
Review Dignics 64


Dignics 64 is the most specialized speed performance in Butterfly’s high-end rubber series, Diginics series. The target layer of Dignics 64 is the layer that uses Tenergy 64, and it seems that the intention is to propose Dignics 64 if you want more speed and rotation.
The reason why katsuo000 paid attention to Dignics 64 is that Zhang Jike ZLC (Zhang Jike ZLC) and Dignics 64 were introduced on the Butterfly homepage as being compatible. The following is reprinted from the special page of Butterfly.

Also, katsuo000 is ashamed to never use Tenergy 64. I’ve used Bryce Highspeed, which is more specialized in speed, but I wondered if Tenergy 64 is a rubber similar to Blythe Highspeed, and I wasn’t even thinking about hitting it. .. I have repeatedly praised Dignics 05 as good on this blog, but I tried to use it to find out how it compares to other Dignics.

Comparison of published performance values

As you can see from the performance, Dignics 64 is a rubber with spin performance higher than Rozena and high speed performance next to Blythe High Speed. The speed performance is the second fastest among the butterfly rubbers after Bryce High Speed, so you can see that it is an overwhelmingly speed-based rubber.

Spring Sponge X and Dignics series seats

The Spring Sponge X used in the Dignics series is said to be an evolved version of the Spring Sponge used in the Tenergy series. The spring sponge is a closed-cell sponge, and it is a butterfly original technology that cannot be manufactured by other rubber manufacturers. Spring sponge X is made by making the closed cells of the spring sponge finer while maintaining independence. As a result, it seems that Spring Sponge X is 14% easier to deform than Spring Sponge, and the repulsive force is improved by 3%.
Speaking of the spring sponge of the Tenergy series, the orange sponge is characteristic, but the spring sponge X of the Dignics series is characterized by the red color that can be said to be crimson, and you can tell at a glance that it is the Dignics series. By the way, sponges of similar color are from other manufacturers, and they are very similar in color to the sponge of THIBAR’s Evolution series.

It is also introduced that the surface strength and ball holding have been improved. Regarding ball holding, it is introduced that the counter and Chiquita caught on the seat are more stable. In addition, although it is strong, Mizutani also mentioned that it took longer to replace the rubber. Certainly, it takes longer for the sheet to turn white than the Tenergy series, and if the storage conditions are good, the sheet will not deteriorate for nearly a year. Considering the rubber as a whole, the tension of the spring sponge X seems to loosen, so I feel that the state changes from moment to moment.
The seats of the Dignics series have a stronger transparency, but it seems that they use strong seats that are close to the cloudy seats made in Germany, so I feel that Chiquita and counters are extremely easy to do.

Dignics 64 sticking and weight

Dignics 64
   High tension rubber
   Spring sponge X
・Sponge Thickness: Thick (1.9 mm), Extra thick (2.1 mm)
・Speed: 14
・Spin: 11
・Sponge stiffness: 40
・9,800 yen + tax
・67 g (before cut) → 45 g (after cut)

It’s thick and sticks, and 45 g is light. It will be a fairly light rubber in terms of weight.

Three features of Dignics 64

The features of the Dignik series, the hardness of the hard sheet, the ease of stopping, and the ease of counter-driving are apparent!

The shot feeling was more similar to that of Dignics 05 and Dignics 80 than I imagined. Although the Dignics 64 is a rubber with a characteristic of speed, I felt that it was easy to firmly fix the push and the stop like other Dignics 05 and Dignics 80. At Blythe High Speed, of course, the speed was fast, and I felt that it was a rubber that was easy to rotate, but it was quite difficult to stop and stop. However, I felt that the Dignics 64 is one of the few rubbers that speeds up even though the push and stops can be stopped low. Like other Dignics, it was a very reliable rubber that could firmly fix push and Stop.
In addition, the ease of counter drive, which has been acclaimed repeatedly in the Dignics series, was alive and well. It is not easily affected by the rotation of the other party. Dignics 09C may be different, but I think that Dignics 05, 80, 64 use the same sponge and the same material sheet, and the only difference is the grain shape of the sheet. Therefore, I thought that Digg 05, 80, 64, which use the same sheet material and the same sponge, have similar characteristics that appear from the sheet and sponge. I feel that the grain shape changes the shot feeling, especially the shot feeling when biting into it. Digg’s 05, 80, 64 may be quite close if the ball does not bite into the sponge. I think that the only counter drive is to bite into the sponge, but the ease of doing my counter drive seems to be whether the seat is hard or the seat is easily affected by rotation, so it is hard. I felt that the Dignics sheet, which is not easily affected by rotation, is easy to do. In other words, Dignics 64 was easy to counter drive.

The easiest to handle in the Dignics series! Hard to feel the hardness!

Although it is the content that the contract player of Butterfly is transmitted, Dignics 64 had a better bite than other Dignics. Therefore, I felt that Dignics 64 was clearly easier to handle than other Dignics. Especially meet, block and speed drive were very easy to do. In Dignics 05, the ball often falls due to insufficient impact, and you may make a mistake due to the hardness of the rubber before holding the ball. katsuo000 is conscious of the trunk to make up for the difficulty of Dignics 05, and is conscious of shaking by the rotation of the waist instead of shaking only by hand, but the fore and back are turned back by that amount. It’s easy to be late, but with Dignics 64, I could use it without worrying about it.

The fastest ball separation and fastest pitch in Dignics!

Dignics 09C is an adhesive rubber, and Dignics 05 is also a rubber that makes you feel the ball holding very much, so I felt that the ball release was slow. The slower the ball is released, the easier it is to spin and control, but the pitch is only a small difference, but it slows down. On the other hand, Dignics 64 was faster than any other Dignics! Therefore, if you feel the benefit of putting pressure on your opponent at the speed of leaving the ball, you should definitely recommend Dignics 64.

Each technics

Fore hand

Light hit
I didn’t feel any difference from other Dignics. However, I felt that I didn’t feel the tension of the rubber when I put it on.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It was very easy to speed drive and was straight. Even with Dignics 05, it is easy to hit a straight speed drive, but Dignics 64 was more stable.

Drive with open face
I felt that the ball was released a little faster. It may not be very suitable.

Top spin (loop) drive against back spin
It’s not difficult to do, but I felt that the amount of rotation was a little unsatisfactory.

Speed drive against back spin
I was a little worried about over mistakes, but I think it’s an arm problem.

It was easy to do. It will be difficult to rotate.

Counter drive
Counter drive was good.

Stop / push
It settled low. After all the amount of rotation is a little small.

Fore flick
It was easy to do. It’s softer than Dignics 05, so I felt like I could grip it firmly and hit it.

Back hand

Light hit
I felt the speed of leaving the ball a little. I also want to grip the back and hit it, and I also felt that it was a little difficult to do because I used outer carbon.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It’s not bad, but the flight distance is quite long, so I just wanted to speed drive and I got a lot of unreasonable hits.

Top spin (loop) drive against back spin
I made a few net mistakes, but I didn’t think it would be difficult.

Speed drive against back spin
I made a lot of mistakes due to my lack of skill, but it’s easy to do.

Curve / shoot drive
Chiquita was more powerful in the speed type.

It was easy to do.

Counter drive
I’m not good at it, but I feel that I can do it if I practice.

Stop / push
It was easy to do, but the amount of rotation is small.

It was easy to do. Dignics 05 is hard and the arc line is too high, so it is difficult to feel, but I think that some people may find Dignics 64 easier to do.

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Spin amount
Tenergy 05 > Dignic 64 ≧ Bryce Highspeed > Blue Storm Z1 Turbo

Bryce Highspeed > Dignics 64 ≧ Dignics 80 > Dignics 05


2022年 juic卓球用具カタログ


 juicの契約選手は、偉関 晴光選手ですね。そして、海外メーカーのラバーも取り扱っていて、有名なところでは、Dr. Neubauer(ドクトルノイバウアー)の変化系ラバー、cornilleau(コニヨール)のTarget Pro(ターゲットプロ)シリーズなども取り扱っています。

juicさんの電子カタログ: http://gigaplus.makeshop.jp/juic/juic220224/book/html5.html#page=1




Killer Extreme(キラーエクストリーム)


Tornado Supreme(トルネードスプリーム)


2022年 XIOM卓球用具カタログ




Jekyll & Hyde(ジキルとハイド)シリーズ

2 in 1 氷と炎の融合!


 XIOMのホームページには、あまり情報はないのですが、パンフレットには合計6種類のジキルとハイドシリーズのラバーが新発売されることが書いてあります。コンセプトはDignics 09C(ディグニクス09C)のキーフレーズ「粘着と弾みの両立」と似ていて、台上は止まるのに弾む、ということをコンセプトにしたラバーのようです。

Jekyll & Hyde H52.5



スピード: 13.5    
スピン: 15.5

Made in Germany
硬度: 52.5
価格: 6,500円 + 税


 自分が気になるのは、このH52.5でしょうか。粘着シートを組み合わせたということで、Omega VII China Ying(オメガVIIチャイナ影)とどのように異なるのか気になります。チャイナ影と比較すると硬度は柔らかく、回転性能もチャイナ影の方が上となる公表性能値になりますね。


Jekyll & Hyde X47.5



スピード: 14.5    
スピン: 14.0

Made in Germany
硬度: 47.5
価格: 7,000円 + 税


Jekyll & Hyde X50.0


Jekyll & Hyde V47.5



スピード: 13.5    
スピン: 14.0

カラーラバー: マゼンタ
Made in Germany
硬度: 52.5
価格: 6,500円 + 税


Jekyll & Hyde V52.5

Jekyll & Hyde Z52.5



スピード: 16.5    
スピン: 16.0

Made in Germany
硬度: 52.5
価格: 9,800円 + 税


 Omega VII Tour iシリーズと同様にプロモデルという立ち位置のラバーも発売されるようですね。値段は強気の9,800円+税。公表性能値も抜群に高いですが、値段がやや高すぎるのは覆せないように思います。

An Jaehyun TMXi(アン・ジェヒョンTMXi)

 安宰賢(アン・ジェヒョン)選手は世界選手権2019で、張本選手に土をつけた選手ですね。フォアに粘着ラバーをバックにエクシオンのオメガなどを使用しているようです。韓国の最近のトップ選手は中国選手を応用にフォアに粘着ラバーを使用する選手が増えましたが、このアンジェヒュン選手もフォアハンドのカウンタードライブが強烈な選手です。フットワーク能力が高くかなりオールフォアで動き回る選手ですね。もちろん、バックハンドもふれば強烈です。そんなアンジェヒュン選手が使用するモデルとして、TMX(トライメトリックス)というアクシリウムとセフィリウムとカーボンの3つを編み込んだ特殊素材カーボンをインナーに配したラケットの発売です。ブレード厚さは5.7 mmとInner Force Layer ZLC(インナーフォースレイヤーZLC)と同じ厚さで、近い打球感ではないかと想像しています。値段も同じくらいの価格ですね。

36.5 ALXi(36.5 ALXi)

 既に発売されている、36.5 ALXのインナーバージョンのラケットが、こちらの36.5 ALXiになりますね。ブレード厚さが5.7 mmということで、薄いです。アン・ジェヒョンTMXiとどう異なるのか、不明でこのあたり、是非メーカーさんから説明が戴きたいラケットです。


レビュー Target Pro XD-47.5(ターゲットプロXD-47.5)



 コニヨールは1946年に会社設立と歴史のあるメーカーで、2009年から元世界チャンピオン、Jean-Philippe Gatien(ジャン-フィリップ ガシアン、フランス)のもとで競技用のラバーとラケット開発を開始しました。現在では違うメーカーと契約していますが、世界ランキング上位のファンタジスタSimon Gauzy(シモン・ゴーズィー、フランス)選手や最速の両ハンドHugo Calderano(ユーゴ・カルデラノ、ブラジル)選手は過去にコニヨールの用具を使用していたそうです。そして代表的な用具は、例えば、コニヨールの9枚合板Gatien Conquest(ガシアンコンクエスト、板厚6.0 mm、97 ± 5 g)や今回レビューするTarget Pro(ターゲットプロ) シリーズのラバーなどがあげられます。また過去に日本リーグ所属の実業団チームがコニヨールのラケットやラバーに好感触を得たという記事を卓球王国で見た記憶があります。卓球ナビにおいてもモンスターラバーTenergy(テナジー)と比較、超えたというレビューも散見され、非常に期待の高いラバーだと思います。
 なお、このTarget Proシリーズは、レストランの格付けで有名なタイヤメーカー、Michelin(ミシュラン)の技術で製造されているそうです。


 ターゲットプロシリーズは、過去にTarget Pro GT-X51(ターゲットプロGT-X51)とTarget Pro GT-H47(ターゲットプロGT-H47)をレビューさせていただきました。この2枚は非常に打球感が良くて、硬度の割にくい込みが良さと扱いやすさを感じたラバーになります。ただし回転量がやや不足気味で、ターゲットプロGT-H47ではテナジー05より劣る、ターゲットプロGT-X51では回転量は高いが扱いにくいと感じた次第です。扱いやすさと打球感の良さは抜群に良いのと、スポンジの色が硬度で異なるのが触っていて楽しいラバーでした。

 ここからkatsuo000の考察になってきます。ターゲットプロのGT-X51やGT-H47などは、やはり初期の頃のポストテナジーラバーであり、回転量を高くするためにテナジーよりもシートが厚くすることで、回転量を得るか、逆に回転量を諦めて打球感を追求するか、という設計になっているように思います。GT-H47は打球感を優先して、シートを薄くしているのではないかと想像します。そのかわりテナジーなみの非常に気持ちの良い打球感で扱いやすいラバーに仕上がっていました。一方、GT-X51はややシートが硬く、回転量を確保するためにシートを厚くしていて、Fastarc G-1(ファスタークG-1)に近いラバーに仕上がっていると感じました。

 今回のTarget Pro XD-47.5(ターゲットプロXD-47.5)は、既にレビューしているTarget Pro XD-52.5(ターゲットプロXD-52.5)をより扱いやすくしたようなラバーだと思って購入しました。今までは同じラケットで試打してきたのですが、XD52.5はインナーカーボンラケットでも十分に扱いやすかったので、今回のXD-47.5はアウターカーボンで試打することにしました。どこまで扱いやすくなっているのか、楽しみです。



 Target Pro XD-52.5(ターゲットプロXD-52.5)はcornilleauのラバーの中で最もスピン性能もスピード性能も高いスピン系テンションラバーということがよく分かります。また性能や使いやすさとある程度の相関を示す、硬度計による硬度比較を下記に示します。




 ターゲットプロXD-47.5は49 gでした。ラバー全体で70 gということで、一般的な重さですね。今回はアウターカーボンのXIOM製Stradivarius(ストラディヴァリウス)で試打しました。このラケットはラミドカーボンをアウターに配したラケットで要はビスカリアっぽいラケットです。反対面には中国粘着ラバーを貼りました。

Target Pro XD-47.5(ターゲットプロXD-47.5)
 Spin Tension 裏ラバー
・スポンジ厚:厚(2.0 mm)、極厚(Max)
・8,100円 + 税
・70 g(切断前) → 49 g(ストラディヴァリウスに貼って)

Target Pro XD-47.5の3つの特徴





























  Dignics 05 ≧ Q5 > Target Pro XD-47.5 > Rasanter R48 ≧ Tenerrgy 05

  Dignics 05 > Target Pro XD-47.5 > Tenergy 05

レビュー Rasanter R45(ラザンターR45)


 ドイツ製ラバーの中でも抜群の回転性能を感じるスピン系テンションラバーがandro(アンドロ)のRasanter(ラザンター)シリーズになります。初期のラザンターシリーズから非常に回転性能が高くて素晴らしいラバーが多かったと感じていて、Rasanter R47(ラザンターR47)や硬度を落としたRasanter R42(ラザンターR42)は非常に回転性能の高さを感じるラバーでした。R47やRasanter R50(ラザンターR50)は、しっかりくい込ませて打ってあげるとサイドスピンが強く入ってボールが荒々しく相手のコートに入る感じがあるラバーでした。チキータなどはかなりボールが曲げやすいと思います。そして衝撃的だったのが、2019年9月に発売されたRasanter R53(ラザンターR53)です!このR53は率直に、「あ、テナジー05を超えてる!」と感じさせる回転性能、そしてR50を簡単に超える荒々しさ、と個性の強いラバーでした。R47やR50ももちろんいいラバーでしたが、旧ラザンターがかすんでしまうくらい、R53の高い性能には驚きと興奮があったことを覚えています!このR53にはEnergy Cell(エナジーセル)技術という、新しいスポンジ技術が採用されています。その後、同じエナジーセル搭載のラバーが2020年5月にRasanter R48(ラザンターR48)として発売されました。R47よりも硬度が硬いはずなのに、R47よりも抜群に扱いやすくて、「廉価版テナジー」と呼んでも良い高い性能を感じました。この、エナジーセルを搭載した第3の紅(あか)のラザンターRasanter R45(ラザンターR45)を本ページでレビューします。


 さてこのR45について、kastuo000はなんとなくですが、R48で相当シートもスポンジも柔らかいものになっていたので、R45ではスポンジ硬度は45°しかないので、シートを硬くするのではないか、となんとく想像しておりました。要はシートの硬い軟テンション系ラバーということですね。シートの硬い軟テンションラバーは、実は既に人気を博している(おそらくヨーロッパで特に人気の)売れセンのカテゴリーのラバーだと思います。katsuo000が確認しているシートの硬い軟テンション系ラバーは、TIBHAR(ティバー)さんのEvolution EL-S(エヴォリューションEL-S)、Joola(ヨーラ)さんのRhyzer Pro 45(ライザープロ45)、XIOM(エクシオン)さんのVega X(ヴェガX)などになります。どのラバーもシートが硬く、上手に扱えば高い回転性能を発揮してくれるラバーですね。それでいてスポンジは柔らかいのでくい込ませやすく初-中級者層向けの非常に扱いやすいラバーといえるでしょう。ただ上級者層になってくると、シートだけでボールをこすったり捉えたりしようとしたときにスリップすることがあるので、好みがわかれるラバーでもあると思います。今回のR45も、硬度計で硬度を計ると明らかにシートが硬く要はシートの硬い軟テンション系のラザンター、というのがR45の立ち位置と言えると思いました。このR45について、androのパンフレットでは次のように紹介しています。

Made For You!








ということで、冒頭でも触れたとおり、R45はシートがめちゃめちゃ硬くて、R48よりも硬い値になりました。(もしかしたら、R48は古いR48を計ったので値が小さくなったのかもしれません。)そして、スポンジ側から図るとかなり柔らかいこともわかります。shore c硬度計におけるシート側とスポンジ側からの硬度差はなんと6と比較したラバーの中で一番大きい値になりました。それくらいシートが硬く、スポンジが柔らかいのがR45だということがわかると思います。


 赤のR45をTimo Boll Spirit(ティモボルスピリット)にはりました。R53、R48、そしてR45と全ての紅のラザンターに緑色のカラーラバーが発売されました。そちらも気になりますね。反対は銀河の月ブルーになります。

Rasanter R45(ラザンターR45)
 Energy Cell(エナジーセル)
 40+ Plastic Ball対応
・Sponge Thickness:1.7 mm、2.0 mm、ULTRAMAX(UM)
・6,500円 + 税
・69 g(切断前) → 48 g(ティモボルスピリットに貼って)


Rasanter R45の特徴






 EL-Sやライザープロ45と比べると、特徴があると感じたのはスピード性能です。これはシートが硬く、スポンジは柔らかくて球持ちはいいものの、シートの粒形状は他のラザンターシリーズと同様に粒はそこまで太くないのだと思います。その結果、スピード性能に特徴を感じたのではないかと思います。球持ちの点で最も球を持てると感じたのは、EL-Sになります。シートがしっかり硬く、スポンジも適度に硬くてミート系が最もやりやすいと感じたのがライザープロ45になります。総じて争うのはEL-Sやライザープロ45、日本ではRozena(ロゼナ)やFastarc C-1(ファスタークC-1)やV>15 Limber(V>15リンバー)などでしょうか。ボリュームゾーンと呼ばれるカテゴリーで戦国時代のゾーンですね。それぞれ扱いやすい、とうたいつつも、特徴があることを感じられました。やはり扱いやすくて日本人好みのラバーはロゼナになると思いますが、スプリングスポンジによる寿命が気になるのであれば、EL-SやR45、ライザープロ45などがオススメになりそうです。

























 Tenergy 05 FX > R45 ≧ Evolution EL-S

 Tenergy 05 FX > Rhyzer Pro 45 ≧ R45 > Evolution EL-S


2022年 DONIC卓球用具カタログ


 DONIC(ドニック)といえば、自分の世代はやはり天才ヤン-オベワルドナー(Jan-Ove Waldner)選手のイメージが強いです。中国選手、2度以上大きな大会で勝利した選手だと思います。そんなDONICですが、あえてオシタイのは2022年インターハイが期待される愛工大名電の鈴木颯選手になります。

 かなり小さいときからDONICの用具を使いつづけているようで、ラバーも最新のBlue Storm PRO(ブルーストームPRO)やBlue Grip C1(ブルーグリップC1)などを経て、現在はBlue Storm Z1 Turbo(ブルーストームZ1ターボ)を使用しているようです。インターハイ3冠を狙っていると思いますので、インターハイの活躍次第ではDONICのラバーが売れ筋を伸ばすことがありそうな気がします。

DONICさんの電子カタログ: https://www.donic.jp/images/DownLoad/2022_DONIC_Catalog.pdf


Blue Storm PRO(ブルーストームPRO)


スピード: 11+    (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 11)
スピン: 11     (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 10+++)
コントロール: 5+  (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 6-)

カラー: 赤、黒

硬度: 50°   (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 50°)
価格: 7,800円 + 税 (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 6,200円 + 税)


 卓球王国さんでも取り上げられていたラバーです。気になっていて、既に購入済みで、試打したいと思ってます。DONICさんのラバーで好みはBlue Fire M1 Turbo(ブルーファイヤM1ターボ)でした。それらと簡単に比較してみたいと考えてます。

Blue Storm PRO AM(ブルーストームPRO AM)


スピード: 11-    (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 11)
スピン: 11     (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 10+++)
コントロール: 6  (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 6-)

カラー: 赤、黒

硬度: 47.5°   (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 50°)
価格: 7,800円 + 税 (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 6,200円 + 税)




Blue Grip S2(ブルーグリップS2)


スピード: 9+    (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 11)
スピン: 11     (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 10+++)
コントロール: 7  (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 6-)

カラー: 赤、黒

硬度: 42.5°   (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 50°)
価格: 5,800円 + 税 (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 6,200円 + 税)




Original True Carbon Inner(オリジナルトゥルーカーボンインナー)


スピード: 10-
コントロール: 8
打球感: MID+
ブレード厚さ: 5.5 mm

価格: 15,000円


2022年 STIGA卓球用具カタログ


 STIGA(スティガ)といえば、木材系ラケットのラインナップでは一番と言ってもいいメーカーだと思います。中国の国家隊が契約し、多くの中国のトップ選手が契約して使用するのが、STIGAのラケットです。もちろんトップ選手モデルのラケットは値がはりますが、名作といわれるオールラウンドエボリューション(Allround Evolution)は10,000円を切る値段で初心者から中級者、上級者まで使えるラケットだと思います。また最近では形が話題のサイバーシェイプカーボン(Cybershape Carbon)と、ラケットで卓球界を牽引するSTIGAの2022年のパンフレット紹介になります。

STIGAさんの電子カタログ: http://stigasports.jp/%e3%82%b9%e3%83%86%e3%82%a3%e3%82%ac%e8%a3%bd%e5%93%81%e3%82%ab%e3%82%bf%e3%83%ad%e3%82%b0/


Cybershape Carbon(サイバーシェイプカーボン)



・木材5枚 + カーボン2枚 (インナー)
・板厚: 6.3 mm
・平均重量: 85 ± 5 g
・Made in SWEDEN
・Speed: 145
・Control: 45

 台上により近づけられるラケット部分が、楕円形ラケットでは約2.5 cmであるのに対して、サイバーシェイプは約6.5 cm。






 2021年世界選手権ヒューストン大会での大活躍したトルルス・モーレゴート(Truls Moregardh)選手が使用していて、いっきに話題になったラケットですね。既に発売され、話題沸騰中だと思います。STIGAさんは近年インナーカーボンが多く発売されており、セントリックカーボン(Centric Carbon)やインスピーラCCF(Inspira CCF)、バンダカーボン(BANDA Carbon)に次ぐインナーカーボンラケットがサイバーシェイプカーボンになります。セントリックカーボン(どうやら在庫限りで生産終了)はブレード厚さが5.6 mmと薄いですが、基本的にSTIGAのインナーカーボンはブレード厚さが厚い傾向にあります。6.0 mmを超えるブレード厚さになってくると思ったより飛距離が出るので、ヨーロッパ的な中陣からパワフルにスイングする卓球ならあうでしょうが、日本で流行の前陣で速い展開を意識した卓球では、弾み過ぎるような気もしてしまいます。もちろん好みもあるかと思いますので、気になるのであればドンドン試してみると良いと思いますね。やや高いので、もっと安かったら自分も1本欲しいラケットです。粘着ラバーが最近好きなので、サイバーシェイプよりは、やはりダイナスティーカーボン(Dynasty Carbon)の方が気になるkatsuo000になりますね汗。


Review Rozena


We would like to review Rosena, one of Butterfly (Tamasu)’s signature products. To talk about Rosena, I think it starts with Tenergy. The release of the world standard Tenergy 05 dates back to now, about 13 years ago, in April 2008. Tenergy 05, which still wants the name of the world standard even after more than 10 years have passed due to the prohibition of post-processing with organic solvents, has become an existence that can not be talked about without it when thinking about table tennis. Considering the features of this Tenergy series as katsuo000 as of 2021, I think it will be as follows.

Features of Tenergy series
・High spin performance
・High speed performance
・Weight light

I think that the characteristics of the Tenergy series as described above are largely due to Butterfly’s unique sponge. The sponge used in the Tenergy series is an orange sponge called Spring Sponge, and the bubbles in the sponge have a closed cell structure, and it seems that they are able to show high performance. This spring sponge is a technology that differentiates it from other competing table tennis makers with only Butterfly technology. While other competing table tennis makers basically outsource rubber manufacturing, Butterfly, despite being a table tennis maker, owns a sponge manufacturing factory and is trying to differentiate itself. Because of this spring sponge, Tenergy can produce high performance, but due to the fact that it costs research and development in addition to resale and counterfeiting, it has become an open price and it is almost double the price compared to other rubbers. It can be said that it is also a (bad) feature. However, there is no doubt that the usage rate of top players is high and it is the world standard.
In addition to Tenergy 05, which has the highest usage rate of the top players and high rotation performance, Tenergy 64, which has high speed performance due to the difference in the top seat, Tenegy 80, which has a good balance of spin and speed, There are 5 types of seats, including the Tenergy 25, which is strong against counters and front teams, and the Power Tenergy 19, which was released the other day. The explanation of each sheet is as follows.

No. 05: 1.7 mm grain spacing is narrow. High rotation performance.
No. 25: The height of the 2.65 mm grain is low. Easy to play on the table and counter.
No. 64: 1.7 mm wide grain spacing. High speed performance.
No. 180: The grain spacing of 1.7 mm is in the middle. The rotation and speed are well balanced.
No. 219: 1.5 mm grain spacing is narrow. It is easy to grab the ball well and put out power.
As mentioned above, the characteristics of each top sheet are reflected, and there are key phrases such as “Rotation 05”, “Balance 80”, “Speed 64”, “Front 25”, and “Power 19”. It is crowned.

About 13 years ago, after launching Tenergy 05 in April 2008, Butterfly launched Tenergy 25 in November 2008, Tenergy 64 in April 2009, and Tenergy in July 2010. 05 FX (Tenergy 05 FX), Tenergy 25 FX in November 2010, Tenergy 64 FX in November 2011, Tenergy 80 in January 2013, 2014 Tenergy 80 FX in April 2017, Rozena in April 2017, Tenergy 05 Hard, which is a harder version of Tenergy 05 in November 2018, in April 2019. Dignics 05 has been released as a rubber that exceeds tenergy. And in March 2021, when the transition from Tenergy to Dignics was beginning to appear, Tenergy 19 was put on the market. To date, there are 10 types of Tenergy. Each has been sold as a new product, and the fact that Tenergy 05 is still popular is a sign of completion and trust.

Rosena, reviewed on this page, is, so to speak, a cheaper version of Tenergy. Combined with a soft spring sponge, it becomes an easy-to-use tenergy-like rubber. I think it is a popular rubber as a back rubber for intermediate users or as a rubber with a spring sponge for the first time for beginners. In terms of price range, it is cheaper than the signboard rubber of other manufacturers and cheaper than the best-selling rubber, Fastarc G-1 of Nittaku, and the real selling price is fiercely competitive 4,000 It will be a rubber dropped on the circle! For cheaper and better performance than this price, Yasaka’s Rakza series and Rigan, and XIOM’s Vega X and Vega Tour 3,000. Will it be a round rubber? I would like to make a comparison with this area in the future.
Recently, a review of Rosena was posted on YouTuber, Goblin’s, but it was quite badly criticized. I think she has some likes and dislikes that don’t meet. I think she feels uncomfortable using hard rubber.

Published performance value

Shows the published performance values of Butterfly.

It may be no exaggeration to say that Rosena is Tenergy 05, which has inferior spin performance in a sense. Actually, I tried it again this time, but I have used thick Rosena in the past. In that impression, I had a strong impression that it was a rubber with low rotational performance. On the other hand, I remember that the shot feeling was certainly the shot feeling of the spring sponge, and the feel was not bad.

Rozena weight and paste

Rosena weighed 48 g. Butterfly’s rubber seems to have a correlation with sponge hardness basically, and the Tenergy FX series has softer sponge hardness and lighter weight. The sponge hardness is 35, which is a little softer than Tenergy, so 48 g is a heavy weight.

 High Tension rubber
・Sponge thickness: thick (1.9 mm)、extra thick (2.1 mm)
・Spin: 10.80
・Speed: 13.00
・Sponge stiffness: 35
・5,000 yen + tax
・69 g (before cut) → 48 g (after cut)

Three features of Rozena

Recently, I mainly use Tenergy rubber for the back, so I could use it with a good feeling rather than a very strange feeling. To be honest, I could not deny the lack of power, but I still felt that the ease of handling was higher than the Tenergy series and Tenergy FX series! It was a level that I was wondering whether to use it in the main. I think it’s a shield-like rubber for sticking rather than using it as a weapon. If you want to attack, it’s like playing a little at the counter or block using the opponent’s ball to meet.
The current candidates for back rubber were Tenergy 05 and Rakza X. Compared to Rakza X, Rakza X tends to be heavier due to individual differences, so it costs around 500 yen, but I felt that I liked Rosena better. Of course, the quality of loop drive and push is higher than that of Rakza X and Tenergy 05, but I think Rosena is better in terms of total balance and ease of handling.

Anyway, various techniques are easy to do!

To be honest, I didn’t expect it so far, but I didn’t have any difficult technology. I felt like I was holding the ball a little too much, but it was very easy to do loop drive, speed drive, block, counter, stop. I personally found it easy to do with blocks, which was pretty easy to do! I felt the flexibility to enter if I hit it. There was a feeling that the entire rubber absorbed the power of the opponent’s ball. The only thing I felt was that when I tried to take the ball with just the seat, it felt like a slip, and I felt that this part was difficult to handle. I felt that it was a rubber that was firmly bitten into the sponge and hit.

The rally of the upper spin gives you a feeling of spring sponge!

At the time of the rally of the upper rotation, by playing while driving and biting while biting in, it was possible to reapply the upper rotation and it felt like it would fit on the opponent’s court, so it was a good impression. With Tenergy 05, I feel like I’m going over or going to the net if I don’t drive more. It is Tenergy 05 that makes it easy to feel the hardness, and if you just hit it, it will be difficult to exert power and you can only get a good ball by flying while rotating firmly. On the other hand, Rosena fits well just by playing, and it may be said that there is a part that seems to be Tenergy 64 or Tenergy 80. I don’t have any definite information about the grain shape of the sheet, but I think it’s a sheet that is closer to 64 or 80. Therefore, it was easy to hit a ball that accelerates while drawing an arc with less energy in the upper rotation rally. I think this arc and acceleration are like spring sponges. I think that being able to put out such a ball is a characteristic of Rosena and a good point.

Bring the ball with good bite!

I think the grain shape of the sheet is close to 64 or 80, but the sponge is a little soft and grips the ball very well. I felt that it was close to Tenergy 05. Therefore, it was easy to hit the loop drive. However, I felt the need to hit while considering the flight distance to some extent because it does not sink completely by rotation, not the feeling that anything can be entered by rotating and flying. This area seems to have different tastes, but I am convinced that it is a spring sponge rubber suitable for beginners and intermediates. I think that the good points of Tenergy 05 and Tenergy 80 (because katsuo000 has never used Tenergy 64) and the desired parts coexist in a well-balanced manner. From this Rosena, I felt that it was a rubber that could be changed to each Tenergy in order to use my own characteristics and frequently used techniques as weapons. On the other hand, I certainly felt disappointed when I wanted the features of Tenergy 05 and the features of Tenergy 64 as they were. Since it is a balanced type, Tenergy 80 may be the closest. I think it is difficult to obtain sharp performance. It’s a very well-balanced rubber, and I thought it could be recommended for Penholder who have to do anything.

Each technics review


Light hit
You have a ball. I felt that it had a lot of spheres compared to Dignics 05.

Rally drive
It’s not particularly difficult to do, but I felt like I was going too far to the foreside because I had a ball. Is this used to it? Since the amount of rotation is the first time when it is bitten in, I felt that it was easy to apply rotation in the upper rotation rally and it could be dropped by rotation. Is this a place like a spring sponge?


Light hit
It was very easy to do. It was a good impression to have a ball and the rubber absorbs it even if you push it unreasonably, so even if you push it forcibly, it will enter quite a bit. I think this is the one you can count on in the game.

Rally drive
Since the backhand is not good at my arm and footwork, the hitting point is easy to move back and forth and it is unstable, but Rosena was very nice with the rubber that absorbs the front and back of the hitting point. The quality may be low, but I was happy that I could get it if I tried to put it in anyway. Also, he was very easy to drive in front of the top of the front team and did not feel bad.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
Since it has the same ball as Tenergy 05 and Tenergy 05 FX, the ball quality is low, but it feels easy to control. I think that it is a rubber that is easy to make a loop drive of such a connection that connects firmly and attacks the next ball.

Speed drive against back spin
It was easy to drive speed because it was good to bite to some extent. Although I can’t expect the ball to sink as much as the Tenergy 05FX, it was a rubber that made me feel like I was hitting it.

It was the block that I felt was the best compared to Tenergy 05 and Tenergy 05 FX. It was very easy to do and I was impressed. I think that the sponge is hard and the sheet is insensitive to the rotation of the other party in a good way.

Counter drive
I was impressed by the feeling that the counter was stable enough even if I caught the front of the top a little like meat. I think that it is a rubber that is a little difficult to drop by rotation, so on the contrary, I think that it is a rubber that has a meat-like way of hitting. I don’t think that the back is counter-driven by taking the plunge, so I felt that it was a rubber that fits the back in that sense as well.

The only thing I found difficult was the stop. It’s easy to play, so if you don’t touch the ball in a short time, I feel that it’s easy to receive the rotation of the opponent directly.

Like the stop, it was difficult to rotate. It was a little difficult to bite in too well and overshoot, or slip on the contrary and make a net mistake.

It was easy to give and easy to do. However, I felt that it was not very powerful. If you are looking for power, it will be the Tenergy series.

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Spin amount
 Tenergy 80 FX > Rozena > Evolution MX-P

 Tenergy 80 > Rozena > Tenergy 05

Ease of handling
 Rasanter R48 > Rozena> Rakza X


2022年 Nittaku卓球用具カタログ



Nittakuさんの電子カタログ: https://www.nittaku.com/products/catalog/


Hammond Z2(ハモンドZ2)

 今年の大注目は、Nittakuの新作ラバー、ハモンドZ2ですね!なんといっても日本一売れているラバーFastarc G-1(ファスタークG-1)の次となるようなラバー(少なくとも性能値的な話)を発売するからですね。発売後、レビューも多く挙がることが予想されます。G-1層がハモンドへ移行するのかG-1にとどまるのか、楽しみですね。まず気になるのが、伊藤美誠選手、森園政崇選手が移行するのか、G-1を使い続けるのか。6月以降楽しみに待ちましょう。

2022年 andro卓球用具カタログ



androさんの電子カタログ: https://www.andro.de/ja/online-cataloguejp


Rasanter R53(ラザンターR53)グリーン
Rasanter R45(ラザンターR45)グリーン





 オススメのラケットラバーの組合せに加え、ラケットの関係も分かりやすくまとめられていると思います。このような図は他のメーカーでも是非容易してほしいですね。ファイバー系のトレイバーFOとトレイバーFIが最もハードで、スピードが出る設計というのは知りませんでした。ファイバーでも6.8 mmのブレード厚さはスピードが出しやすいのでしょう。やはり気になるのは、トレイバーCIやゴーズィSLなどの最新ラケットですかね。