
2023年 STIGA卓球用具カタログ


 STIGAといえば、やはりラケットですね!高級木材ラケットを多く扱う老舗のイメージが強いSTIGAですが、良い意味で新たな挑戦、Cyber Shape (サイバーシェイプ)シリーズを発売し、その今までの型にはまらない形状に賛否がありつつも受け入れられている状況です。

STIGAさんの電子カタログ: スティガ製品カタログ – STIGA Japan (


Cyber Shape Wood (サイパーシェイプウッド)

 サイバーシェイプカーボンの木材ラケットバージョンですね。板厚は6.0 mmと5枚合板ラケットでは薄い方だといえると思いますが、その分ブレード面積は大きいため、張本シリーズのような方向性のラケットではないかと想像します。このラケット形状は会場でも目立つので、今後増えていくとかなり良い宣伝になると思いますね。

Cyber Shape Carbon CWT (サイパーシェイプカーボンCWT)


Cyber Shape Wood CWT (サイパーシェイプウッドCWT)


STIGA (スティガ) Rubbers (ラバー)

STIGA – 中国ナショナルチームが契約するラケットの老舗

 STIGA (スティガ)といえば、木材系ラケットの老舗というイメージが強いのではないでしょうか。中国ナショナルチームと契約し、次世代中国エースで世界ランキング1位の樊振東 (Fan Zhendong)選手や、回転量がえぐいペンドラの許昕 (Xu Xin)選手もスティガ製ラケットを使用しています。過去には中国最強といわれる劉国梁監督も、選手時代に弾む7枚合板Clipper Wood (クリッパーウッド)というラケットを使用していました。


DNA Series (DNAシリーズ)

DNA Platinum XH (DNAプラチナエキストラハード)

 Spin:140、 Speed:168、 Control:72、 スポンジ硬度: 52.5°
 ラバー重量:53 g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):33.3、 shore a (sponge):28.3
       shore c (sheet):45.4、 shore c (sponge):44.6
卓球 ラバー 初心者 中級者 上級者 卓球ラバー STIGA スティガ aua0049 DNA プラチナ XH
価格:6160円(税込、送料無料) (2022/9/19時点)楽天で購入

DNA Platinum H (DNAプラチナハード)

 Spin:140、 Speed:164、 Control:74、 スポンジ硬度: 50.0°

DNA Platinum M (DNAプラチナM)

 Spin:140、 Speed:160、 Control:76、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5°

DNA Platinum S (DNAプラチナS)

 Spin:140、 Speed:156、 Control:78、 スポンジ硬度: 42.5°

DNA Dragon Grip (DNAドラゴングリップ)

 Spin:146、 Speed:132、 Control:80、 スポンジ硬度: 55.0°
 ラバー重量:52 g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):31.6、 shore a (sponge):30.5
       shore c (sheet):45.5、 shore c (sponge):46.9
【9/18〜9/20限定!ポイント5倍】★卓球★ラバー★メール便送料無料★DNA ドラゴン グリップ〈55°〉
価格:5082円(税込、送料別) (2022/9/19時点)楽天で購入

DNA Pro H (DNAプロH)

 Spin:134、 Speed:160、 Control:76、 スポンジ硬度: 50.0°
 ラバー重量:51 g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):30.1、 shore a (sponge):26.3
       shore c (sheet):43.5、 shore c (sponge):40.8

DNA Pro M (DNAプロM)

 Spin:134、 Speed:156、 Control:78、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5°

DNA Pro S (DNAプロS)

 Spin:134、 Speed:152、 Control:80、 スポンジ硬度: 42.5°

DNA Future M (DNAフューチャーM)

 Spin:134、 Speed:152、 Control:80、 スポンジ硬度: 42.5°

2022年 STIGA卓球用具カタログ


 STIGA(スティガ)といえば、木材系ラケットのラインナップでは一番と言ってもいいメーカーだと思います。中国の国家隊が契約し、多くの中国のトップ選手が契約して使用するのが、STIGAのラケットです。もちろんトップ選手モデルのラケットは値がはりますが、名作といわれるオールラウンドエボリューション(Allround Evolution)は10,000円を切る値段で初心者から中級者、上級者まで使えるラケットだと思います。また最近では形が話題のサイバーシェイプカーボン(Cybershape Carbon)と、ラケットで卓球界を牽引するSTIGAの2022年のパンフレット紹介になります。



Cybershape Carbon(サイバーシェイプカーボン)



・木材5枚 + カーボン2枚 (インナー)
・板厚: 6.3 mm
・平均重量: 85 ± 5 g
・Made in SWEDEN
・Speed: 145
・Control: 45

 台上により近づけられるラケット部分が、楕円形ラケットでは約2.5 cmであるのに対して、サイバーシェイプは約6.5 cm。





 2021年世界選手権ヒューストン大会での大活躍したトルルス・モーレゴート(Truls Moregardh)選手が使用していて、いっきに話題になったラケットですね。既に発売され、話題沸騰中だと思います。STIGAさんは近年インナーカーボンが多く発売されており、セントリックカーボン(Centric Carbon)やインスピーラCCF(Inspira CCF)、バンダカーボン(BANDA Carbon)に次ぐインナーカーボンラケットがサイバーシェイプカーボンになります。セントリックカーボン(どうやら在庫限りで生産終了)はブレード厚さが5.6 mmと薄いですが、基本的にSTIGAのインナーカーボンはブレード厚さが厚い傾向にあります。6.0 mmを超えるブレード厚さになってくると思ったより飛距離が出るので、ヨーロッパ的な中陣からパワフルにスイングする卓球ならあうでしょうが、日本で流行の前陣で速い展開を意識した卓球では、弾み過ぎるような気もしてしまいます。もちろん好みもあるかと思いますので、気になるのであればドンドン試してみると良いと思いますね。やや高いので、もっと安かったら自分も1本欲しいラケットです。粘着ラバーが最近好きなので、サイバーシェイプよりは、やはりダイナスティーカーボン(Dynasty Carbon)の方が気になるkatsuo000になりますね汗。

Review DNA Dragon Grip


We would like to review the German-made adhesive tension rubber, STIGA’s DNA Dragon Grip, which is a hot topic in the streets. In recent years, the quality of German-made rubber has improved remarkably, and the number of German-made adhesive tensions has increased. I would like to compare them.

DNA will be Stiga’s high-end rubber series. To date, there are three types, all of which are Stiga’s first German-made rubber series. DNA Pro series, DNA Platinum series, and this DNA Dragon Grip. Only the DNA Dragon Grip is an adhesive tension rubber, and the other DNA series are basically spin tension rubbers. Until the release of the DNA series, Stiga sold and handled rubber made in Japan. Such Stiga will release a high-end rubber made in Germany, the first of which will be the DNA Pro series. DNA Pro is a rubber that seems to be the original German spin tension rubber, and it was very similar to the best-selling rubber Fastarc G-1 in Japan. And the second release last year is the DNA Platinum series. This is very popular and has been highly rated by table tennis YouTubers (Goblin’s) and other reviewers. katsuo000 also reviewed DNA Platinum Extra Hard as a good impression rubber.

The DNA Platinum series was a rubber very similar to Butterfly’s Tenergy 05. The grain shape of the sheet is thick and has a characteristic of spin system, and it was a rubber that feels quite good to bite even when combined with the 52.5 ° extra hard sponge (XH). Tenergy 05 is also a rubber that feels good in the hardness, but this DNA Platinum series is also a rubber series that is very good at biting into the indicated hardness, and it is a hard rubber that can be easily bitten, so the amount of rotation It will be terrible. It is a sponge that is not similar to the butterfly spring sponge, but it makes you feel that German technology is evolving. Is the feeling of use about 47 ° with the hardness of the German standard? I feel that it is the closest rubber to Tenergy 05 among the post-tenergy rubbers.

And the DNA Dragon Grip was released in quick succession. Recently, we have entered the era of adhesive rubber group male division, and each company has released adhesive tension. I would like to review what kind of rubber the DNA Dragon Grip is.

I can only tell you how amazing it is, but I would like to touch on the technology. First of all, DNA Platinum and DNA Dragon Grip are said to have adopted technologies such as Longer Trajectory, Direct Power Hit Effect, and Power Sponge Cells. Perhaps a new sponge called the Power Sponge Cell will perform like the Tenergy 05 to show similar performance to the Butterfly Spring Sponge.

・Longer Trajectory
・Direct Power Hit Effect
・Power Sponge Cells

In addition, the DNA Dragon Grip uses a technology called C Touch Tensor. The phrase “C-Touch” is the technology used in the seats of DONIC’s Blue Grip C1 and I imagine it’s probably similar. I quoted the explanation about C Touch Tensor from the STIGA site. ↓

C Touch Tensor

Adhesive top sheets provide exceptional grip and a high level of control on serve and receive. The newly installed sponge was developed based on AI (artificial intelligence) and advice from top players. By digitally analyzing the data, we identified the important characteristics of the material, and made the strong rotation amount and high control performance of the adhesive top sheet coexist with the powerful speed of the new sponge.

Published performance value

You can clearly see that the DNA Platinum series has improved rotational performance compared to the previous DNA Pro series. And you can see well that the adhesive tension rubber with higher spin performance from the DNA platinum series becomes the DNA dragon grip. Next is a comparison with a hardness tester.

As you can see from this figure, DNA Pro H, DNA Platinum XH, and DNA Dragon Grip are as hard as Tenergy 05. Of course, the German-made rubber STIGA rubber is heavier, and the butterfly rubber is lighter, which is also a characteristic of the result.

Finally, the difference between the hardness on the sheet side and the hardness on the sponge side is plotted. Katsuo000 feels that the larger this value is, the easier it is to handle or bite into the rubber. I have included Tenergy 05 as an index, but you can see that Tenergy 05 is a rubber that is very easy to handle and easy to rotate because it has a good hardness and is very easy to handle. On the other hand, the DNA Dragon Grip seems to have specifications that are conscious of Dignics 09C, and the hardness difference between the seat side and the sponge side is close. The difference between the seat side and the sponge side is smaller than that of Dignics 09C, and I think it is a rubber that is difficult to bite into. However, the value of shore c itself is harder in Dignics 09C, so its influence may be stronger. (For adhesive rubber, the difference in hardness between the sheet side and the sponge side is not a very good index, and I feel that it is easier to understand if you compare purely by hardness. What kind of comparison is good in the future? I would like to think about it.)

DNA Dragon Grip sticking and weight

DNA Dragon Grip
・Speed: 132
・Spin: 146
・Control: 80
・Sponge Thickness: Max (2.3 mm)
・Sponge stiffness: 55.0°
・6,600 yen + tax
・74 g (before cut) → 52 g (after cut)

I pasted it using YASAKA’s Norisuke. After all it is heavy! By the way, I pasted the racket on my favorite WRM 970XX-KLC recently. This racket is an inner Kep1er carbon racket with a 5.7 mm thin plate, a hard upper plate dyeing material, and the lightest among Chinese rackets. The cost performance is very good (5,980 yen + shipping fee for sale), so it is recommended.

By the way, the sheet doesn’t feel very sticky. Recent German adhesive tension rubber does not have the sticky feeling of the sheet like Chinese adhesive rubber. The smell is a little peculiar, but compared to Chinese adhesive rubber, it is a level that even people who do not know table tennis do not mind. If it is not sold as an adhesive tension rubber, it will be difficult to recognize it as an adhesive rubber in the first place. Of course, the performance has the characteristics of adhesive rubber!

3 features of DNA Dragon Grip

Adhesive rubber that bites in with a light force!

As you can see from the results of the hardness comparison, it was a rubber with a very light force, which was hard enough to hit by hand, and it was easy to put out a sticky ball. First of all, regarding the hardness, it was a rubber that bites well and is easy to handle compared to the adhesive rubber made in China. The bite is too good and you may even feel like a spin tension rubber. The sponge is a hard sponge that is even harder than DNA Platinum XH and has fewer bubbles, but I didn’t feel that hard. In the review of Karahashi Takukyu Yoyogi store, it was also reviewed that the DNA Dragon Grip can add vertical rotation with a small force without making a big swing when used in the back, and it can get points. If you want strong rotation even with such a weak force, I think the DNA Dragon Grip is a very good option.

A seat that emphasizes ball holding and rotation rather than Rakza Z

The characteristic of DNA Dragon Grip is that the seat is thick and the grain shape is low and thick, that is, the seat shape is characterized by the rotation performance that is adopted for the spin type tension rubber that emphasizes rotation. The sheet of the DNA Platinum series also had a sheet shape similar to Tenergy 05. On the other hand, the sponge is not as hard as other super-hard adhesive rubbers and feels more biting than I expected. Of course, there are multiple German tension rubbers of the same hardness, such as Omega VII China Guang from XIOM, Blue Grip C2 from DONIC, and VICTAS. Examples include Triple Extra. For this comparison, I mentioned Rakza Z Extra Hard, which has already been tested to some extent and has the same hardness. I hope it can be compared with other adhesive tension rubbers, but I haven’t. The Rakza Z XH is symmetrical compared to the DNA Dragon Grip, and the overall weight of the rubber is heavier than the DNA Dragon Grip, while the sponge has a lot of bubbles and the sheet is rather thin and the sheet is thin and Tenergy 80 (Tenergy 80). It has a shape like a speed tension rubber such as 80) or Tenergy 64. It was an adhesive rubber because it was heavy and hard as a whole, and it was a rubber that was somewhat like a speed tension rubber. The DNA Dragon Grip has a symmetrical design guideline compared to the Rakza Z XH, and I felt a great difference in its rubber design. The DNA Dragon Grip has a seat and grain shape similar to that of a spin-type tension rubber specializing in rotation like Tenergy 05, but the sponge is a sponge that is not too hard. It was a well-balanced rubber like between the adhesive rubber and spin tension, which is perfect when you want more spin performance than DNA Platinum XH.

It’s easy to bite in and handle, but it’s also easy to get rid of habits (misleading by the amount of rotation)!

Although it is not completely comparable to the rubber mentioned above, I think that the DNA Dragon Grip is probably classified as a habit ball (or easy to make mistakes due to the amount of rotation) rubber side even in the hardness of 55 °. I will list the same degree of hardness again.

 ・Omega VII China Guang (XIOM) 55°
 ・Blue Grip C2 (DONIC) 55°
 ・Rakza Z Extra Hard (Yasaka) 52~57°
 ・Triple Extra (VICTAS) 55°
 ・Dignics 09C (Butterfly) 44° (Butterfly standard)
 ・Hybrid K3 (TIBHAR) 53°
 ・Hybrid K1J (TIBHAR) 52.5°
 ・Blue Grip R1 (DONIC) 50°
 ・Rakza Z (Yasaka) 47~52°
 ・Rising Dragon (Yasaka) 47~52°

There are rubbers that I have used and rubbers that I have not used, but among the above, DNA Dragon Grip was a rubber that was easy to get a habit (misleading due to the amount of rotation). For example, even if I drive in a state close to hand-striking without wearing shoes, I felt that the rotation and the way the ball bounces and flies from the table will change. I think that this amount of rotation and habit is the performance you want if you use adhesive rubber! Personally, I felt that it was a rubber that could make mistakes with the amount of rotation more than the Rakza Z XH and the Dignics 09C (of course, the Rakza Z XH is faster than the Rakza Z XH and the Dignics 09C is better if you want ease of handling in addition to speed. I think). Please refer.

Each technology review

Fore hand

Light hit
There was no discomfort with the momentum like tension rubber. At least I don’t think I feel like I don’t fly like a leopard.

Drive on long balls and rallies
I felt it was a little soft. Compared to the spin type tension rubber, there was an impression that the ball enters a little shallower because the arc line is very easy to come out. It grips the ball very well, so it is easy to spin. I personally like the one that is a little harder, but it may be easier to use if you want to speed up. Since the sponge hardness is 55 °, I felt it was soft, but I didn’t lose to the opponent’s ball.

Drive with open face
Even if I opened the surface, it would rotate firmly and sink, so it was very good. This area was just like an adhesive rubber. Also, I felt that the drive would be stable because it would sink by rotation if it was rubbed without opening the surface in the opposite direction due to the shape of the seat.

Top spin (loop) drive against back spin
Since it grips firmly, I was able to hit a drive with abundant rotation. However, it is not a rubber that is hard and does not bounce like a leopard, so I felt a little power loss. I felt that it was shallow and low and easy to control.

Speed drive against back spin
Even if I hit it like rubbing, I was able to hit the speed drive and the impression was good. However, since it is an adhesive rubber, I felt that the ball would run better if I hit it with the surface open. I think that hitting like rubbing will increase from the opponent’s court.

Curve / shoot drive
I felt that the ball would bend well when it was curved or shot because the ball entered shallowly. The course is also easy to aim for.

I felt that it was a little susceptible to rotation. Instead, it was easy to block balls such as smashes.

Counter drive
It was easy to bite in firmly and rotate, and it fits well and it was easy to counter drive. Is it really an adhesive rubber?

Push / stop
I felt that it took some getting used to cutting because the bite was a little too good. Since it is an adhesive rubber, it was very easy to do without popping out.

It was easy to rotate firmly. However, I felt that it was softer than the Omega VII China shadow and that it popped out a little better.

Back hand

Light hit
After using it in the fore, I tried using it in the back, but as I imagined, I felt it was easy to use in the back. With a sponge hardness of 55 °, the weight is certainly as heavy as 50 g, but I felt that it was easier to handle than Chinese adhesive and could be used in the back without any discomfort.

Drive on long balls and rallies
I felt a sense of stability because I held the ball firmly. I also felt that the ball was a little slow to leave. I also felt that impact was needed to speed up from the middle team.

Top spin (loop) drive against back spin
It was very easy to do. I felt that I could make a loop drive with just the right hardness and a sense of stability. Also, because it grips the ball firmly, I felt that it could be lifted even if the hitting point was dropped.

Speed drive against back spin
I felt that the speed was a little mature because I had a good ball. I also felt this in DNA Platinum. 

I felt that it was easily affected by rotation for its hardness. It wasn’t that difficult.

Counter drive
It was easy to do. I felt the feeling of holding a ball more than Dignics 05, so it was easy to feel that I had a counter drive.

Push / stop
Since it is an adhesive rubber, it will not float. However, since the sponge has a good bite, I felt that it was easy to overshoot if I was not careful about the touch.

It was easy to do. It was easy to rotate!

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Spin amount
 Omega VII China Ying > DNA Dragon Grip > Dignics 05

 Dignics 09C ≧ Rakza Z Extra Hard > Rhyzen ZGR > DNA Dragon Grip > Hurricane NEO III

レビュー DNA Dragon Grip(ドラゴングリップ)


 巷で話題のドイツ製粘着テンションラバーSTIGA(スティガ)のDNA Dragon Grip(DNAドラゴングリップ)をレビューさせていただきます。近年ドイツ製ラバーの質の向上が著しく、ドイツ製の粘着テンションも数が多くなってきました。それらを比較していけたらと考えております。

 DNAはスティガさんのハイエンドラバーシリーズになりますね。現在までに3種類あり、全てスティガ初のドイツ製ラバーシリーズになります。DNA Pro(DNAプロ)シリーズDNA Platinum(DNAプラチナ)シリーズ、そしてこのDNAドラゴングリップになります。DNAドラゴングリップのみが粘着テンション系のラバーで、他のDNAシリーズは基本的にはスピン系テンションラバーになりますね。スティガさんはDNAシリーズを発売するまでは日本製のラバーを発売取り扱いしておりました。そんなスティガさんが心機一転ドイツ製のハイエンドラバーを発売する、その第一号がDNAプロシリーズになります。DNAプロは元祖ドイツ製スピン系テンションラバーらしいラバーで、日本で最も売れているラバーFastarc G-1(ファスタークG-1)に、非常に似たラバーでした。そして第2弾として昨年発売されたのが、DNAプラチナシリーズになります。こちらは非常に好評で、卓球ユーチューバー(ごぶりんずさん)やその他のレビュワーが高評価をつけています。katsuo000も好印象なラバーとしてDNAプラチナエキストラハードをレビューさせていただきました。


DNAプラチナシリーズはButterfly(バタフライ)のTenergy 05(テナジー05)に非常によく似たラバーでした。シートの粒形状は太目でスピン系に特徴を有するシート形状で52.5°のエキストラハードスポンジ(XH)にあわせてもかなりくい込みの良さを感じるラバーでした。テナジー05も硬度の割にくい込みの良さを感じるラバーですが、このDNAプラチナシリーズも表記硬度に対しとてもくい込みが良いラバーシリーズで、容易にくい込ませることができるのに硬いラバーですので、その回転量はえげつないものになります。 バタフライのスプリングスポンジとは似て非なるスポンジですがドイツ技術が進化していることを感じさせますね。使用感は、ドイツ基準の硬度で47°位でしょうか。ポストテナジー系ラバーの中で最もテナジー05に近いラバーと感じております。


 凄さしか伝わらないのですが、技術について触れさせていただきます。まず、DNAプラチナおよびDNAドラゴングリップには、Longer Trajectory(ロンガートラジェクトリー)、Direct Power Hit Effect(ダイレクトパワーヒットエフェクト)、Power Sponge Cells(パワースポンジセル)という技術が、採用されているそうです。おそらく、パワースポンジセルという新しいスポンジが、バタフライのスプリングスポンジと類似の性能を示すためにテナジー05のような性能を示すのだと推察します。

・Longer Trajectory(ロンガートラジェクトリー)
・Direct Power Hit Effect(ダイレクトパワーヒットエフェクト)
・Power Sponge Cells(パワースポンジセル)

さらにDNAドラゴングリップには、C Touch Tensor(Cタッチテンゾー)という技術が採用されています。この「C-Touch」というフレーズは、DONIC(ドニック)のBlue Grip C1(ブルーグリップC1)のシートにも採用されている技術で、おそらく類似のものではないかと想像します。Cタッチテンゾーについての説明をSTIGA(スティガ)のサイトより引用させていただきました。↓

C Touch Tensor(Cタッチテンゾー)

 粘着性トップシートは、サーブやレシーブ等で、並外れたグリップ力とハイレベルのコントロールを提供。新しく搭載したスポンジは、AI( 人工知能)とトッププレーヤーからの助言を基に開発された。データをデジタル分析することにより、素材の重要な特性を特定し、粘着性トップシートによる強い回転量と高いコントロール性能に、新スポンジによる威力のあるスピードを共存させた。





 最後にシート側の硬さとスポンジ側からの硬さの差をプロットしています。この値が大きいほど、扱いやすい、またはくい込みやすいと感じるラバーになるとkatsuo000は感じています。指標としてテナジー05を入れていますが、テナジー05は硬さの割にくい込みが良く非常に扱いやすい、回転をかけやすいラバーだということがわかると思います。一方、DNAドラゴングリップはやはり、ディグニクス09Cを意識したような仕様になっているようで、シート側とスポンジ側からの硬度差が近しい値になりました。ディグニクス09C以上にシート側/スポンジ側の差が小さく、くい込ませにくいラバーだと感じると思います。ただし、shore cの値そのものはディグニクス09Cの方が硬いので、そちらの影響の方が強いかもしれません。(粘着ラバーでは、シート側/スポンジ側の硬さの差はあまり良い指標にはならず、純粋に硬さで比較した方がわかりやすいように感じてきております。今後もどのような比較がいいか考えていきたいと思います。)


DNA Dragon Grip(DNAドラゴングリップ)
・Speed: 132
・Spin: 146
・Control: 80
・Sponge Thickness: Max (2.3 mm)
・Sponge硬度: 55.0°
・6,600 円 + 税
・74 g(切断前) → 52 g(970XX-KLCに貼って)

 YASAKAののり助さんを使って貼りました。やはり重たいですね!ちなみに貼ったラケットは、最近お気に入りのWRMの970XX-KLCに貼りました。このラケットはインナーケプラーカーボンのラケットで、5.7 mmの板薄、上板硬めの染色材、そして中国製ラケットの中では軽いものになります。非常にコスパも良い(セールなら5,980円+送料)のでオススメです。


DNA Dragon Gripの3つ特徴



Rakza Zよりも球持ちと回転重視のシート

 DNAドラゴングリップの特徴はシートは厚く、粒形状も粒低めで太め、つまり回転重視のスピン系テンションラバーに採用されるような回転性能に特徴をもつシート形状であることでしょう。DNAプラチナシリーズのシートもどちらかというとテナジー05に類似のシート形状でした。一方でスポンジは他の超ハードな粘着ラバーほど硬くはなく思ったよりくい込みを感じます。もちろん同硬度のドイツ製テンションラバーは複数存在していて、XIOM(エクシオン)のOmega VII China Guang(オメガVIIチャイナ光)、DONIC(ドニック)のBlue Grip C2(ブルーグリップC2)、VICTAS(ヴィクタス)のTriple Extra(トリプルエキストア)などが挙げられます。今回比較には既にある程度試打できていて同程度の硬度であるRakza Z Extra Hard(ラクザZエキストラハード)を挙げさせていただきました。本当は他の粘着テンションラバーとも比較できるといいのですが、できていません。ラクザZ XHはDNAドラゴングリップと比較して対称的で、ラバー全体の重さはDNAドラゴングリップよりも重く、一方でスポンジは気泡が多くシートはどちらかというと粒細めシート薄めでTenergy 80(テナジー80)とかTenergy 64(テナジー64)などのスピード系のテンションラバーらしい形状になっています。全体的に重くて硬いので粘着ラバーであり、どことなくスピード系テンションラバーらしさもあるラバーでした。DNAドラゴングリップはラクザZ XHと比べると対称的な設計指針で非常にそのラバー設計の違いを感じました。DNAドラゴングリップはシートと粒形状はテナジー05のように回転特化のスピン系テンションラバーに近い形状ですが、スポンジはそこまで硬すぎないスポンジをあわせています。DNAプラチナXHよりもさらにスピン性能が欲しいときにうってつけの粘着ラバーとスピン系テンションの間のようなバランスのとれたラバーでした。



 ・Omega VII China Guang(オメガVIIチャイナ光)(XIOM) 55°(ドイツ基準)
 ・Blue Grip C2(ブルーグリップC2)(DONIC)55°(ドイツ基準)
 ・Rakza Z Extra Hard(ラクザZエキストラハード)YASAKA(ヤサカ)52~57°(ドイツ基準)
 ・Triple Extra(トリプルエキストラ)VICTAS(ヴィクタス)55°(ドイツ基準)
 ・Dignics 09C(ディグニクス09C)Butterfly(バタフライ)44°(Butterfly基準)
 ・Hybrid K3(ハイブリッドK3)TIBHAR(ティバー)53°(ドイツ基準)
 ・Hybrid K1J(ハイブリッドK1J)TIBHAR(ティバー)52.5°(ドイツ基準)
 ・Blue Grip R1(ブルーグリップR1)DONIC(ドニック)50°(ドイツ基準)
 ・Rakza Z(ラクザZ)YASAKA(ヤサカ)47~52°(ドイツ基準)
 ・Flying Dragon(翔龍)YASAKA(ヤサカ)47~52°(ドイツ基準)

 使ったことのあるラバー、ないラバーがありますが、上記の中でもDNAドラゴングリップは癖(回転量によるミス誘発)を出しやすいラバーでした。例えば靴をはかずに手打ちに近い状態でドライブしても、まずまずの回転と台についてからのボールの跳ね上がりや飛び方に変化が生じると感じました。この回転量、癖は粘着ラバーを使うなら欲しい性能だと思います!個人的には、ラクザZ XHやディグニクス09Cよりも回転量でミスを誘えるラバーだと感じました(もちろんその分、スピードはラクザZ XHが、スピードに加え扱いやすさも求めるとディグニクス09Cが上だと思います)。ご参考ください。














 フォアで使った後にバックで使ってみましたが想像どおりバックでも使いやすいと感じました。55°というスポンジ硬度で重量は確かに50 g台と重いですが、中国粘着などよりも扱いやすく違和感なくバックで使えると感じました。









 Omega VII China Ying > DNA Dragon Grip > Dignics 05

 Dignics 09C ≧ Rakza Z Extra Hard > Rhyzen ZGR > DNA Dragon Grip > Hurricane NEO III

Review DNA Platinum XH


We would like to review STIGA’s 2021 featured product, DNA Platinum XH. Speaking of STIGA, I think that Table Tennis player has a strong image of a long-established wood racket. The image of STIGA ≒ wood racket is quite strong for katsuo000. And the image is that you have a contract with the Chinese national team. Such STIGA released a new rubber in the summer of 2021! The name will be the DNA Platinum series! The DNA Pro series was already on sale. STIGA was particular about rubber made in Japan, but from the DNA Pro series to rubber made in Germany. Speaking of Made In Germany, the high-end rubbers of VICTAS and YASAKA are almost made in Germany. German rubber is often used by top players next to Butterfly’s Tenergy series, and STIGA’s DNA Pro series was also attracting attention because it was made in Germany! Although it is a very short period of time, I have used DNA Pro H, and I feel that the image is quite similar to Nittaku’s Fastarc G-1. You did. At that time, I hadn’t used G-1 yet, and I wanted to write a review about DNA Pro H again after various trial hits. After all, the new rubber came out first. Sweat. I would like to continue to review the latest rubber at As Soon As Possible (ASAP) so that this does not happen.
The DNA Platinum series that appeared this time was a high-end rubber, so it was a bullish price setting of 8,000 yen + tax. I felt that the technology of German-made rubber, in which post-Tenergy rubber (such as andro’s Rasanter R53) that exceeds Tenergy has appeared one after another in recent years, will be applied to this DNA platinum series as well. This is expected!

The world standard Tenergy 05 still wants the name of the world standard as of 2021, more than 10 years after its launch. Tenergy 05 has become an existence that cannot be talked about without it when thinking about table tennis. Considering the features of this Tenergy series as katsuo000 as of 2021, I think it will be as follows.

Features of the Tenergy series
・High spin performance
・High speed performance

Tenergy series can only be produced at Butterfly’s own factory, making it a rubber that differentiates it from other competing table tennis makers. While other competing table tennis makers basically outsource rubber manufacturing, Butterfly, despite being a table tennis maker, owns a sponge manufacturing factory and is trying to differentiate itself! Of course, I think that rubber manufacturers outsourced to overturn such a situation have also advanced technological development. I think that the early post-Tenergy rubber supplemented the rotation performance by thickening the seat in order to compete with the Tenergy series with high rotation performance.

Click here for the relationship between seat shape and performance:

I think early post-Tenergy rubbers were, for example, Fastarc G-1 and Rakza X, Evolution MX-P. For example, the Fastarc G-1 certainly has high spin performance and grip, but it is heavier than the Tenergy 05, and I think it will need a stronger impact to bite the ball. It can be said that one of the factors is that the sheet is thick.

I think this DNA Platinum series is a rubber that is categorized as a post-Tenergy tension rubber or an evolved Tenergy tension rubber in katsuo000. Instead of using a thick sheet like the post-Tenergy rubber in the early days as mentioned above, what a thin sheet is used! It seems that the technology has advanced so that thin sheets can be adopted for Rasanter R53 and Rasanter R48, which are classified into the same post-Tenergy tension or evolutionary Tenergy tension in katsuo000. The DNA Platinum series may have adopted similar technology! As a result of the advanced technology of the German factory, I imagine that high-performance rubber will continue to be sold from the German factory. I’m really looking forward to this!

The DNA Platinum Extra Hard reviewed on this page is the hardest rubber in the DNA Platinum series. Yu-san, a table tennis equipment specialist, was also pushing for extra hardware in the DNA Platinum series! Although it is a hard rubber of 52.5 ° according to German standards, I imagined that it is a rubber that is easy to handle because it is hard to break the hardness like Tenergy. The price setting of 8,000 yen also makes you feel the seriousness of STIGA! Let’s review it!

Published performance value

You can see that DNA Platinum Extra Hard is the highest performance spin tension rubber among STIGA rubbers! This is promising!

The hardness comparison by a hardness tester, which shows a certain degree of correlation with performance, is shown below.

Compared to Butterfly’s rubber, I felt that it was a rubber closer to Tenergy than Dignics. Tenergy 05 seems to be particularly close. However, it should be noted that the mass of rubber is heavier for DNA Platinum XH. In terms of weight, the butterfly rubber is light and very good.

DNA Platinum Extra Hard Weight and Paste

DNA Platinum Extra Hard was 53 g. I expected it, but it’s still heavy.

DNA Platinum XH
 High Tension
・Sponge thickness: MAX (2.3 mm)
・Spin: 140
・Speed: 168
・Sponge stiffness: 52.5
・8,000 yen + tax
・74 g (before cut) → 53 g (after cut)

Three features of DNA Platinum XH

Recently, I’ve been addicted to inner carbon, and I’m going to try out this rubber with inner carbon. It was nice that it was very easy to handle, but the comparison with the rubber so far may be a little sloppy. Thank you for your understanding.

Easy to handle and high spin performance that does not make you feel 52.5 °!

I imagined it would be more difficult to handle because it was extra hard, but I felt it was quite easy to handle because it was attached to the inner carbon. Also, since the difference between the sheet side hardness and the sponge side hardness of the hardness tester (Shore a) is close to Tenergy 05, I imagined that it would be good to bite in, but it was as easy to handle as Tenergy 05, and it took a lot of rotation. I felt the ease and high rotation performance. This sounds good!
Although it is a rotation performance, it was a good impression that the rotation was so good that the opponent could be swallowed by the downward rotation backhand drive. I’m not good at backhand, so it’s difficult to stabilize the rotation, but even with my backhand technology, I felt that DNA Platinum XH would be easy to rotate and would be a weapon against the opponent!

Because the grain of the sheet is thick, it has a stronger grip than R53!

I was surprised at the high rotation performance of the Rasanter R53, but I felt that the grain shape of the sheet of the R53 was slightly better than the Tenergy 80, not the Tenergy 05. In other words, it feels like the ball is coming off quickly after it has been bitten. On the other hand, the DNA Platinum XH is similar to the R53, but I felt that the grip was clearly better than the DNA Platinum XH! Imagine this is probably due to the thick grain design of the sheet. On the other hand, the R53 had a rougher feel to the ball in a good way, and I felt the ball was powerful, but the DNA Platinum XH made the ball a little shallower, and I felt that the ball was running, the ball was running, and the 2nd gear was a little quieter. See you. I think this is a trade-off performance, so I think it can’t be helped. Personally, I felt that the R53 was flashy, and the DNA Platinum XH was straightforward and had high rotational performance. If you can master R53, I feel that R53 is easier to play with a lot of humor, and DNA Platinum XH is less flashy, but it is easier to put out more than the user’s ability!

The best of Post Tenergy 05! Just heavy Tenergy 05!

Among the post-Tenergy rubbers in 2021, I felt that it was the closest rubber to Tenergy 05! Until then, I felt that the Rasanter R48 was in that position, but although the rotation performance was high, the shot feeling and grip feeling were not exactly the same as Tenergy 80, not Tenergy 05. The DNA Platinum XH this time is heavy, but the ease of grip obtained with thick grains is exactly close to Tenergy 05, and I felt that it is a rubber with similar performance in rotation amount. Even in comparison with the hardness tester, the value is quite close, and the rubber that can be said to be Tenergy 05 except for the weight was DNA Platinum XH! It’s a very good rubber and I think it’s a recommended rubber.

I also tried it with the inner carbon Reinforce AC this time, and it felt very good. Even considering STIGA’s products, I think that it is probably a rubber that is easy to fit in a wood racket. Mizuno’s Q5 is another rubber that I felt was not suitable for wood, but I think that the spin tension from the hard and adhesive rubber tends to be suitable for wood or inner carbon rackets. DNA Platinum XH will be a rubber that matches wood and inner carbon without leakage! Such rubber is often understood by the ease of overwriting loop drive with forehand, but DNA Platinum XH has a very low loop drive and abundant rotation amount, so it was easy to return. I really like these rubbers. I felt that it would be a very good option if I could overcome the weight!

Each technique review

Fore hand

Rally drive
You have the ball. I felt it was very easy to handle. I felt that this is the grain shape of the sheet that is close to the sheet structure of Butterfly 05.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
I felt high rotation performance.

Speed drive against back spin
It was easier to hit than I expected because the bite was good! I think speed drive is easier to hit than Dignics 05.

I felt that it would take a little spin and power against.

It was easy to stop firmly.

I felt it would run out.

The service was easy to put out and it was exhausted.

Back hand

Rally drive
It’s easy to hit because it has a ball. However, because the rubber is a little heavy, there was a lot of delay in swinging.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
It was extremely easy to do, and it took a lot of rotation, which made a good impression. It’s not that it’s a little lighter. I was happy to be able to indulge my opponent with a backhand drive!

Speed drive against back spin
This was also easy to do. I’m glad that there was a feeling of almighty.

It was easy to spin.

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Spin amount
 Dignics 05 > DNA Platinum XH > Tenergy 05

  Dignics 05 > DNA Platinum XH > Tenergy 05

Ease of handling
 Rasanter R48 > DNA Platinum XH> Rasanter R53

Comparison within evolutionary Tenergy tension
 Spin amount
  Dignics 05 > Q5 ≧ DNA Platinum XH ≧ Rasanter R53 > Rasanter R48 ≧ Evolution MX-D

   Dignics 05 ≧ Evolution MX-D > Rasanter R53 ≧ Q5 ≧ Rasanter R48 > DNA Platinum XH

レビュー DNA Platinum XH(ディーエヌエープラチナエクストラハード)


 STIGA(スティガ)さんの2021年注目の商品、DNA Platinum XH(ディーエヌエープラチナエクストラハード)をレビューさせていただきます。STIGAといえば、卓人にとっては木材系ラケットの老舗(しにせ)というイメージが強いのではないでしょうか。katsuo000はSTIGA≒木材系ラケットのイメージがかなり強いですね。そして、中国ナショナルチームと契約しているイメージですね。そんなSTIGAさんが2021年夏、新ラバーを発売しました!その名もDNA Platinum(ディーエヌエープラチナ)シリーズになりますね!既にDNA Pro(ディーエヌエープロ)シリーズが販売されていました。STIGAは日本製のラバーにこだわっていましたが、DNA Proシリーズからドイツ製のラバーとなりました。Made In ドイツというと、VICTAS(ヴィクタス)さんやYASAKA(ヤサカ)さんのハイエンドラバーはほぼほぼドイツ製ですね。ドイツ製ラバーはButterfly(バタフライ)のテナジーシリーズの次にトップ選手が使っていることが多く、STIGAのDNA Proシリーズもドイツ製ということで注目を集めていました!非常に短い期間ですが、DNA Pro H(ディーエヌエー プロ エイチ)は使用したことがあり、イメージとしてはかなりNittaku(ニッタク)さんのFastarc G-1(ファスタークG-1)に似ていると感じましたね。そのころはまだG-1を使ったことがなく、色々試打後に改めてDNAプロHについてもレビューを書きたいと思っておりました。結局新しいラバーが先に出てしまいました汗。こんなことにならないように今後もAs Soon As Possible(ASAP)で最新ラバーはレビューしたいものですね。
 今回登場のDNAプラチナシリーズは、ハイエンドラバーということで、なんと8,000円+税という強気の価格設定でした。これは近年テナジーを超えるポストテナジーラバー(androのRasanter R53(ラザンターR53)など)が次々と登場しているドイツ製ラバーの技術が、このDNAプラチナシリーズにも適用されているだろうと感じました。これは期待ですね~!

 世界標準Tenergy 05(テナジー05)は、発売から10年以上経過した2021年現在もワールドスタンダードの名前をほしいままにしています。テナジー05は卓球のことを考えるにあたり、なしでは語れない存在となってしまいました。このテナジーシリーズの特徴を2021年現在改めてkatsuo000なりに考えると次のようになると思います。




初期のポストテナジーラバーは、例えばFastarc G-1(ファスタークG-1)やRakza X(ラクザX)、Evolution MX-P(エヴォリューションMX-P)などだと思います。例えばファスタークG-1は確かにスピン性能は高く、グリップ力もありますが、テナジー05と比べる重かったり、ボールをくい込ませるためにより強いインパクトが必要になってくると思いますね。この要因の一つとして、シートが厚いからだといえるでしょう。

 今回のDNAプラチナシリーズは、katsuo000の中ではポストテナジー系テンションラバーまたは進化型テナジー系テンションラバーにカテゴリーされるラバーだと思います。上記のように初期のころのポストテナジー系ラバーのように厚いシートを採用するのではなく、なんと薄いシートを採用しているのですね!katsuo000の中で同じポストテナジー系テンション、または進化型テナジー系テンションに分類しているRasanter R53(ラザンターR53)やRasanter R48(ラザンターR48)についても、薄いシートを採用できるように技術が進んだそうです。DNAプラチナシリーズも類似の技術が採用されているのかもしれませんね!ドイツ工場の技術が進んだ結果、今後も高性能なラバーがドイツ工場からどんどん販売されるのではないかと想像しています。これは非常に楽しみですね!








 DNAプラチナエキストラハードは53 gでした。想定していましたが、やはり重いですね汗。

DNA Platinum XH(ディーエヌエー プラチナ エキストラハード)
 High Tension(ハイテンション)裏ラバー
・スポンジ厚:MAX(2.3 mm)
・8,000円 + 税
・74 g(切断前) → 53 g(Reinforce AC(リーンフォースAC)に貼って)

DNA Platinum XHの3つの特徴



 エキストラハードということで、もっと扱いにくいと想像していたのですが、インナーカーボンに貼ったこともあって、かなり扱いやすく感じました。また硬度計(Shore a)のシート側硬度とスポンジ側硬度の差がテナジー05と近い値から、くい込みの良いことは想像していましたが、テナジー05に近いくらいの扱いやすさ、回転のかけやすさ、回転性能の高さを感じました。これはいいですね!
 また回転性能なのですが、対下回転バックハンドドライブで相手をふかすことができるくらい良く回転がかかって好印象でした。バックハンドは下手なのでなかなか回転を安定させられないのですが、自分のバックハンドの技術でもDNA Platinum XHなら回転をかけやすく相手に対して武器になると感じましたね!





 また今回インナーカーボンのReinforce AC(リーンフォースAC)で試打しましたが、非常に好感触でした。STIGAの製品を考慮してもおそらく木材系ラケットにあいやすいラバーだと思います。木材系にあうなーと感じた他のラバーとしてはミズノのQ5が挙げられますが、硬くて粘着ラバーよりのスピン系テンションは木材系またはインナーカーボン系のラケットにあう傾向があると思います。DNAプラチナXHも漏れなく木材系やインナーカーボンにあうラバーでしょう!こういったラバーは、フォアハンドでの上書きループドライブのやりやすさでわかることが多いのですが、DNAプラチナXHはループドライブが非常に低くかつ回転量豊富で返球しやすかったです。こういったラバーは非常に好みです。重ささえ克服できれば非常に良い選択肢になると感じました!

























 Dignics 05 > DNA Platinum XH > Tenergy 05

  Dignics 05 > DNA Platinum XH > Tenergy 05

 Rasanter R48 > DNA Platinum XH> Rasanter R53

  Dignics 05 > Q5 ≧ DNA Platinum XH ≧ Rasanter R53 > Rasanter R48 ≧ Evolution MX-D

   Dignics 05 ≧ Evolution MX-D > Rasanter R53 ≧ Q5 ≧ Rasanter R48 > DNA Platinum XH

雑感 2021/5/20 DNA Platinum!?

卓球王国 2021年7月号発売!


〇 DNA Platinum(DNAプラチナ)シリーズ
 低い粒形状と薄いトップシートは、DNAプラチナがより厚いスポンジ(最大2.3 mm)に対応できることを意味し、打球のスピードとパワーを向上させる。Power Sponge Cells(PSC)テクノロジーを採用し、打球のパワーが強くなり、しっかりとした弧線を描くことで、深い弾道のボールが打てる。
 ・DNA Platinum XH (MAX(2.3 mm)のみ) 52.5°
 ・DNA Platinum H(MAX(2.3 mm)、特厚(2.1 mm)) 50.0°
 ・DNA Platinum M(MAX(2.3 mm)、特厚(2.1 mm)) 47.5°
 ・DNA Platinum S(MAX(2.3 mm)、特厚(2.1 mm)) 42.5°

価格がなんと、8,000円 (+税)と、テナジーと同じ値段ですね汗。androさんのRasanter R53、R48、R45、TIBHARさんのEvolution MX-Dとドイツ製ラバーはテナジー類似の高性能ラバーが登場しつつあります。それらと同じような技術が採用されているのではないか、とkatsuo000は勝手に想像した次第ですね。非常に気になりますね~。STIGAさんはラケットが木材系が多く、カーボンありでも独特の球持ちを有するラケットが多いです。またおそらく、木材に相性の良いラバーではないかと想像しております。うーん、気になるですね~。欲しいです。