was not adhesive rubber. Since the whole rubber is hard, the seat is not so hard, but I felt that it was good to pop out. The recent German-made adhesive tension rubber has a good pop-out, so I think that it will be a low loop drive as much as aiming at the net.

Speed drive against back spin
It was easy to hit. However, I felt that the amount of rotation was low. I felt that it is easier to use adhesive and adhesive tension rubber than spin tension rubber because the ball sinks enough to make a speed drive even if the hit point is dropped, so there is no need to move in a hurry. I’m a habit, and when I try to hit a speed drive, I use my body like a smash, so I’d like to fix the center of gravity a little more and hit it by turning the torso, but I’m glad that it was easy to enter even if it was rough.

Curve / shoot drive
I felt it would bend a lot, probably thanks to the Hurricane Long 5. I don’t think outer carbon will bend this far.

The block was easy. The ball doesn’t fall. This may be a good point of the recent German adhesive tension. I think Hurricane and the like will fall. In the case of a leopard, I think it will be hit as if it were raised.

Counter drive
It was easy to do. If it is so heavy, it will not eat the rotation of the opponent’s drive, so it feels like you can take it forcibly.

It will stop firmly. It’s an adhesive rubber, so it’s a problem if you don’t stop.

I didn’t feel like I was cutting the fore because I wasn’t good at cutting it.

It cut firmly.


Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Hurricane type > Dignics 09C ≧ Blue Grip C1 > Dignics 05

 Dignics 05 > Blue Grip C1 > Omega VII China Ying > Rhyzen ZGR > Hurricane type

レビュー DNA Dragon Grip(ドラゴングリップ)


 巷で話題のドイツ製粘着テンションラバーSTIGA(スティガ)のDNA Dragon Grip(DNAドラゴングリップ)をレビューさせていただきます。近年ドイツ製ラバーの質の向上が著しく、ドイツ製の粘着テンションも数が多くなってきました。それらを比較していけたらと考えております。

 DNAはスティガさんのハイエンドラバーシリーズになりますね。現在までに3種類あり、全てスティガ初のドイツ製ラバーシリーズになります。DNA Pro(DNAプロ)シリーズDNA Platinum(DNAプラチナ)シリーズ、そしてこのDNAドラゴングリップになります。DNAドラゴングリップのみが粘着テンション系のラバーで、他のDNAシリーズは基本的にはスピン系テンションラバーになりますね。スティガさんはDNAシリーズを発売するまでは日本製のラバーを発売取り扱いしておりました。そんなスティガさんが心機一転ドイツ製のハイエンドラバーを発売する、その第一号がDNAプロシリーズになります。DNAプロは元祖ドイツ製スピン系テンションラバーらしいラバーで、日本で最も売れているラバーFastarc G-1(ファスタークG-1)に、非常に似たラバーでした。そして第2弾として昨年発売されたのが、DNAプラチナシリーズになります。こちらは非常に好評で、卓球ユーチューバー(ごぶりんずさん)やその他のレビュワーが高評価をつけています。katsuo000も好印象なラバーとしてDNAプラチナエキストラハードをレビューさせていただきました。

 DNAプラチナXH: https://katsuo000.com/review_dna_platinum_xh/

DNAプラチナシリーズはButterfly(バタフライ)のTenergy 05(テナジー05)に非常によく似たラバーでした。シートの粒形状は太目でスピン系に特徴を有するシート形状で52.5°のエキストラハードスポンジ(XH)にあわせてもかなりくい込みの良さを感じるラバーでした。テナジー05も硬度の割にくい込みの良さを感じるラバーですが、このDNAプラチナシリーズも表記硬度に対しとてもくい込みが良いラバーシリーズで、容易にくい込ませることができるのに硬いラバーですので、その回転量はえげつないものになります。 バタフライのスプリングスポンジとは似て非なるスポンジですがドイツ技術が進化していることを感じさせますね。使用感は、ドイツ基準の硬度で47°位でしょうか。ポストテナジー系ラバーの中で最もテナジー05に近いラバーと感じております。


 凄さしか伝わらないのですが、技術について触れさせていただきます。まず、DNAプラチナおよびDNAドラゴングリップには、Longer Trajectory(ロンガートラジェクトリー)、Direct Power Hit Effect(ダイレクトパワーヒットエフェクト)、Power Sponge Cells(パワースポンジセル)という技術が、採用されているそうです。おそらく、パワースポンジセルという新しいスポンジが、バタフライのスプリングスポンジと類似の性能を示すためにテナジー05のような性能を示すのだと推察します。

・Longer Trajectory(ロンガートラジェクトリー)
・Direct Power Hit Effect(ダイレクトパワーヒットエフェクト)
・Power Sponge Cells(パワースポンジセル)

さらにDNAドラゴングリップには、C Touch Tensor(Cタッチテンゾー)という技術が採用されています。この「C-Touch」というフレーズは、DONIC(ドニック)のBlue Grip C1(ブルーグリップC1)のシートにも採用されている技術で、おそらく類似のものではないかと想像します。Cタッチテンゾーについての説明をSTIGA(スティガ)のサイトより引用させていただきました。↓

C Touch Tensor(Cタッチテンゾー)

 粘着性トップシートは、サーブやレシーブ等で、並外れたグリップ力とハイレベルのコントロールを提供。新しく搭載したスポンジは、AI( 人工知能)とトッププレーヤーからの助言を基に開発された。データをデジタル分析することにより、素材の重要な特性を特定し、粘着性トップシートによる強い回転量と高いコントロール性能に、新スポンジによる威力のあるスピードを共存させた。






 最後にシート側の硬さとスポンジ側からの硬さの差をプロットしています。この値が大きいほど、扱いやすい、またはくい込みやすいと感じるラバーになるとkatsuo000は感じています。指標としてテナジー05を入れていますが、テナジー05は硬さの割にくい込みが良く非常に扱いやすい、回転をかけやすいラバーだということがわかると思います。一方、DNAドラゴングリップはやはり、ディグニクス09Cを意識したような仕様になっているようで、シート側とスポンジ側からの硬度差が近しい値になりました。ディグニクス09C以上にシート側/スポンジ側の差が小さく、くい込ませにくいラバーだと感じると思います。ただし、shore cの値そのものはディグニクス09Cの方が硬いので、そちらの影響の方が強いかもしれません。(粘着ラバーでは、シート側/スポンジ側の硬さの差はあまり良い指標にはならず、純粋に硬さで比較した方がわかりやすいように感じてきております。今後もどのような比較がいいか考えていきたいと思います。)


DNA Dragon Grip(DNAドラゴングリップ)
・Speed: 132
・Spin: 146
・Control: 80
・Sponge Thickness: Max (2.3 mm)
・Sponge硬度: 55.0°
・6,600 円 + 税
・74 g(切断前) → 52 g(970XX-KLCに貼って)

 YASAKAののり助さんを使って貼りました。やはり重たいですね!ちなみに貼ったラケットは、最近お気に入りのWRMの970XX-KLCに貼りました。このラケットはインナーケプラーカーボンのラケットで、5.7 mmの板薄、上板硬めの染色材、そして中国製ラケットの中では軽いものになります。非常にコスパも良い(セールなら5,980円+送料)のでオススメです。


DNA Dragon Gripの3つ特徴



Rakza Zよりも球持ちと回転重視のシート

 DNAドラゴングリップの特徴はシートは厚く、粒形状も粒低めで太め、つまり回転重視のスピン系テンションラバーに採用されるような回転性能に特徴をもつシート形状であることでしょう。DNAプラチナシリーズのシートもどちらかというとテナジー05に類似のシート形状でした。一方でスポンジは他の超ハードな粘着ラバーほど硬くはなく思ったよりくい込みを感じます。もちろん同硬度のドイツ製テンションラバーは複数存在していて、XIOM(エクシオン)のOmega VII China Guang(オメガVIIチャイナ光)、DONIC(ドニック)のBlue Grip C2(ブルーグリップC2)、VICTAS(ヴィクタス)のTriple Extra(トリプルエキストア)などが挙げられます。今回比較には既にある程度試打できていて同程度の硬度であるRakza Z Extra Hard(ラクザZエキストラハード)を挙げさせていただきました。本当は他の粘着テンションラバーとも比較できるといいのですが、できていません。ラクザZ XHはDNAドラゴングリップと比較して対称的で、ラバー全体の重さはDNAドラゴングリップよりも重く、一方でスポンジは気泡が多くシートはどちらかというと粒細めシート薄めでTenergy 80(テナジー80)とかTenergy 64(テナジー64)などのスピード系のテンションラバーらしい形状になっています。全体的に重くて硬いので粘着ラバーであり、どことなくスピード系テンションラバーらしさもあるラバーでした。DNAドラゴングリップはラクザZ XHと比べると対称的な設計指針で非常にそのラバー設計の違いを感じました。DNAドラゴングリップはシートと粒形状はテナジー05のように回転特化のスピン系テンションラバーに近い形状ですが、スポンジはそこまで硬すぎないスポンジをあわせています。DNAプラチナXHよりもさらにスピン性能が欲しいときにうってつけの粘着ラバーとスピン系テンションの間のようなバランスのとれたラバーでした。



 ・Omega VII China Guang(オメガVIIチャイナ光)(XIOM) 55°(ドイツ基準)
 ・Blue Grip C2(ブルーグリップC2)(DONIC)55°(ドイツ基準)
 ・Rakza Z Extra Hard(ラクザZエキストラハード)YASAKA(ヤサカ)52~57°(ドイツ基準)
 ・Triple Extra(トリプルエキストラ)VICTAS(ヴィクタス)55°(ドイツ基準)
 ・Dignics 09C(ディグニクス09C)Butterfly(バタフライ)44°(Butterfly基準)
 ・Hybrid K3(ハイブリッドK3)TIBHAR(ティバー)53°(ドイツ基準)
 ・Hybrid K1J(ハイブリッドK1J)TIBHAR(ティバー)52.5°(ドイツ基準)
 ・Blue Grip R1(ブルーグリップR1)DONIC(ドニック)50°(ドイツ基準)
 ・Rakza Z(ラクザZ)YASAKA(ヤサカ)47~52°(ドイツ基準)
 ・Flying Dragon(翔龍)YASAKA(ヤサカ)47~52°(ドイツ基準)

 使ったことのあるラバー、ないラバーがありますが、上記の中でもDNAドラゴングリップは癖(回転量によるミス誘発)を出しやすいラバーでした。例えば靴をはかずに手打ちに近い状態でドライブしても、まずまずの回転と台についてからのボールの跳ね上がりや飛び方に変化が生じると感じました。この回転量、癖は粘着ラバーを使うなら欲しい性能だと思います!個人的には、ラクザZ XHやディグニクス09Cよりも回転量でミスを誘えるラバーだと感じました(もちろんその分、スピードはラクザZ XHが、スピードに加え扱いやすさも求めるとディグニクス09Cが上だと思います)。ご参考ください。














 フォアで使った後にバックで使ってみましたが想像どおりバックでも使いやすいと感じました。55°というスポンジ硬度で重量は確かに50 g台と重いですが、中国粘着などよりも扱いやすく違和感なくバックで使えると感じました。









 Omega VII China Ying > DNA Dragon Grip > Dignics 05

 Dignics 09C ≧ Rakza Z Extra Hard > Rhyzen ZGR > DNA Dragon Grip > Hurricane NEO III


Review Blue Fire JP01 Turbo


DONIC is a slightly minor manufacturer in Japan, but Swedish genius Jan-Ove Waldner, Jorgen Persson, and until last year, Dimitrij Ovtcharov. It will be the manufacturer that the player has contracted. Ovcharov is a close friend and rival of Jun Mizutani! Recently, I imagine that it is a manufacturer that has been picked up by You Tuber “Goblinzu” in Kansai and is receiving a lot of attention. Goblin’s recommendation seems to be the Blue Storm Z1 Turbo. DONIC with the name Blue

・ 5 types of Blue Grip (adhesive rubber)
・ 7 types of Blue Storm
・ 9 types of Blue Fire
・ 4 types of Acuda Blue

Yu-san of the World Table Tennis Kingdom also has multiple types, so I have listed a video that outlines it.

The blue fire that I tried this time will be a rotating rubber. It seems that the speed rubber will be Blue Storm, and the stable rubber will be Acousticable. I have already given a trial hit review of the Blue Storm Z1 Turbo.

The blue rubber last will be Blue FIre JP01 Turbo. It’s a rubber that I bought a long time ago and used a little to put a TSP adhesive sheet on it. I had the impression that it was a rubber that bites well and is very easy to handle, but this time I put it on my main racket again and tried it out, so thank you.

Published performance value

You can see that the JP01 turbo is the slowest in terms of the announced performance. When it comes to speed, I imagine it’s a rotating rubber. DONIC’s explanation is as follows.

The power of "blue" to bring out more.
    Power-up of "Blue Fire JP01", a state-of-the-art FD rubber that brings together DONIC's technology. The special "Blue Fire JP01 Turbo" has been completed by improving the top sheet of "Blue Fire JP", which has a good reputation for its rotational power during attacks, and raising the two major elements of rubber, speed and spin, to the utmost limit.
Suppresses the transmission energy loss of the swing when hitting the ball, and gives the player a power ball that adds weight to the power of the ball with speed + spin. Since it is a top sheet with high grip, you can continue to attack as much as you want without compromising the sense of security that you have with your hands.

From this explanation, I think it is difficult to understand what kind of rubber it is. In fact, the Blue Fire JP01 turbo was a rotating rubber with the highest arc.

JP01 turbo sticking and weight

Blue Fire JP01 Turbo
・Sponge Thickness: 1.8 mm, 2.0 mm, MAX+
・Speed: 10+
・Spin: 10+++
・Control: 6+
・Sponge stiffness: 47.5°
・Open price
・48 g (after cut)

The hardness of the sponge was not too hard, and it was a rubber that could be used by a wide range of players.

Blue Fire JP01 Turboの3つのThree features of Blue Fire JP01 Turbo

The highest arch line in blue!

The arch line was high in the blue rubber anyway! I felt that the arch line was too high and the flight distance was quite long. Therefore, I think the ball will go in quite deeply. The height of this arc line made me feel that I was conscious of JP → Tenergy 05. I think Vega Japan of XIOM also has a high arc line, but Blue Fire JP01 also made me feel the height of the arc line.

The most downward rotation drive in blue is easy to do!

Since the arch line is high, it was easy to drive downward rotation anyway. I didn’t feel like making a mistake. It was pretty easy to do with a backhand drive. Also, if you let it bite firmly and the swing speed is fast, it also took a firm rotation. It’s easy to handle and I felt it was perfect for both the fore and back.

Although it is a rotating rubber, it is not easily affected by rotation!

Spin tension rubber is easily affected by the rotation of the other party, but this Blue Fire JP01 turbo was not affected by rotation more than I imagined, probably because the seat has a core! It was similar to the Blue Fire M1 Turbo. Not only was the block easy to do, but the counter drive was also pretty easy to do! It felt pretty good! Tenergy rubber has high rotation performance, but there are some parts that are easily affected by rotation. In recent years, katsuo000 has been looking for a rubber that has high rotation performance and is not affected by rotation. I thought it would be possible to evaluate it in the same way as Dignics, which has similar characteristics! However, compared to Dignics, the amount of rotation and speed performance were clearly lower.

Each technics review


Light hit
I felt it was soft. There was a sense of stability rather than power.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It’s not as powerful as Tenergy 05 FX, but it was easy to hit repeatedly.

Drive with open face
I felt it hit the racket board when I let it bite into it. I think Tenergy 05 is easier to do here.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
It was easy to do anyway! I felt that top spin drive was a little lacking in power because it had a good bite. Still, it’s pretty easy to do.

Speed drive against back spin
It was easy to do because it bites well. I think it is better to be aware of the arc line because it is easy to over-miss.

Curve / shoot drive
Since there is a certain amount of rotation, it will bend as you wish.

It was easy to do! It was surprising, but it was easy to do because it was not affected by rotation even though it was a rotating rubber.

Counter drive
I felt that this was also easy to do because it was not easily affected by spin!

It was difficult to cut. It was also easy to float.

Push also had quite a few over mistakes. It wasn’t difficult to do.

Serve didn’t feel heavy. If anything, I think it’s easier to take the opponent’s time with a long-legged serve.


Light hit
The hardness was just right for the back.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It was easy to over-miss if I hit it thickly to speed up. It was easy to drive deeply when I turned it firmly.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
This was also easy to do. It wasn’t powerful, but I didn’t feel like making a mistake and it was a good impression.

Speed drive against back spin
It seemed like I could do it after practicing moderately.

It was easy to do!

Counter drive
I can hardly do counter drive in the back, but I felt like I could remember counter drive with this rubber.

It was a little easy to float.

I can’t cut it.

Chiquita was pretty easy to do because the arch line was high.

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Blue Fire M1 Turbo > Blue Fire JP01 Turbo > Blue Storm Z1 Turbo

 Blue Fire M1 Turbo > Tenergy 05 Hard > Blue Fire JP01 Turbo


Review Blue Fire M1 Turbo


DONIC is a slightly minor manufacturer in Japan, but Swedish genius Jan-Ove Waldner, Jorgen Persson, and until last year, Dimitrij Ovtcharov. It will be the manufacturer that the player has contracted. Ovcharov is a close friend and rival of Jun Mizutani! Recently, I imagine that it is a manufacturer that has been picked up by You Tuber “Goblinzu” in Kansai and is receiving a lot of attention. Goblin’s recommendation seems to be the Blue Storm Z1 Turbo.

 DONIC with the name Blue

・ 5 types of Blue Grip (adhesive rubber)
・ 7 types of Blue Storm
・ 9 types of Blue Fire
・ 4 types of Acuda Blue

Yu-san of the World Table Tennis Kingdom also has multiple types, so I have listed a video that outlines it.

The blue fire that I tried this time will be a rotating rubber. It seems that the speed rubber will be Bluestorm, and the stable rubber will be Acousticable. I have already mentioned the trial hit review of the Blue Storm Z1 Turbo, but the rubber that katsuo000 likes the most among the blue rubbers is this Blue Fire M1 Turbo. !! Let’s start the review immediately.

Published performance value

To be honest, I don’t think it’s a good idea to use the Blue Fire M1 Turbo from the announced performance. Blue Grip is better for rotation performance, and Blue Storm is better for speed performance. In addition, in the manufacturer’s explanation, it is written as follows.

Innovative DONIC. Because it is "blue", it comes out.
    The "Blue Fire M1 Turbo" that uses a 50 degree hard sponge is a rubber that breaks through the opponent's wall by further amplifying the power of the attacking player who uses smash and blow power drive as the score source. It is the best blue fire to send to the one-shot deadly power hitter.

After reading this explanation, I was able to imagine that it was a spin-type tension rubber that was hard and had rotational performance. In fact, the Blue Fire M1 Turbo was a heavier and much harder rubber than the Blue Fire JP01 Turbo and Blue Storm Z1 Turbo. Similar rubbers from other manufacturers include Tenergy 05 Hard, Rhyzer Pro 50, Evolution MX-P, Omega VII Pro, etc. I think you can give it.

Blue Fire M1 turbo sticking and weight

Blue Fire M1 Turbo
・Sponge Thickness: 1.8 mm, 2.0 mm, MAX+
・Speed: 10++
・Spin: 10+++
・Control: 6
・Sponge stiffness: 50°
・Open price
・73 g (before cut) → 53 g (after cut)

It’s heavy. Compared to other Blue Fire JP01 turbos and Blue Storm Z1 turbos, it is overwhelmingly heavy at this point. Both the JP01 turbo and the Brust Z1 turbo weighed less than 50 g.

Three features of Blue Fire M1 Turbo

To be honest, I didn’t feel the same rotation performance as the Blue Storm Z1 Turbo! Overwhelmingly, the Blue Fire M1 Turbo hit a ball with a higher amount of rotation!

The hardest and most rotating rubber in blue! The weight of the drive is also No. 1 in blue!

Serve, push, Drive, Chiquita and rotating technology were able to hold the ball firmly, and it was very nice to have a sense of stability and power with the arc line as imagined when it was rotated! The katsuo000 likes the spin-type tension rubber, which is hard and often rotates, but the Blue Fire M1 turbo was a very good feeling. I think the rubbers that I think are similar are Tenergy 05 Hard, Riser Pro 50, Evolution MX-P 50 ° (Evolution MX-P 50 °), etc. Also, the weight of the drive of the Blue Fire M1 Turbo was heavyweight! For example, the loop drive of the Blue Storm Z1 turbo had a low arc line, but it was easy to eat the counter when it floated a little, but the Blue Fire M turbo was able to induce a considerable over-miss of the counter depending on the amount of rotation.

Even though it is hard, it is easy to handle even in the back!

The rubber with DONIC’s blue name was a very easy-to-use rubber with no strange habits as a whole. Therefore, it felt good when used in the back, and it was easy to use high-quality loop drive and speed-type chiquita. I think there are some differences due to the heat and individual differences, but one of the characteristics of DONIC’s rubber is that it has few habits and is easy to handle, so I felt it was a good feeling. The blue fire M1 turbo has a hard sponge, and I want more speed than rotation! If so, I recommend the soft Blue Fire M1 and M2, and the Blue Fire JP01 with a high arch line, and with the Blue Storm Z1, I think that the ball can be released quickly and a fast drive is easy to hit and stable.

It is not easily affected by rotation! You can also go to the counter power drive! ??

Spin tension rubber is easily affected by the rotation of the other party, but this Blue Fire M1 turbo was not affected by rotation more than I imagined, probably because the sponge is hard and the seat has a core! Not only was the block easy to do, but the counter drive was also pretty easy to do! It felt pretty good! Tenergy rubber has high rotation performance, but there are some parts that are easily affected by rotation. In recent years, katsuo000 has been looking for a rubber that has high rotation performance and is not affected by rotation. I thought it would be possible to evaluate it in the same way as Dignics, which has similar characteristics! However, when compared with Dignics, I felt that the amount of rotation and speed performance were low. Still, for katsuo000, it was a rubber that I wanted to use in the game more than Tenergy!

Each technics review


Light hit
I feel the hardness of the sponge. I’m not good at rubber that is too soft, so I personally felt that it was a good shot.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It was very easy to hit. I was able to grip the ball firmly and it was easy to hit. I think it is a sheet that often holds 05 series balls.

Drive with open face
I felt that it hit the racket board a little faster. I felt the same way with Evolution MX-P. Monster rubber and Tenergy have little or no feeling of hitting the racket board. I feel that Tenergy is very high performance in a drive with an open surface or a drive that rotates while hitting.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
Since the sponge is hard, it was easy to do top spin drive that can be caught only by the sheet, and it was really easy to do topspin loop drive. This is a weapon!

Speed drive against back spin
It was a little difficult to speed drive because it was easy to do loop drive. When I let it bite in, I felt that it reached the racket board earlier than I felt, and I played it, and the amount of rotation did not come out more than I expected. I think I can hit it if I get used to it, but I felt that it needed to be corrected.

Curve / shoot drive
Since there is a certain amount of rotation, it will bend as you wish.

It was easy to do! It was surprising, but it was easy to do because it was not affected by rotation even though it was a rotating rubber.

Counter drive
I felt that this was also easy to do because it was not easily affected by rotation!

It was a little difficult to cut, I got a good enough low quality stop.

Push is also low and easy to settle.

It was a good feeling to have a heavy serve. However, if the rubber deteriorated, it seemed to become lighter.


Light hit
The back is a little hard to hit.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It was easier than I expected. I think it’s because the ball doesn’t come off quickly and the ball has a good hold. I think that it is easy to do because it is very stable because it can be rotated firmly.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin 
This was also easy to do. In addition, I think that it was a loop drive that can aim for a score with abundant rotation amount.

Speed drive against back spin
On the contrary, this was quite difficult. You need practice.

Curve / shoot drive
It was bent to some extent because of the amount of rotation.

It was easy to do!

Counter drive
I can hardly do counter drive in the back, but I felt like trying this rubber. Actually, I was surprised to get one or two balls when I was practicing the system!

It was a good impression to be able to put it in at the minimum low. I think it’s good to bite in the hot summer season, but I think it’s good that it’s low and easy to hold.

It was difficult to cut, but it was easy to do low and short Tsuttsuki like Tenergy 05 Hard.

Both speed chiquita and horizontal rotation chiquita were easy to do as you imagined! There was a sense of stability because it took a lot of rotation.

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Tenergy 05 Hard > Blue FIre M1 Turbo > Blue Fire JP01 Turbo > Blue Storm Z1 Turbo

 Blue Storm Z1 Turbo > Tenergy 80 > Blue Fire M1 Turbo > Tenergy 05 Hard


Review Rozena


We would like to review Rosena, one of Butterfly (Tamasu)’s signature products. To talk about Rosena, I think it starts with Tenergy. The release of the world standard Tenergy 05 dates back to now, about 13 years ago, in April 2008. Tenergy 05, which still wants the name of the world standard even after more than 10 years have passed due to the prohibition of post-processing with organic solvents, has become an existence that can not be talked about without it when thinking about table tennis. Considering the features of this Tenergy series as katsuo000 as of 2021, I think it will be as follows.

Features of the Tenergy series
・High spin performance
・High speed performance

I think that the characteristics of the Tenergy series as described above are largely due to Butterfly’s unique sponge. The sponge used in the Tenergy series is an orange sponge called Spring Sponge, and the bubbles in the sponge have a closed cell structure, and it seems that they are able to show high performance. This spring sponge is a technology that differentiates it from other competing table tennis makers with only Butterfly technology. While other competing table tennis makers basically outsource rubber manufacturing, Butterfly, despite being a table tennis maker, owns a sponge manufacturing factory and is trying to differentiate itself. Because of this spring sponge, Tenergy can produce high performance, but due to the fact that it costs research and development in addition to resale and counterfeiting, it has become an open price and it is almost double the price compared to other rubbers. It can be said that it is also a (bad) feature. However, there is no doubt that the usage rate of top players is high and it is the world standard.
In addition to the Tenergy 05, which has the highest usage rate of the top players and has high rotation performance, the Tenergy 64, which has high speed performance due to the difference in the top sheet, and the Tenegy 80, which has a good balance between spin and speed. There are 5 types of seats, including the Tenergy 25, which is strong against counters and front teams, and the Power Tenergy 19, which was released the other day. The explanation of each sheet is as follows.
No. 05: 1.7 mm grain spacing is narrow. High rotation performance.
No. 25: The height of the 2.65 mm grain is low. Easy to play on the table and counter.
No. 64: 1.7 mm wide grain spacing. High speed performance.
No. 180: The grain spacing of 1.7 mm is in the middle. The rotation and speed are well balanced.
No. 219: 1.5 mm grain spacing is narrow. It is easy to grab the ball well and put out power.
As mentioned above, the characteristics of each top sheet are reflected, and there are key phrases such as “Rotation 05”, “Balance 80”, “Speed 64”, “Front 25”, and “Power 19”. It is crowned.

About 13 years ago, after launching Tenergy 05 in April 2008, Butterfly launched Tenergy 25 in November 2008, Tenergy 64 in April 2009, and Tenergy in July 2010. Tenergy 05 FX, Tenergy 25 FX in November 2010, Tenergy 64 FX in November 2011, Tenergy 80 in January 2013, 2014 Tenergy 80 FX in April 2017, Rozena in April 2017, Tenergy 05 Hard, which is a harder version of Tenergy 05 in November 2018, in April 2019. Dignics 05 has been released as a rubber that exceeds tenergy. And in March 2021, when the transition from Tenergy to Dignix was beginning to appear, Tenergy 19 was put on the market. To date, there are 10 types of tenergy.

Rosena, reviewed on this page, is, so to speak, a cheaper version of Tenergy. Combined with a soft spring sponge, it becomes an easy-to-use tenergy-like rubber. I think it is a popular rubber as a back rubber for intermediate users or as a rubber equipped with a spring sponge for the first time for beginners. In terms of price range, it is cheaper than the signboard rubber of other manufacturers and cheaper than the best-selling rubber, Fastarc G-1 of Nittaku, and the real selling price is fiercely competitive 4,000 It will be a rubber dropped on the circle! For cheaper and better performance than this price, Yasaka’s Rakza series and Rigan, and XIOM’s Vega X and Vega Tour 3,000. Will it be a round rubber? I would like to make a comparison with this area in the future.
Recently, a review of Rosena was posted on YouTuber, Goblinzu-san, but it was quite badly criticized. I think there are likes and dislikes that do not meet. You may feel that it doesn’t fit when you use hard rubber.

Published performance value

It may be no exaggeration to say that Rosena is Tenergy 05, which has inferior spin performance in a sense. Actually, I tried it again this time, but I have used thick Rosena in the past. In that impression, I had a strong impression that it was a rubber with low rotational performance. On the other hand, I remember that the shot feeling was certainly the shot feeling of the spring sponge, and the feel was not bad.

Rozena weight and paste

Rosena weighed 48 g. Butterfly’s rubber seems to basically correlate with sponge hardness, and the Tenergy FX series has softer sponge hardness and lighter weight. The sponge hardness is 35, which is a little softer than Tenergy, so 48 g is a heavy weight.

    High Tension rubber
・Sponge thickness: thick (1.9 mm), extra thickness (2.1 mm)
・Spin: 10.80
・Speed: 13.00
・Sponge stiffness: 35
・5,000 yen + tax (10 to 20% discount available at table tennis stores)
・69 g (before cut) → 48 g (after cut)

Three features of Rozena

Recently, I mainly use Tenergy rubber for the back, so I could use it with a good feeling rather than a very strange feeling. To be honest, I couldn’t deny the lack of power, but I still felt that it was easier to handle than the Tenergy series and Tenergy FX series! It was a level that I was wondering whether to use it in the main. I think it’s a shield-like rubber for sticking rather than using it as a weapon. If you want to attack, it’s like playing a little at the counter or block using the opponent’s ball to meet.
The current candidates for back rubber were Tenergy 05 and Rakza X. Compared to Rakza X, Rakza X tends to be heavier due to individual differences, so it costs around 500 yen, but I felt that I liked Rosena better. Of course, the quality of loop drive and push is higher than that of Rakza X and Tenergy 05, but I think Rosena is better in terms of total balance and ease of handling.

Anyway, various techniques are easy to do!

To be honest, I didn’t expect it so far, but I didn’t have any difficult technology. I felt like I was holding the ball a little too much, but it was very easy to do loop drive, speed drive, block, counter, stop. I personally found it easy to do with blocks, which was pretty easy to do! I felt the flexibility to enter if I hit it. There was a feeling that the entire rubber absorbed the power of the opponent’s ball. The only thing I felt was that when I tried to take the ball with just the seat, it felt like a slip, and I felt that this part was difficult to handle. I felt that it was a rubber that was firmly bitten into the sponge and hit.

The rally of the upper rotation gives you a feeling of spring sponge!

At the time of the rally of the upper rotation, by playing while driving and biting while biting in, it was possible to reapply the upper rotation and it felt like it would fit on the opponent’s court, so it was a good impression. With Tenergy 05, I feel like I’m going over or going to the net unless I drive more. It is Tenergy 05 that makes it easy to feel the hardness, and if you just hit it, it will be difficult to exert power and you can only get a good ball by flying while rotating firmly. On the other hand, Rosena fits well just by playing, and it may be said that there is a part that seems to be Tenergy 64 or Tenergy 80. I don’t have any definite information about the grain shape of the sheet, but I think it’s a sheet that is closer to 64 or 80. Therefore, it was easy to hit a ball that accelerates while drawing an arc with less energy in the upper rotation rally. I think this arc and acceleration are like spring sponges. I think that being able to put out such a ball is a characteristic of Rosena and a good point.

Bring the ball with good bite!

I think the grain shape of the sheet is close to 64 or 80, but the sponge is a little soft and grips the ball very well. I felt that it was close to Tenergy 05. Therefore, it was easy to hit the loop drive. However, I felt the need to hit while considering the flight distance to some extent because it does not sink completely by rotation, not the feeling that anything can be entered by rotating and flying. This area seems to have different tastes, but I am convinced that it is a spring sponge rubber suitable for beginners and intermediates. I think that the good points of Tenergy 05 and Tenergy 80 (because katsuo000 has never used Tenergy 64) and the desired parts coexist in a well-balanced manner. From this Rosena, I felt that it was a rubber that could be changed to each tenergy in order to use my own characteristics and frequently used techniques as weapons. On the other hand, I certainly felt disappointed when I wanted the features of Tenergy 05 and the features of Tenergy 64 as they were. Since it is a balanced type, Tenergy 80 may be the closest. I think it is difficult to obtain sharp performance. It’s a very well-balanced rubber, and I thought it could be recommended for Penholder Drive who have to do anything.

Each technics review


Light hit
You have a ball. I felt that it had a lot of spheres compared to Dignics 05.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It’s not particularly difficult to do, but I felt like I was going too far to the foreside because I had a ball. Is this used to it? Since the amount of rotation is the first time when it is bitten in, I felt that it was easy to apply rotation in the upper rotation rally and it could be dropped by rotation. Is this a place like a spring sponge?


Light hit
It was very easy to do. It was a good impression to have a ball and the rubber absorbs it even if you push it unreasonably, so even if you push it forcibly, it will enter quite a bit. I think this is the one you can count on in the game.

Drive on long balls and rallies
Since the backhand is not good at my arm and footwork, the hitting point is easy to move back and forth and it is unstable, but Rosena was very nice with the rubber that absorbs the front and back of the hitting point. The quality may be low, but I was happy that I could get it if I tried to put it in anyway. Also, he was very easy to drive in front of the top of the front team and did not feel bad.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
Since it has the same ball as Tenergy 05 and Tenergy 05 FX, the ball quality is low, but it feels easy to control. I think that it is a rubber that is easy to make a loop drive of such a connection that connects firmly and attacks the next ball.

Speed drive against back spin
It was easy to drive speed because it was good to bite to some extent. Although I can’t expect the ball to sink as much as the Tenergy 05FX, it was a rubber that made me feel like I was hitting it.

It was the block that I felt was the best compared to Tenergy 05 and Tenergy 05 FX. It was very easy to do and I was impressed. I think that the sponge is hard and the sheet is insensitive to the rotation of the other party in a good way.

Counter drive
I was impressed by the feeling that the counter was stable enough even if I caught the front of the top a little like meat. I think that it is a rubber that is a little difficult to drop by rotation, so on the contrary, I think that it is a rubber that has a meat-like way of hitting. I don’t think that the back is counter-driven by taking the plunge, so I felt that it was a rubber that fits the back in that sense as well.

The only thing I found difficult was the stop. It’s easy to play, so if you don’t touch the ball in a short time, I feel that it’s easy to receive the rotation of the opponent directly.

Like the stop, it was difficult to rotate. It was a little difficult to bite in too well and overshoot, or slip on the contrary and make a net mistake.

It was easy to give and easy to do. However, I felt that it was not very powerful. If you are looking for power, it will be the Tenergy series.

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Tenergy 80 FX > Rozena > Evolution MX-P

 Tenergy 80 > Rozena > Tenergy 05

Ease of handling
 Rasanter R48 > Rozena> Rakza X


Review Quantum X Pro


German table tennis equipment maker, TIBHAR is a maker contracted by Belarusian living legend Vladimir Samsonov (Vladimir Samsonov). Speaking of Belarusian Samsonov, he is a 44-year-old European “giant” who is still active. In his 40s, he is still active and features a very stable backhand and a tall and strong forehand drive, and his play style is centered on blocks and counters. He has been ranked number one in the world rankings many times in the past and is still capable of winning top prizes in European competitions. TIBHAR is a German manufacturer, and although it is a little less well known in Japan, it can be said that it has a solid presence in Europe to support athletes. Recently, it seems that Tazoe Hibiki, who belongs to Okayama Rivets, has a contract.

The rubber reviewed on this page will be Tibhar’s Quantum X Pro. It is a rubber sold in the fall of 2020, and it is said that it is sold targeting intermediate to advanced users. The price will be 5,500 yen + tax, which is 500 yen cheaper than the regular price of 6,000 yen + tax of the Evolution series, which is the signboard! This Quantum X Pro is the only one sold in Japan, but when I looked at the English catalog on Mr. Tibhar’s homepage, there were two other types of rubber with the title Quantum. Please refer to the published performance values for comparison, including those.
This Quantum X Pro seems to be selling very well, and the advertising phrase is “You can tell by hitting it!”. Even recently, the former Dutch national team, the private coach of champion Jun Mizutani, and now the general manager of the Asian region, G.C. Forster, are also being advertised on SNS! When I heard the promotion, “You can understand it by hitting it!”, I imagined that katsuo000 would be “similar to Tenergy 05?” In fact, Tibhar’s top player rubber, Evolution MX-P, is a rubber that has a shot feel that is quite similar to Tenergy 05. Then, I would like to write about the difference between MX-P and Quantum! In addition, Quantum means “quantum”, and there is a word “quantum dot” as a chemical material. I don’t think the rubber contains quantum dots, but I think it’s a sound that makes you feel that it is manufactured with the latest technology.

Published performance value

I am sorry that it is very difficult to understand. Because the speed and spin performance of Evolution MX-P and Evolution MX-S are the same as those of the English catalog Quantum X Pro. Only Evolution MX-P is plotted. In the above figure, Quantum X Pro is from the Japanese catalog.

Some sites use expressions like “10+”, but we have adopted the ones that are evaluated by three-digit numbers. It seems that the actual spin performance is higher for soft rubber. Around this time, I would like to actually try it out and check it.

The trouble this time was that the performance values were different between the Japanese homepage and the English pamphlet. Around here, I think that the intention of the manufacturer is reflected, isn’t it?. Aside from the performance values, we will quantify the impression that katsuo000 felt and update the rubber comparison, so I would be grateful if you could refer to it!

Quantum X Pro sticking and weight

Quantum X Pro
    Spin type tension OFF
・Sponge Thickness: 1.8/2.0/max mm
・Speed: 115 (125)
・Spin: 115 (120)
・Control: 95 (80)
・Sponge stiffness: 47.5
・5,500 yen + tax
・72 g (before cut) → 50 g (after cut)

It’s heavier than I expected. Still, when I held the racket, I didn’t feel the weight.

Three features of Quantum X Pro

It looks like Tenergy 05!

After all, katsuo000 is like Tenergy 05 for Quantum X Pro! I thought. When I used it in the foreground, it felt softer than the Evolution MX-P, which had almost the same hardness, and I felt that it could be easily rotated with a weak force! In terms of image, the shot feeling is close to that of Tenergy 05, and the amount of rotation of the ball is close to that of Tenergy 80. However, both Quantum X Pro and Evo MX-P are non-rubbers similar to Tena 05. Tena 05 does not bend the racket and the ball collides, but it can fly firmly while taking the plunge to rotate just by pulling. This area is truly unique performance, and I think it is the charm of Tena 05 used by top players. Tena 05 bites in, but it’s not a dangerous rubber that reaches the racket board, isn’t it? On the other hand, I think that it is Tiber’s rubber that gets speed and flies by firmly biting the rubber and hitting the board with a click. As a result, Tena 05 runs a drive but is difficult to use, while TIBHAR’s rubber is easy to handle, both are easy to block and meet, but instead make you feel a little low rotation amount.

The next thing to worry about is how the Quantum X Pro and the Evolution MX-P differ. There are three differences that katsuo000 thinks about.

Differences between Quantum X Pro and Evolution MX-P
1. Difference between sponge thickness and bite
2. Difference in sheet hardness
3. Slippery

Difference between sponge thickness and bite
As is clear from the catalog, there is no Quantum X Pro and Evolution MX-P with the same sponge thickness. Quantum X Pro is a type of rubber with a thin sheet and a thick sponge, which is often found in German rubber in recent years, and a rubber with a sponge thickness of Max (thicker than 2.1 mm) is on sale. On the other hand, the Evolution MX-P is a little old, so the thickest one is 2.1 mm. Also, instead of using the same type of sponge, I thought that Quantum X Pro had a firmer feel and was easier to bite into. I imagine that if it is adopted for Evolution MX-P, it will be a harder sponge.

Difference in sheet hardness
I felt using it, but I felt that the Quantum X Pro was weaker than the Evolution MX-P because the sheet was thinner. Therefore, it is easy to handle and rotate, but I felt that it was also easily affected by the rotation of the opponent’s ball. The good side and the bad side are like the front and back of a coin, so it can’t be helped.

As for the first and second, Quantum X Pro felt slippery when touched with a sheet and sponge. The Evolution MX-P is a rubber for top players, so I don’t feel it slippery at all, but the Quantum X Pro is for intermediate and advanced players, so it is slippery. Even though it’s slippery, I feel that it’s okay to use it on the arm of katsuo000, which is at the level of participation in the All Japan Business Group. It may seem fatal to top players who cannot afford to make a single mistake, but I think it can be used as a weapon by intermediate players, including slipping.

Easy to hit down!

I felt that the ball went up very much. It’s pretty stable even with a backhand drive, and it’s good that both loop and speed drive are easy to do! Speaking of rubber that goes up, I think that Dignics 09C and Dignics 05 are, for example, but they will be over if you do not rotate firmly. Of course, the Dignics series has high rotation performance, so if you rotate it firmly, it will sink firmly and settle on the table, but the Quantum X Pro was just the right way to go up. The rubber that I felt close to was Tena 05, but I also thought that the arc line was a little lower than Tena 05.

There is also the amount of spin and it is easy to meet!

As I felt with the Evolution MX-P, the shot feeling is exactly Tena 05, but it was a rubber that was easy to play because it took a lot of rotation. German rubber, Fastarc G-1 and V> 15 Extra had a feeling that it was difficult to apply unless it was firmly inserted and then rotated, but that was not the case at all, and Quantum X Pro is Japan. It was a very well-balanced rubber that had a shot feeling close to that of a rubber made and was easy to meet. In particular, Meet may feel a little difficult with Tena 05, but I think it’s very easy to do with Quantum X Pro!

Each technics review


Light hit
I didn’t feel any discomfort. Is it an image that the amount of rotation is low and the flight distance is controlled by the plate of the racket rather than flying by rotation?

Drive on long balls and rallies
Compared to Dignics 05, I felt the ball was a little shallow. I also felt that the ball would not sink if I flew too much, so it would not be stable. However, the person who received it said that the ball has the power, so I think it was a heavy ball to be pushed!

Drive with open face
Sounds good! It has arrived at the board, but I like it. Imagine that some people dislike it.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
It took a good rotation and felt good. I felt that it was enough rotation even if I used it in the foreground!

Speed drive against back spin
It’s a good drive, but I felt that the amount of rotation was a little small. So I felt that it was easy to over-miss if I was careful.

I could do it, but it was easy to feel when I slipped. I felt it wasn’t good, but I think it would be great if I could use this slippery feeling as a weapon!

Counter drive
It was a little easier to bite in, and it was easily affected by the rotation of the other party. I think that the overwrite counter drive is easy to do because it takes a firm spin!

It stopped firmly. I didn’t feel like I was flying.

It was good to be able to make push that was firmly rotated. It was easy to make a chance at the counter! It’s speculation, but I imagine that Samsonov’s opinion will be reflected and it will be easier to do push and stop.

It was good to be able to cut it firmly. It was a good feeling!


Light hit
I felt that there were a few arcs and I was about to get caught on the net.

Drive on long balls and rallies
I felt stable when I swung from the bottom to the top, but when I tried to hit the speed drive, the rotation did not stop and over mistakes increased. This area is probably due to my low backhand skills.

Speed drive against back spin
It was very easy to do. The Lazanta series has a little less grip, so I like this grip! I felt that the amount of rotation was small.

Speed drive against back spin
I was quite stable and surprised. It was good!

It was easy to put in, but it slipped.

Counter drive
I was a little influenced, but I have a good ball holding, so if I overwrite it firmly, I can enter. It was good!

It was good. It didn’t even pop out.

It was easy to cut and make a chance. It was a very good feeling.

It was easy to make an arc and it was easy to do!

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Tenergy 80 > Quantum X Pro > Tenergy 64

Ease of spin
 Rasanter R48 > Quantum X Pro > Tenergy 80

 Tenergy 80 > Quantum X Pro > Tenergy 05

Review 5Q VIP


German table tennis equipment maker, TIBHAR is a maker contracted by Belarusian living legend Vladimir Samsonov (Vladimir Samsonov). Speaking of Belarusian Samsonov, he is a 44-year-old European “giant” who is still active. In his 40s, he is still active and features a very stable backhand and a tall and strong forehand drive, and his play style is centered on blocks and counters. He has been ranked number one in the world rankings in the past and still has the ability to win top prizes in European competitions. TIBHAR is a German manufacturer and has steadily become a manufacturer with a strong presence in Japan in recent years. In Europe, it can be said that it is a manufacturer with a solid presence that supports athletes. Recently, it seems that Tazoe Hibiki, who belongs to Okayama Rivets, has a contract.

The rubber reviewed on this page will be Tibhar’s 5Q VIP. It is a rubber that is not well recognized, and it is not a rubber that has been specially taken up by Mr. Table Tennis Kingdom. As katsuo000, it was a fairly expensive rubber, so I was curious and bought it. This 5Q VIP also has a predecessor rubber called 5Q. The 5Q slogans are “grab the ball deeply” and “throw the ball back with your hand”. The published performance value is lower than the Evolution series, which is a signboard rubber, but it can be said that it is an easy-to-use rubber series. 5Q VIP, which is an evolved version of 5Q, is a very expensive rubber of TIBHAR, and it costs 7,200 yen + tax. Among the top players, it seems that Chinese Taipei’s Chen Chien-an is using it for his backhand. I tried it while expecting what kind of high rotation performance and ease of handling would satisfy the use of top players.

Published performance value

I am sorry that it is very difficult to understand. Because the speed and spin performance of Evolution MX-P and Evolution MX-S are the same as those of the English catalog Quantum X Pro. Only Evolution MX-P is plotted. In the above figure, Quantum X Pro is from the Japanese catalog.

Some sites use expressions like “10+”, but we have adopted the ones that are evaluated by three-digit numbers. It seems that the actual spin performance is higher for soft rubber. 5Q VIP is also a rubber that is said to have higher rotation performance than speed.

5Q VIP sticking and weight

The rubber was not a square, but a diamond-shaped rubber. This was surprising and impressive. It was heavy for its hardness, wasn’t it?

    Spin type tension OFF
・Sponge Thickness: 1.7/1.9/2.1 mm
・Speed: 110
・Spin: 118
・Control: 90
・Sponge stiffness: 45
・7,200 yen + tax
・72 g (before cut) → 50 g (after cut)

3 features of 5Q VIP

It wasn’t surprising performance, but it was a very good rubber for professionals. Rubbers of various intermediate hardnesses are on sale, but I think that there are quite a few rubbers that are easy to handle, even though the quality of the ball that can be passed even at the top player level can be obtained. I think it’s okay to review it!

The quality of the ball is high though it is soft!

The 5Q VIP is still soft, but I thought the ball was of very high quality. There was no discomfort in the serve and drive when used in the fore, and although the loop drive was deep, I felt that it was very easy to handle because I could hit a drive with a low arc. I felt that I needed to get used to the softness during the rally of the upper rotation, and since it was not a rubber whose arch line went up, there were more net mistakes than I expected. I had the impression that if it was soft, it would bounce on its own, but on the contrary, this rubber is soft and fits well, and even if you take the plunge, the flight distance is not long, so I felt that it was easy to settle! Compared to Rhyzer Pro 45, which has a medium hardness and the same sponge hardness, it does not feel like a soft rubber because the sheet is hard, but Tenergy 05 and Tenergy 05 FX. I felt the hardness, shot feeling and ball quality like between.

Easy to slow down!

Especially when I used it in the foreground, I felt it was very easy to adjust. There was certainly a feeling of hitting with the image of grabbing and releasing the ball, and I felt that there was a control system that could hit a slow, low-quality drive like a loop drive even in an upturn rally. On the other hand, because it is soft, it is easy to hit the speed drive, and it is exactly the performance that the expert likes!

It can be used even with a backhand!

What impressed me especially was the backhand drive against the downward rotation, and it was almost impossible to rub it up by hitting it. Since you can drive firmly, I think that the number of things whose reason for making a mistake is unclear will be drastically reduced. Also, even if I couldn’t drive with the backhand from the middle team, it was easy to put the ball on and fly, and he told me if there is such a way to use it. When you hear that you grab the ball and release it, you tend to imagine holding the ball when you drive, but it is expensive not only for driving but also for push and flick, fish and backhand from the middle team. He taught me that the ball holding makes me feel like I have a ball, and that the ball holding becomes easy to handle, and it is highly easy to handle even in the backhand.

Each technics review


Light hit
I didn’t feel any discomfort.

Drive on long balls and rallies
I felt that it was difficult to get a long distance, but personally I prefer rubber that is hard to get a long distance to. Therefore, I was very impressed with the fact that it was able to move freely even in the rally of the upper rotation.

Drive with open face
There was a feeling that it would bite in a little too much, but even if it bite in, it felt like it had a ball, so it was easy to control. The speed may be a little slow.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
The high quality low loop drive was very easy to do! This is a weapon, isn’t it?

Speed drive against back spin
I felt that the amount of rotation was a little small because it was soft.

Since it is soft, meat balls such as smashes are easy to block, but drives with a lot of rotation are a little more susceptible to rotation.

Counter drive
As mentioned above, it was easily affected by rotation.

It was easy to stop because it had a ball. I don’t feel like it’s cut.

It was a little slippery.

It was good to be able to cut it firmly. It was a good feeling!


Light hit
It was easy to draw an arc. Even if the start was delayed, I felt like I was in time because I had the ball.

Drive on long balls and rallies
The quality of the sphere seemed a bit low, but it was very controllable and easy to handle.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
It was easy to do. The outer ZLC also has this ball, so I thought it would be good for beginners and intermediate rubber. Although the price is a little high.

Speed drive against back spin
It wasn’t too bouncing, so it was settled. Is it a little slow?

It was easy to put in a meat type ball, but it was easily affected by rotation.

Counter drive
It was a little affected, so it wasn’t stable unless I put it in with my body.

It was easy to stop. It didn’t feel like bouncing because it was soft. This area was also a good impression.

It’s easy to enter low. I don’t think it has expired.

It’s hard to bounce, so I was able to take the plunge.

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Tenergy 80 >5Q VIP > Tenergy 64

Ease of spin
 Tenergy 05 FX > 5Q VIP > Rasanter R48

 Tenergy 05 > 5Q VIP > Hurricane NEO III

Review Target Pro GT-H47


The rubber reviewed on this page is from the French table tennis maker cornilleau. In Japan, juic is the distributor. Although it is not a manufacturer with a strong presence in Japan, Cornilleau’s racket rubber is not bad at all. Cornilleau was founded in 1946 and is a historic manufacturer that began developing competitive rubber and rackets in 2009 under former world champion Jean-Philippe Gatien (France). Currently, they have contracts with different manufacturers, but the world’s top fantasista Simon Gauzy (France) and the fastest two-handed Hugo Calderano (Brazil) have used Conyor’s equipment in the past. It seems that it was. For example, Conyor’s 9-plywood Gatien Conquest (Gatien Conquest, thickness 6.0 mm, 97 ± 5 g) and Target Pro series rubber to be reviewed this time are said to be mentioned. Also, I remember seeing an article in the World Table Tennis Kingdom that a business team belonging to the Japan League got a good impression of Cornilleau’s racket and rubber in the past. Even in table tennis navigation, there are some reviews that it has exceeded the monster rubber Tenergy, and I think that it is a rubber with very high expectations.
In addition, this Target Pro series is said to be manufactured by the technology of Michelin, a tire maker famous for restaurant ratings.

Published performance value

By the summer of 2020, there are four Target Pro series. This time katsuo000 is trying out X51 and H47. The last number is sponge hardness, and you can choose from four types of hardness. It is very easy to understand that the speed performance changes depending on the difference in sponge hardness.
The rubber that katsuo000 is paying attention to is the Target Pro XD series that was posted together. This Target Pro XD series is a rubber that has just recently been released. For katsuo000, I am interested in Target Pro XD 52.5, which seems to have the highest hardness. I would like to review it if it can be done within the year.

Target Pro GT-H47 sticking and weight

It’s a normal weight! It’s moderately soft to the touch and seems to be quite easy to handle. I think it’s a high-end rubber-like weight.

Target Pro GT-H47
    Made in Germany
・Sponge Thickness: 2.0 mm, MAX
・Speed: 15.5
・Spin: 17.0
・Sponge stiffness: MH (47)
・6,800 yen + tax
・70 g 'before cut) → 47 g (after cut)

Three features of Target Pro GT-H47

Super honor student rubber without socks! A rubber just like Tenergy!

I felt the goodness of the first-class product in terms of ball bite, control, stability, spin performance, and speed performance! The ball has a good hold for its hardness, and it can be used well in the back! The arch line is a little low and tends to be a straight ball, and I felt that it was an aggressive rubber in a sense of stability. If you use it in the foreground, you can get a strong amount of rotation and withstand a strong impact, but on the other hand, it has a sufficient amount of rotation and speed even in the back, and it is easy to hit meat, so it is a very smooth rubber! If you are interested, why don’t you try it once.

Push, the stop stops firmly! Easy to do counter drive! Just an honor student!

On the contrary, when the hardness is soft, it is easy to reach the racket plate and it is easy to bounce. As a result, it may be difficult to make a tsutsuki or stop, but this Target Pro GT-H47 was very easy to make a tsutsuki or stop. Perhaps the sheet is strong, and the sponge is designed so that it is difficult to bite into a certain force or less, and it is easy to bite into a certain force or more. Therefore, if anything, it is a rubber that is stronger against the rally of the upper rotation than the downward rotation hit, and although it stops suddenly on the receive table, it is a rubber that gives a sense of stability and the amount of rotation as it becomes a rally. I felt that! I think it is a characteristic required for modern table tennis! It’s just an honor student rubber!

A rubber rally with a sense of stability!

Rather than a strong amount of rotation, I think that it is a rubber that competes with stability, ease of counter drive, and rally meetings! I don’t think it’s a rubber that competes with the power and habit of one shot. Compared to Tenergy 05, I feel that the amount of rotation is higher in Tenergy, but it is easy to handle, difficult to be affected by rotation, easy to counter drive, meet and smash, etc. I think that it is a rubber that can be handled in the same category as Tenergy 05! GT-H47 seems to be cheaper and has a longer life than Tenergy, so if you have no reason to have Tenergy 05 and you are choosing Tenergy, I recommend you to try GT-H47 once. increase.

Each technics review


Light hit
The impression was that it was neither too hard nor too soft.

Drive on long balls and rallies
The bite is good. I didn’t feel like falling. On the other hand, I felt that the amount of rotation was a little insufficient in the foreground. Since the sponge is easy to bite into = soft, there was a part where people who used adhesive rubber for the fore felt that it was a little too soft and the amount of rotation was weak.

Drive with open face
I didn’t feel like hitting the racket board, and I was able to fly while spinning, which was a very good impression. This part may be due to the sponge itself, not the hardness of the rubber. This part is a very important factor when hitting a speed drive, and I think that the feeling of falling tends to become stronger when it reaches the racket. Although it is a part of personal feeling, I would appreciate it if you could refer to it.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
I felt that the loop drive could be released with the minimum amount of rotation and high quality. Therefore, I felt that it could be used for the foreground.

Speed drive against back spin
It was very easy to do! Although it bites well, it does not reach the racket board, and there is a feeling that it can be rotated firmly and there was a sense of stability.

Curve / shoot drive
It wasn’t that hard rubber, so it wasn’t harsh, but I was able to hit it with a curve / shoot. I thought that the lack of this good balance was like this rubber.

It was easy to do. For a strong drive, it felt like it was spinning, but overall it was easy to do. This was also a good feeling.

Counter drive
I’m glad that the overwrite counter drive was easy to do.

It was easy to stop. I didn’t feel like I was flying with Poyon.

I felt that I had a long time holding the ball because I could grip it firmly. It was easy to control. I think it will expire.

It was good to be able to cut it firmly. I felt that the minimum amount of rotation could be obtained.


Light hit
I didn’t feel the hardness.

Drive on long balls and rallies
Even if I hit it quickly, it took a drive without permission and it was a speed drive, but it was stable. It’s a good rubber!

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
I felt that there were many net mistakes, probably because the arc line was a little low. It may be an arm problem.

Speed drive against back spin
This was easy to do on the contrary. It may be because it tends to be a meat type speed drive.

It was easy to do because it wasn’t affected by the rotation so much, even though it bite into it.

It was easy to do.

It was good that this was also low. I also felt that I had a ball.

It was very easy to do. I was able to do Chiquita with confidence.

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Target Pro GT-X51 ≧ Tenergy 05 > Tenergy 80 > Target Pro GT-H47 > Tenergy 64

Ball holding
 Tenergy 05 ≧ Target Pro GT-H47 > Tenergy 80
 Tenergy 05 > Target Pro GT-X51 > Tenergy 05 Hard

 Dignics 05 > Tenergy 80 ≧ Target Pro GT-H47 > Tenergy 05
 Dignics 05 > Target Pro GT-X51 ≧ Tenergy 05 Hard > Tenergy 05

Review Target Pro GT-X51


The rubber reviewed on this page is from the French table tennis maker cornilleau. In Japan, juic is the distributor. Although it is not a manufacturer with a strong presence in Japan, Cornilleau’s racket rubber is not bad at all. Cornilleau was founded in 1946 and is a historic manufacturer that began developing competitive rubber and rackets in 2009 under former world champion Jean-Philippe Gatien (France). Currently, they have contracts with different manufacturers, but the world’s top fantasista Simon Gauzy (France) and the fastest two-handed Hugo Calderano (Brazil) have used Conyor’s equipment in the past. It seems that it was. For example, Conyor’s 9-plywood Gatien Conquest (Gatien Conquest, thickness 6.0 mm, 97 ± 5 g) and Target Pro series rubber to be reviewed this time are said to be mentioned. Also, I remember seeing an article in the World Table Tennis Kingdom that a business team belonging to the Japan League got a good impression of Cornilleau’s racket and rubber in the past. Even in table tennis navigation, there are some reviews that it has exceeded the monster rubber Tenergy, and I think that it is a rubber with very high expectations.
It is said that this Target Pro series is manufactured by the technology of Michelin, a tire maker famous for its restaurant rating.

Published performance value

By the summer of 2020, there are four Target Pro series. This time katsuo000 is trying out X51 and H47. The last number is sponge hardness, and you can choose from four types of hardness. It is very easy to understand that the speed performance changes depending on the difference in sponge hardness.
The rubber that katsuo000 is paying attention to is the Target Pro XD series that was posted together. This Target Pro XD series is a rubber that was recently launched (September 2020). For katsuo000, I am interested in Target Pro XD 52.5, which seems to have the highest hardness. I would like to review it if it can be done by the end of the year! I expect Max to be a pretty good rubber!

Target Pro GT-X51 sticking and weight

The Target Pro GT-X51 feels like it’s packed! Still less than 50 g. I have a very high balance feeling!

Target Pro GT-X51
    Made in Germany
・Sponge Thickness: 2.0 mm, MAX
・Speed: 16.0
・Spin: 17.0
・Sponge stiffness: H (51)
・6,800 yen + tax
・72 g (before cut) → 49 g (after cut)

Three features of Target Pro GT-X51

A rubber that adds speed and power to a sense of stability!

Target Pro GT-X51 inherits the stability of GT-H47 and feels more speed performance and power! What I especially felt the feature was the improvement of speed performance as shown in the published performance value! Of course, the rubber is harder to the touch when the GT-X51 is touched than the GT-H47, but the bite is very good like the GT-H47, and it is easier to handle than the rubber made in Germany with a hardness of 50 ° or more by other manufacturers. It stood out! Also, hard rubber tends to require impact to hit speed drive, and it tends to be a rubber that emphasizes rotation, but GT-X51 was hard but speed drive was easy to hit! I felt that the speed performance of GT-X51 was overwhelmingly higher than that of GT-H47, and the spin performance was slightly improved because the rubber was harder.

Just like the GT-H47, Tsuttsuki and the stop stop firmly! Easy to do counter drive!

Inheriting the features of GT-H47, GT-X51 also stopped at Tsuttsuki and stopped, and I felt that counter drive was easy to do! It’s very nice!

A rubber that competes with speed and power for a sense of stability!

I think the GT-X51 is a rubber that inherits the stability of the GT-H47 and competes with even greater speed and power! Compared to the high-end rubber of other manufacturers, I felt that the speed performance was characteristic, and it was a rubber like the overseas version Tenergy 80 (Tenergy 80) or the slightly hardened Tenergy 80 hard (?).

Each technics review


Light hit
It doesn’t feel hard at all in the fore hand.

Drive on long balls and rallies
Like the GT-H47, it bite well and I didn’t feel it falling. Also, I think it makes up for the lack of rotation that I felt with the GT-H47. It’s a good rubber!

Drive with open face
Like the GT-H47, I didn’t feel like hitting the racket board, and I was very impressed with the fact that I could fly while spinning. I think this feature makes it easier to hit the speed drive.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
The loop drive was also good in rotation and quality. Therefore, I felt that it could be used for the foreground.

Speed drive against back spin
It was very easy to do! Normally, I think it’s difficult to get hard, but it was easier than I imagined.

Curve / shoot drive
Because I don’t feel the hardness, there is no excitement.

It was easy to do. Overall it was easy to do. This was also a good feeling.

Counter drive
I’m glad that the overwrite counter drive was easy to do.

It was easy to stop. I didn’t feel like I was flying with Poyon.

I felt that I had a long time holding the ball because I could grip it firmly. It was easy to control. It has expired.

It was good to be able to cut it firmly. I felt that a sufficient amount of rotation could be obtained with the fore.


Light hit
I didn’t feel that much hardness in the back.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It was stable even if I hit it quickly. However, since it is still hard, the back sometimes had a hardness and a drop due to insufficient impact. I think you can make up for it with enough practice.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
The arc line is low, but I was able to apply enough rotation.

Speed drive against back spin
I was quite surprised to see this. However, there is no weight.

It was easy to do because it wasn’t affected by the rotation so much, even though it bite into it.

It was easy to do.

It was good that this was also low. I felt that I had a ball and it was easy to cut.

It was very easy to do. I was able to do Chiquita with confidence.

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Dignics 05 > Tenergy 05 Hard > Target Pro GT-X51 ≧ Tenergy 05 > Tenergy 80

Ball holding
 Tenergy 05 ≧ Target Pro GT-H47 > Tenergy 80
 Tenergy 05 > Target Pro GT-X51 > Tenergy 05 Hard

 Dignics 05 > Tenergy 80 ≧ Target Pro GT-H47 > Tenergy 05
 Dignics 05 > Target Pro GT-X51 ≧ Tenergy 05 Hard > Tenergy 05


Review Rhyzer Pro 45


Rhyzer Pro 45 is a Joola rubber, which seems to be a softened rubber of the Rhyzer Pro 50 that we have already reviewed. Both are located on Joola’s high-end rubber. In Japan, Joola may be a more famous manufacturer of large ball table tennis. However, Joola’s equipment is often mentioned as reading the World Table Tennis Kingdom. It probably reflects the fact that there are many good products. The catch phrase for the Rhyzer Pro 50 was a “sharp, pointed” rubber, but as the name implies, it was a heavyweight rubber with a 50 ° hard sponge. As for the shot feeling, it was close to Tenergy 05 Hard, it was a little easier to meet, and although the rotation performance was inferior, it was a very high performance rubber. In the Rhyzer series, Rhyzer 48 (riser 48), Rhyzer 43 (riser 43) and soft rubber, and Rhyzer Pro 45 (riser pro 45) that I tried this time are on sale. The Rhyzer Pro 50 felt very good, so I also tried the Rhyzer Pro 45 with great expectations.

Published performance value

The Rhyzer Pro 45 is slower than the Rhyzer Pro 50, but it has the same spin performance and is a very high rubber. The price is 6,800 yen + tax, which is a little high.

Rhyzer Pro 45 sticking and weight

Rhyzer Pro 45
    Spin tension
    Made in Germany
・Sponge Thickness: 2.0 mm, Max
・Speed: 8.5
・Spin: 9
・Category: Professional
・Sponge stiffness: Midium Hard
・6,800 + tax
・68 g (before cut) → 48 g (after cut)

The shot feeling was softer than I imagined, and I couldn’t handle it honestly.

Three features of Rhyzer Pro 45

The sponge is soft and the sheet is hard!

There may be individual differences, but it was a fairly soft rubber. The sponge is soft, but the sheet is stiff, and I definitely felt that it was a top specification. I found out at the stage of hitting the curtain, but I felt that it would not rotate unless I put it in the rubber and sponge. When I was able to bite it in well, it took a lot of rotation to feel good!

Blocks and counters are pretty easy to do!

Because the seat is hard, the blocks and counters were very easy to do. It’s easy to use a meat counter instead of a rotating counter! It felt pretty good and I was surprised! You can take it without considering the influence of rotation too much. I think it is a characteristic of rubber that is soft and the sheet is hard.

European type soft tension high performance rubber

I haven’t compared the soft tension so much, but I felt that it was a very high-performance rubber considering the rotation performance and the strength to compete with the opponent’s ball. I think there are soft tension rubbers such as Vega Euro, Omega VII Euro, and Tenergy 05 FX. Among them, the Rhyzer Pro 45 has a hard sheet, and I felt that it was different from other soft tension rubbers.

Each technics review


Light hit
I didn’t feel any discomfort. Because it is soft, I felt that it had a ball.

Drive on long balls and rallies
I felt that it wasn’t spinning too much. If you don’t bite it firmly, it won’t rotate! However, it was very easy to control. Especially when used in the forehand, the control was very good.

Drive with open face
Since the seat is strong, I couldn’t play it because of the hardness of the blade, no matter how strong it was. It’s a very strong rubber.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
It was difficult. Because the sponge is soft, it was difficult to slip when trying to catch it thinly, or to hit it too thick and over.

Speed drive against back spin
I think this is familiar, but it was very good. Speed drive is easy to hit!

Curve / shoot drive
It is necessary to dig in a lot to apply rotation, so I was impressed with the curve drive and shoot drive when it went down.

It was very easy to do. The sponge is soft and the sheet is hard, so there were fewer net mistakes than I expected.

It’s easy to stop, but when I tried to hit it with a sheet, the sponge was too soft and slipped several times.

It’s not inseparable, but I felt it was easy to skip when trying to cut it.

I felt that the rotation was less than I expected.


Light hit
I felt the ball holding.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It wasn’t bad. It was very easy to control, but I felt the ball didn’t sink.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
It was difficult. I couldn’t handle it.

Speed drive against back spin
I think it’s easy to hit, but I think it takes some getting used to.

It was easy to do. It was also a very good impression that the sheet was hard. It is recommended to use it in the back for blocking.

Counter drive
The meat counter in the back was good. If you block it, it is more likely to be affected by rotation, so I felt that it would be better to apply some force to the ball by yourself, such as a meet or a drive.

It was easy to do, but I slipped a lot. You need to get used to it.

I slipped it.

It was harder than I expected. I felt that it was too soft to rotate and it was difficult to draw an arc.

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Rhyzer Pro 50 ≧ Rhyzer Pro 45 > Bryce Highspeed

 Dignics 05 > Rhyzer Pro 45 > Tenergy 05