
レビュー Blue Grip S1 (ブルーグリップS1)


 DONIC (ドニック)さんの粘着テンションラバー、Blue Grip S1 (ブルーグリップS1)をレビューします。このラバーはDONIC (ドニック)さんのラバーで、1を冠していますが、どちらかというと中級者や柔らかいラバーを好む選手向けの位置づけラバーになりますね。安定感の中で少しでも威力が出したい選手が求める、そんなラバーになります。Acuda (アクーダ)シリーズやCoppa (コッパ)などの系譜のラバーが、ブルーグリップのSシリーズになりますね。「Blue Grip C1&C2 (ブルーグリップC1&C2)よりも柔らかい」という、フレーズで、粘着性のトップシートと弾力のあるスポンジを搭載したラバーになります。

 DONIC (ドニック)さんのトップラバーといえばBlue Star A1 (ブルースターA1)です。2022年インターハイ3冠王の鈴木颯選手が両面、Blue Storm Z1 Turbo (ブルーストームZ1ターボ)から両面、Blue Star A1 (ブルースターA1)へ変更しました。たしかにBlue Storm Z1 Turbo (ブルーストームZ1ターボ)はやや古いラバーで、ディグニクスが販売される前のラバーです。スピン系テンションラバーのカテゴリーの中には、回転がかかればかかるほど良い、硬ければ硬いほど良い、というカテゴリーに入るラバーもあります。一方で、回転性能も高くかつ扱いやすさやスピード性能の高いスピン系テンションラバーを好むという人も少なくありません。さらに扱いやすくて相手の回転の影響を受けにくく、相手とのラリーにも強いラバーが欲しい、という人にはBlue Storm Z1 Turbo (ブルーストームZ1ターボ)がとても刺さると思います。その後、DONIC (ドニック)さんのラバーとして発売されたのが、Blue Storm PRO (ブルーストームPRO)シリーズになりますね。Blue Storm PRO (ブルーストームPRO)は非常に高性能なラバーでテナジーレベルの高い回転性能をもった高性能なラバーだと思います。鈴木颯選手も試していたようですが、彼がインターハイで選んだラバーはBlue Storm Z1 Turbo (ブルーストームZ1ターボ)だったようですね。そして2023年に発売されたのが最新のトップ選手用ラバーBlue Star A1 (ブルースターA1)になります。これはButterfly (バタフライ)さんでいうところのDignics 09C (ディグニクス09C)を意識したようなラバーでした。台上ではトップシートの微粘着で止められて、フルスイングの時にはDignics 09C (ディグニクス09C)以上のスピードで相手コートに突き刺さるようなドライブが打てるラバーに仕上がっています。ラバー価格はやや高いですが、TIBHAR (ティバー)さんのHybrid K3 (ハイブリッドK3)やVICTAS (ヴィクタス)さんのTriple Double Extra (トリプルダブルエキストラ)、Stiga (スティガ)さんのDNA Dragon Grip (DNAドラゴングリップ)、Yasaka (ヤサカ)さんのRakza Z Extra Hard (ラクザZエキストラハード)などと並ぶ新世代粘着テンションラバーの1枚といえるでしょう。本ページで試打レビューするBlue Grip S1 (ブルーグリップS1)もこれら粘着戦国時代の中ではやや存在感は薄いものの、粘着ラバー界に参戦するドイツ製粘着テンションラバーとして注目に値する一枚ではないかと思います。まずはDonic (ドニック)さんのブルーラバーには、どのようなラバーがあるのか確認してみましょう。

・Blue Grip(粘着ラバー)6種
 Blue Grip C1 (ブルーグリップC1)
 Blue Grip C2 (ブルーグリップC2)
 Blue Grip S1 (ブルーグリップS1)
 Blue Grip S2 (ブルーグリップS2)
 Blue Grip V1 (ブルーグリップV1) 廃盤? (2023年パンフレット記載なし)
 Blue Grip R1 (ブルーグリップR1) 廃盤? (2023年パンフレット記載なし)
・Blue Storm(ブルーストーム)7種

 Blue Storm PRO (ブルーストームPRO)
 Blue Stom PRO AM (ブルーストームPRO AM)
 Blue Stom Z1 Turbo (ブルーストームZ1ターボ)
 Blue Storm Z1 (ブルーストームZ1)
 Blue Storm Z2 (ブルーストームZ2)
 Blue Storm Z3 (ブルーストームZ3)
 Blue Storm Big Slam (ブルーストームビッグスラム)
・Blue Fire(ブルーファイヤ) 9種

 Blue Fire M1 Turbo (ブルーファイヤM1ターボ)
 Blue Fire M1 (ブルーファイヤM1)
 Blue Fire M2 (ブルーファイヤM2)
 Blue Fire M3 (ブルーファイヤM3)
 Blue Fire JP01 Turbo (ブルーファイヤJP01ターボ) 廃盤? (2023年パンフレット記載なし)
 Blue Fire JP01 (ブルーファイヤJP01) 廃盤? (2023年パンフレット記載なし)
 Blue Fire JP02 (ブルーファイヤJP02) 廃盤? (2023年パンフレット記載なし)
 Blue Fire JP03 (ブルーファイヤJP03) 廃盤? (2023年パンフレット記載なし)
 Blue Fire Big Slam (ブルーファイヤビッグスラム) 廃盤? (2023年パンフレット記載なし)

 廃盤と思われるラバー含め、多くのブルーラバーがラインナップされています。本当に数が多いですね。未だにBlue Fire (ブルーファイヤ)シリーズが販売されているのはスゴイと思います。最近のDONIC (ドニック)最新ラバーは非常にいいラバーが多く、昨年2022年発売のBlue Storm PRO (ブルーストームPRO)は税抜7,800円と高いだけありTenergy 05 (テナジー05)を超える高い回転性能を有する高性能ラバーでした。粘着ラバーはGrip (グリップ)を冠しているラバーで、6種類と他メーカーと比べても充実のラインナップだと思います。Blue Grip S1 (ブルーグリップS1)についてさらに深堀してみます。

Blue Grip S1 (ブルーグリップS1)



 ラバーの立ち位置としては、粘着バージョンのアクーダブルー系のラバーと思いました。球持ちが良くて安定感のあるラバーであることは情報などから予想はついていましたので、あとは+αの性能があるか、などが気になる点ですかね。卓球王国などでも、ちょくちょく取りあげられていて、中級者おすすめラバーの代名詞的な扱いを受けていますね。個人的な見解ですが、中級者向けラバーを真剣に選ぼうとするとコスト以外で決めてが難しかったりします。中級者向けという時点で、既に扱いやすさは平均点以上ですので、扱いやすさは基本あるとして、そこにプラスαで性能 (スピードか回転か、カウンター性能か)を追求する形になると思います。扱いやすさは、上級者向けといわれるラバーでも差があり、どこに標準を置くか、で本当に変わってくる印象ですね。でも2024年はどこかで、ラバーの分類、ラケットの分類を実施したいなーなどと考えております。



SpinSpeedControlRubber Stiffness
Blue Grip S1
Blue Star A1
Blue Grip C1
Blue Grip C2
Blue Grip V1
Blue Grip R1
Blue Grip S2
Blue Storm PRO
Blue Storm Z1 Turbo
Blue Fire M1 Turbo
Blue Fire JP01 Turbo


shore ashore ashore cshore csheet-sponge
(shore a)
(shore c)
Blue Grip S14725.323.534.837.01.8-2.3
Blue Star A15331.827.846.
Blue Grip C15734.033.049.949.51.00.4
Blue Storm PRO5029.626.343.
Dignics 09C5033.431.850.849.11.61.7
Dignics 054834.331.350.
Tenergy 054732.226.844.643.35.41.3

 予想通り、Blue Grip S1 (ブルーグリップS1)は標準的な重量と硬さでした。気になる点としては、shore aで測るとシート側が硬く、shore cで測るとスポンジ側が硬くなる点でしょうか。粘着性ラバーではスポンジ側の方が硬いということが往々にしてあり、球持ちと回転のかけやすさのあるラバーレシピでもあります。こういったラバーは若干ですが、フォアでカウンタードライブ時にスリップすることもあるので、少しカウンターがしにくいイメージがありますね。ただし、その他の技術は全体的にやりやすくこのあたりがポイント1つのポイントかなーというイメージです。shore cの方が平均的かつ全体的な硬度を反映していて、ドイツ製硬度とも対応している印象ですので、基本的には柔らか系で粘着ラバーのような硬さはなく、だけど粘着ラバーのような設計のラバーがBlue Grip S1 (ブルーグリップS1)といえるでしょう。


 やや弾むラケットにあわせてみて使いやすさを確認したいと感じ、Butterfly (バタフライ)さんのRevoldia CNF (レボルディアCNF)に貼りました。

 Acuda S1 (アクーダS1)のスポンジとブルーグリップ系の粘着性のトップシートをあわせたラバーであることがわかります。やはりアクーダ系ラバーの粘着ラバーという立ち位置ですね。

 47 gと全体的に軽い仕上がりです。ラケット自体は結構重い個体だったのですが、この軽さは一般的な軽さですかね。しかもグリップも細いので、より振り抜きやすいと思います。個人的には190 g後半から200 g程度のラケットを使っているのでやや軽すぎる気はしました。

Blue Grip S1(ブルーグリップS1)
・Sponge Thickness:2.0 mm、MAX
・Speed: 11
・6,000円 + 税
・68 → 47 g (Revoldia CNF (レボルディアCNF)に貼って)

Blue Grip S1の3つの特徴

廉価版Dignics 09C系ラバー

 このラバーは回転性能は生粋粘着ラバーほどありませんが、ストップやツッツキの止めやすさはピカ一で、そこからラリーへとつなげて、一発放り込むようなラバーでした。良い意味でバックハンドも使えるDignics 09C (ディグニクス09C)Dignics 09C (ディグニクス09C)よりももっとスピン系テンションラバーに近いポジションだと思います。ドイツ製ラバーで競合しそうなラバーはRasanter C48 (ラザンターC48)でしょうか。ラザンターのCシリーズはややクセがあってドライブという点では、弾き系よりは擦り系の方が回転で沈むラバーだと思います。粘着ラバーのポジションですがシート設計が他のラバーと異なっているために、違いが如実で粘着ラバーのポジションとしつつ打ち方はスピン系テンションラバー系でスイングする必要があると思います。一方Blue Grip S1 (ブルーグリップS1)ではぶつける系のドライブでも回転がかかって沈むイメージですが、やはり柔らかいスポンジを組み合わせていいるので、ラバー全体が負けるか、柔らかすぎて板の硬い部分に当たってしまって結果として弾いてしまうイメージですね。ただ使いやすい粘着系のラバーとしては、個人的にはBlue Grip S1 (ブルーグリップS1)の方がオススメですね。ステップアップしてよりハードな粘着ラバーを使うことを想定するならBlue Grip S1 (ブルーグリップS1)を、最後までスピン系テンションラバーでテンション系を意識するならRasanter C48 (ラザンターC48)がオススメになると思います。自分は粘着ラバーをバックでも使うようになってきているので、やはりBlue Grip S1 (ブルーグリップS1)の方がしっくりきましたし、扱いやすいと感じました。


 粘着系のラバーではありますが、インパクトがあるのはスピード性能でした。弧線も球持ちもありますが、やわらかいラバーなのでスピードが出しやすかったです。例えばですがフォアハンドには回転系のラバーを使いバックハンドにBlue Grip S1 (ブルーグリップS1)を貼るのは王道的で、良いと思います。チキータやバックハンドドライブでも先手を取りつつ、チキータやバックハンドドライブは回転量よりもスピードでプレッシャーをかけたり、ツッツキやストップで相手の出鼻をくじいてバックブロックや伸ばすブロックで動かすような戦略がとりやすいと思います。少なくとも自分はそういう使い方でフィットすると感じました。バックハンドブロックや伸ばすブロックも柔らかいので、思った以上にスピードが出しやすい印象ですね。







 打ちやすいけど、威力は低いと感じました。特にRevoldia CNF (レボルディアCNF)は弾んで棒球になりやすい感じがあるので、そこと相まって回転量は得にくいかもしれません。










 弧線を描くので懐まで引き込める感じがありました。こういう感じは好きですね。V>22 Double Extra (V>22ダブルエキストラ)とかと比べるとやはり弧線が高いのは嬉しいですね。




ストップ / ツッツキ



 Tenergy 05 FX > Blue Grip S1 > Rasanter R45

 Tenergy 80 FX > Blue Grip S1 > Vega DEF

レビュー Blue Star A1 (ブルースターA1)


 DONIC (ドニック)さんが2023年に本気の一枚を発売しました。その名もBlue Star A1 (ブルースターA1)です。2022年インターハイ3冠王の鈴木颯選手がBlue Storm Z1 Turbo (ブルーストームZ1ターボ)から両面、Blue Star A1 (ブルースターA1)へ変更しました。トップ選手が使用して満足いくラバー、それがBlue Star A1 (ブルースターA1)のようですね。既に元卓球王国のゆうさんのレビュー動画も配信されました。どのようなラバーなのか、見る前にブルーラバーについて確認しましょう。

・Blue Grip(粘着ラバー)6種
 Blue Grip C1 (ブルーグリップC1)
 Blue Grip C2 (ブルーグリップC2)
 Blue Grip S1 (ブルーグリップS1)
 Blue Grip S2 (ブルーグリップS2)
 Blue Grip V1 (ブルーグリップV1) 廃盤? (2023年パンフレット記載なし)
 Blue Grip R1 (ブルーグリップR1) 廃盤? (2023年パンフレット記載なし)
・Blue Storm(ブルーストーム)7種

 Blue Storm PRO (ブルーストームPRO)
 Blue Stom PRO AM (ブルーストームPRO AM)
 Blue Stom Z1 Turbo (ブルーストームZ1ターボ)
 Blue Storm Z1 (ブルーストームZ1)
 Blue Storm Z2 (ブルーストームZ2)
 Blue Storm Z3 (ブルーストームZ3)
 Blue Storm Big Slam (ブルーストームビッグスラム)
・Blue Fire(ブルーファイヤ) 9種

 Blue Fire M1 Turbo (ブルーファイヤM1ターボ)
 Blue Fire M1 (ブルーファイヤM1)
 Blue Fire M2 (ブルーファイヤM2)
 Blue Fire M3 (ブルーファイヤM3)
 Blue Fire JP01 Turbo (ブルーファイヤJP01ターボ) 廃盤? (2023年パンフレット記載なし)
 Blue Fire JP01 (ブルーファイヤJP01) 廃盤? (2023年パンフレット記載なし)
 Blue Fire JP02 (ブルーファイヤJP02) 廃盤? (2023年パンフレット記載なし)
 Blue Fire JP03 (ブルーファイヤJP03) 廃盤? (2023年パンフレット記載なし)
 Blue Fire Big Slam (ブルーファイヤビッグスラム) 廃盤? (2023年パンフレット記載なし)

 廃盤と思われるラバー含め、22種類のブルーラバーがあります。数が多いですね。未だにBlue Fire (ブルーファイヤ)シリーズが販売されているのはスゴイと思いますね。最近のDONIC (ドニック)最新ラバーは非常にいいラバーが多く、昨年2022年発売のBlue Storm PRO (ブルーストームPRO)は税抜7,800円と高いだけありTenergy 05 (テナジー05)を超える高い回転性能を有する高性能ラバーでした。今回のBlue Star A1 (ブルースターA1)も税抜8,600円と高いだけあり抜群の性能が期待できます!実際、高評価が多いようですね。2023年の卓球王国の別冊卓球グッズでも高い評価をされているようですね。それでは各情報を一つ一つ確認していきましょう。

Blue Star A1 (ブルースターA1)





 『ブルースター』は粘着性トップシートに、新開発のOPTE (Optimized Energy)スポンジを搭載。「打った瞬間に従来のラバーとは異なるとわかる」ほどの性能に仕上がっているという。(中略)





卓球グッズ2023 7月号別冊

 発売を聞いてすぐに購入し、試打したいと思ってすぐに貼りました。触ってみると確かに微粘着シートで球をついた印象は、思わずDignics 09C (ディグニクス09C)に似ていると感じました。これは期待が持てると思います!



SpinSpeedControlRubber Stiffness
Blue Star A1
Blue Grip C1
Blue Grip C2
Blue Grip V1
Blue Grip R1
Blue Grip S1
Blue Grip S2
Blue Storm PRO
Blue Storm Z1 Turbo
Blue Fire M1 Turbo
Blue Fire JP01 Turbo


shore ashore ashore cshore csheet-sponge
(shore a)
(shore c)
Blue Star A15331.827.846.
Blue Grip C15734.033.049.949.51.00.4
Blue Storm PRO5029.626.343.
Dignics 09C5033.431.850.849.11.61.7
Dignics 054834.331.350.
Tenergy 054732.226.844.643.35.41.3

 硬度比較をするとラバーの特徴が出ると感じます。katsuo000が所有しているDONICさんのラバーの中では、やや重たいですが、shore aのシート側とスポンジ側の硬度差が大きく、扱いやすさもあるラバーであることがうかがえます。というか、粘着ラバーはシートの方がスポンジよりも軟らかいということがあるのですが、このBlue Star A1 (ブルースターA1)はスポンジの方が硬い仕様でスピン系テンションラバーに近い設計になっていると感じました。やはりTenergy 05 (テナジー05)と比較するとやや硬く、ディグニクスシリーズと比較すると柔らかめのラバーになりますね。やはりDignics 09C (ディグニクス09C)に方向性が近そうですね。


 最近はインナーメインにしています。Rally Ace (ラリーエース)さんんのLimba Inner (リンバインナー)に貼りました。

 53 gはやや重いですね。バックで使えるか不安になる重さだと思います。一方で打球感はDignics 09C (ディグニクス09C)ほど硬くないので、バックでも使おう思えば使えるラバーだと思います。

Blue Star A1(ブルースターA1)
・Sponge Thickness:2.0 mm、MAX
・Speed: 11++
・8,600円 + 税
・75 → 53 g (Limba Inner (リンバインナー)に貼って)

Blue Star A1の3つの特徴


 このラバーは弧線が高いですね!初めの直観通り、Dignics 09C (ディグニクス09C)に非常に似た弧線の高さでした。この弧線の高さはまさにDignics 09C (ディグニクス09C)!ただ、Dignics 09C (ディグニクス09C)は打球感がマッドで癖は出る分、粘着らしく打球直後のスピードよりも、相手のコートについてからのボールの上に上がる伸びの方で特徴のあるラバーです。一方、このブルースターA1は非常にスピード感のあるボールが打ちやすかったです。試打した季節がちょうど夏だったこともあってスポンジが柔らかく感じたこともあいまってか、かなりスピードを感じました。このスピードは武器になると感じました。若干クセや相手のコートについてからの伸びは弱く、取りやすいドライブになっているようにも感じましたが、ループドライブの回転量はしっかりあり、決して回転量が低いようなラバーではありませんでした。ただ、使いやすくてスピードが出しやすい分、クセ球はほとんど出にくいといえるかもしれません。ただ弧線がここまで出ると多少のループドライブを前にふって上手にカウンターしやすいと思いました。




 粘着シートですので、やはり台上はしっかりとまります。この安心感を維持しながら、弾ませる、非常に現代的なラバーに仕上がっていると感じました。Dignics 09C (ディグニクス09C)はいいラバーですが、もう少し自分の個性や色を出していきたいなら、このBlue Star A1 (ブルースターA1)はかなりオススメになります。そうでなくとも、このラバーはオススメして外れの少ない非常に高性能なラバーでした。やや高いラバーですが、手に取ってみて悪い経験はさせない、そんなラバーだと思います。



















ストップ / ツッツキ



 Dignics 09C ≧ Blue Star A1 > Dignics 80 

 Dignics 05 > Blue Star A1 > Dignics 09C


2023年 DONIC卓球用具カタログ


 DONICといえば、長く天才Jan-Ove Waldner (ヤン-オベ ワルドナー)選手でしたが、2022年は新星として、鈴木颯選手が表紙を飾りました!鈴木颯選手は、ずっとDONICのラバーとラケットを使用していて、3冠のときに使用していたのは、Original True Carbon (オリジナルトゥルーカーボン)に両面Blue Storm Z1 Turbo (ブルーストームZ1ターボ)になりますね。やや古いラバーではありますが、そのラバーの良さを活かすような快速のパワードライブとラリー力を示したのだと思います。今後も活躍が期待される新星の若手選手がDONICという老舗メーカーの日本のカタログの表紙を飾るのはとても嬉しいことですね!



Blue Star A1 (ブルースターA1)

 このラバー、名前はスターとさわやかですが、粘着テンションラバーになります。卓球王国のPick Up Product (ピックアッププロダクト)でもしっかり取り上げられており、注目の用具です!もう既にkatsuo000は購入済みでどこかで早く試打したいラバーの1枚ですね。貼って触ってみた印象は、Dignics 09C (ディグニクス09C)をもう少し重くして、その分、癖を出しやすくしたようなラバーでした。スピードや中陣からのドライブの失速の程度がDignics 09C (ディグニクス09C)と比較してどうなのかが気になるラバーですね。

DONIC (ドニック) Rubbers (ラバー)

DONIC – 天才ワルドナーを支えたブランド

 DONIC (ドニック)といえば、やはり天才Jan-Ove Waldner (ヤン=オベ・ワルドナー)でしょう!世界を席巻する中国卓球ですが、そんな中国と渡り合い、そして勝った選手として有名なのが、ワルドナー選手です。世界選手権優勝2回、バルセロナオリンピック男子シングルス金メダリスト、と中国人選手と肩を並べた選手ですね。「100年に一人の天才」「卓球の神様」と呼ばれ1980年代のスウェーデンの黄金時代を築いたのがワルドナー選手ですね。そのワルドナー選手のラケットやラバーは、DONIC (ドニック)製でした。
 andro (アンドロ)がグリーン (緑)をブランドカラーであるなら、DONIC (ドニック)のブランドカラーはブルーです。ラバーもブルーとネーミングされスポンジも青いラバーだらけになっています!また値段も良心的で、同じ種類のラバーシリーズでも硬度が3~4種類から選べたり、スポンジ厚さも豊富と、非常に選択肢が広いため自分にあったラバーが必ず見つかるブランドといえるかもしれません。最近の話題としては、契約選手の鈴木颯選手 (愛工大名電高校)がインターハイで男子三冠に輝きました!鈴木選手はOrijinal True Carbon (オリジナルトゥルーカーボン)というアウターアラミドカーボンラケットと、Blue Storm Z1 Turbo (ブルーストームZ1ターボ)を使用されています。2023年1月の全日本選手権ではジュニアも一般も鈴木選手に注目です!

Blue Star Series (ブルースターシリーズ)

Blue Star A1 (ブルースターA1)

 Spin:、 Speed:、 Control:、 スポンジ硬度: °
 ラバー重量: g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):、 shore a (sponge):
       shore c (sheet):、 shore c (sponge):

Blue Storm Series (ブルーストームシリーズ)

Blue Storm PRO (ブルーストームPRO)

 Spin:11+、 Speed:11、 Control:5+、 スポンジ硬度: 50°
 ラバー重量:50 g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):29.6、 shore a (sponge):26.3
       shore c (sheet):43.2、 shore c (sponge):40.6
★即納/あす楽★■卓球ラバーメール便送料無料■◆DONIC◆ドニック AL097 ブルーストーム PRO プロフェッショナル仕様のセレクトバージョン。スピンを大幅に向上したブルーストームプロ。【卓球用品】裏ソフトラバー/卓球/ラバー/ラバ-【RCP】
価格:6778円(税込、送料無料) (2022/8/20時点)楽天で購入

Blue Storm PRO AM (ブルーストームPRO AM)

 Spin:11-、 Speed:11、 Control:6、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5°

Blue Storm Z1 Turbo (ブルーストームZ1ターボ)

 Spin:10+++、 Speed:11、 Control:6-、 スポンジ硬度: 50°
 ラバー重量:50 g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):30.3、 shore a (sponge):26.2
       shore c (sheet):40.7、 shore c (sponge):40.0
価格:4774円(税込、送料別) (2022/8/20時点)楽天で購入

Blue Storm Z1 (ブルーストームZ1)

 Spin:10+++、 Speed:10+++、 Control:6+、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5°

Blue Storm Z2 (ブルーストームZ2)

 Spin:10+++、 Speed:10+、 Control:7、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5°

Blue Storm Z3 (ブルーストームZ3)

 Spin:10+++、 Speed:9+、 Control:8、 スポンジ硬度: 42.5°

Blue Storm Big Slam (ブルーストームビッグスラム)

 Spin:10+++、 Speed:9、 Control:8+、 スポンジ硬度: 42.5°

Blue Fire Series (ブルーファイアシリーズ)

Blue Fire M1 Turbo (ブルーファイアM1ターボ)

 Spin:10+++、 Speed:10++、 Control:6、 スポンジ硬度: 50°
 ラバー重量:53 g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):32.3、 shore a (sponge):27.8
       shore c (sheet):43.8、 shore c (sponge):42.1
価格:5005円(税込、送料別) (2022/8/20時点)楽天で購入

Blue Fire M1 (ブルーファイアM1)

 Spin:10++、 Speed:10++、 Control:6、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5°

Blue Fire M2 (ブルーファイアM2)

 Spin:10++、 Speed:9++、 Control:7、 スポンジ硬度: 45.0°

Blue Fire M3 (ブルーファイアM3)

 Spin:10++、 Speed:9、 Control:7++、 スポンジ硬度: 40.0°

Blue Fire JP01 Turbo (ブルーファイヤJP01ターボ)

 Spin:10+++、 Speed:10+、 Control:6+、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5°
 ラバー重量:48 g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):29.6、 shore a (sponge):24.3
       shore c (sheet):40.7、 shore c (sponge):40.5
★即納/あす楽★■卓球ラバーメール便送料無料■◆DONIC◆ドニック AL070 ブルーファイアJP01ターボ 【卓球用品】裏ソフトラバー/卓球/ラバー/ラバ-【RCP】
価格:5863円(税込、送料無料) (2022/8/20時点)楽天で購入

Blue Fire JP01 (ブルーファイアJP01)

 Spin:10++、 Speed:10+、 Control:6+、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5°

Blue Fire JP02 (ブルーファイアJP02)

 Spin:10++、 Speed:10、 Control:7-、 スポンジ硬度: 45.0°

Blue Fire JP03 (ブルーファイアJP03)

 Spin:10++、 Speed:9+、 Control:7+、 スポンジ硬度: 40.0°

Blue Fire Big Slam (ブルーファイアビッグスラム)

 Spin:10++、 Speed:8+、 Control:8-、 スポンジ硬度: 40.0°

Blue Grip Series (ブルーグリップシリーズ)

Blue Grip C1 (ブルーグリップC1)

 Spin:11++、 Speed:11、 Control:5、 スポンジ硬度: 60.0°
 ラバー重量:57 g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):34.0、 shore a (sponge):33.0
       shore c (sheet):49.9、 shore c (sponge):49.5
価格:5005円(税込、送料別) (2022/8/20時点)楽天で購入

Blue Grip C2 (ブルーグリップC2)

 Spin:11++、 Speed:10、 Control:6-、 スポンジ硬度: 55.0°

Blue Grip V1 (ブルーグリップV1)

 Spin:11+、 Speed:10、 Control:6、 スポンジ硬度: 50.0°

Blue Grip R1 (ブルーグリップR1)

 Spin:11、 Speed:10+、 Control:6、 スポンジ硬度: 50.0°

Blue Grip S2 (ブルーグリップS2)

 Spin:11、 Speed:9+、 Control:7、 スポンジ硬度: 42.5°

Acuda Series (アクーダシリーズ)

Acuda S1 Turbo (アクーダS1ターボ)

 Spin:10++、 Speed:10++、 Control:6-、 スポンジ硬度: 45.0°

Acuda S1 (アクーダS1)

 Spin:10++、 Speed:10+、 Control:6-、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5°

Acuda S2 (アクーダS2)

 Spin:10++、 Speed:9+、 Control:7-、 スポンジ硬度: 42.5°

Acuda S3 (アクーダS3)

 Spin:10++、 Speed:9-、 Control:7+、 スポンジ硬度: 37.5°

Coppa Series (コッパシリーズ)

Coppa X1 Turbo (コッパX1ターボ)

 Spin:10+、 Speed:10++、 Control:5+、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5°

Coppa X1 (コッパX1)

 Spin:10+、 Speed:10、 Control:6、 スポンジ硬度: 45.0°

Coppa X2 (コッパX2)

 Spin:10+、 Speed:10-、 Control:6+、 スポンジ硬度: 42.5°

Coppa X3 (コッパX3)

 Spin:10+、 Speed:9-、 Control:7、 スポンジ硬度: 37.5°

Coppa (コッパ)

 Spin:9+、 Speed:8、 Control:7-、 スポンジ硬度: Middle

Others (その他)

Baracuda (バラクーダ)

 Spin:10++、 Speed:10-、 Control:6、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5°

Baracuda Big Slam (バラクーダビッグスラム)

 Spin:10++、 Speed:9-、 Control:7、 スポンジ硬度: 43.5°

Solo (ソロ)

 Spin:6、 Speed:5、 Control:9+、 スポンジ硬度: Middle

Review Blue Storm PRO


・Blue Grip (tacky tension) 5 kinds
・Blue Storm 7 kinds
・Blue Fire 9 kinds
・Acuda Blue 4 kinds

There are 25 types of blue rubber! Among them, we will review DONIC’s new rubber, Blue Storm PRO, which was released in January 2022. Speaking of DONIC rubber, there are many rubbers that are blue. It also features a large lineup of the Blue Fire series with high spin performance, the Blue Storm series with speed performance and low trajectory, and the Blue Grip series with adhesive tension system for ease of handling and further rotation performance and habit. I think this brings the merit of being able to finely change the hardness and seat according to the skill of the player. The 2022 pamphlet does not include the Blue Fire JP series, but it does appear on the DONIC website in Japan. It may be out of print, but it seems that it is currently available. As a manufacturer, I think that it is a strategy that costs a lot for the company because it handles a lot of inventory, but I think that DONIC’s stance, which has a large lineup of hardness and sponge thickness in each series, is a user-first manufacturer. Let’s check out the hottest rubber, Blue Storm PRO, in DONIC’s latest work.


The performance of German-made rubber has improved considerably these days, and I expect that it will have the same or higher performance as the evolved Tenergy rubber. The Blue Storm PRO this time probably uses the same technology, and it seems that it has high rotation performance comparable to Tenergy.

It seems that Suzuki of Aikodai Meiden, who is a contract player of DONIC and one of the candidates for the Inter-High championship triple crown this year, also used Blue Storm PRO for a while, but now he is returning to Blue Storm Z1 Turbo. It has been done. It seems that he used blue grip rubber for a while, but he seems to be using the Blue Storm Z1 turbo in search of a habit ball that is drawn out by technology, not a habit of relying on rubber.

The information on DONIC’s homepage and pamphlets is as follows.

Professional select version.

The top sheet has been renewed, and the touch feeling, response, and spin of the ball have been greatly improved. Dynamic rubber with extraordinary ball popping out.

In addition, Suzuki’s comment posted on “Table Tennis Goods 2022” is as follows.

In 2022, “Blue Storm PRO” was used for the back in all Japan. Personally, the shot feeling is soft and the bite is good, and I have the impression that it is a rubber that emphasizes rotation rather than speed. Fore uses “Blue Storm Z1 Turbo”, but “PRO” takes rotation even if hit lightly, and it was easier to use the opponent’s ball in blocks etc. I also tried “PRO” in the foreground, but I found it a little difficult to control with my feeling and how to hit. The image of “Z1 Turbo” is that you can make a strong rotation with your own swing, and “PRO” is that you can rotate naturally without being aware of it. I think “PRO” is suitable for players who play in the front team and players who are not good at spinning themselves.

From “Table Tennis Goods 2022”

In this blog, I will review the Blue Storm PRO and compare it with the Blue Storm Z1 Turbo.

Public performance value

Let’s compare the published performance values.

It is the default that it is difficult to refer to the rubber published value of DONIC. You can see that the latest Blue Storm PRO is well-balanced, but there is also an image that the Blue Storm Z1 turbo is better in speed performance, so it is still a little difficult to refer to. Next is the comparison of katsuo000 hardness testers.

When comparing the hardness, I feel that the characteristics of rubber come out. Among DONIC’s rubbers owned by katsuo000, it is lighter than the Blue Fire M1 Turbo and weighs almost the same as the Blue Storm Z1 Turbo. The Z1 turbo was a rubber that bites in very well and feels soft, but the PRO is a little harder, isn’t it? I think it will be about the same hardness as Tenergy 05. As mentioned in the previous reputation, PRO is a rubber with great expectations if it has the same spin performance as Tenergy 05

Blue Storm PRO sticking and weight

Recently, I put it on YASAKA’s Reinforce AC because it’s an inner.

Personally, it was not too hard, not too light, and it was a rubber that could be used by a wide range of players.

Blue Storm PRO
・Sponge Thickness: 2.0 mm, MAX
・Speed: 11+
・Sponge stiffness: 50.0°
・7,800 yen + tax
・72 g (before cut) → 50 g (after cut) 

Three features of Blue Storm PRO

High spin performance! This is fantastic!

I felt the outstanding rotation performance among the blue rubbers so far. Blue rubber with high rotation performance is Blue Fire M1 Turbo (Blue Fire M1 Turbo) and Blue Grip C1 (Blue Grip C1), but the overwhelming difference is the good biting. While other rubbers rotate with the hardness of the sponge, Blue Storm PRO is a rubber that makes it very easy to feel that it is rotating with a strong twitch while gripping the ball with the good bite of the sponge. did. I think that strong rotation performance is a condition of good rubber, so it is highly recommended.

Although the spin performance is high, the trajectory is low!

The interesting thing about this Blue Storm PRO is that it has a high trajectory but a low trajectory! A ball with a low trajectory that is close to the grain shape of 80 or 64 series will come out! The Blue Storm Z1 Turbo was also aggressive with a similar low trajectory arc, but the Blue Storm PRO has even higher rotational performance, and I felt that it was a rubber with unprecedented characteristics! I think that it is an interesting rubber that it is aggressive but has high rotation performance. Dignix 64 and Dignix 80 also show aggressive and high rotation performance, but I think that it is also a rubber that is a little difficult to rotate because the seat is hard. I felt that this Blue Storm PRO could be described as a rubber like the Tenergy 64 with the rotational performance of the Tenergy 05. Or is it Tenergy 19 that feels similar? Of course, it bears the name of Blue Storm, so I think PRO is more aggressive than Tenergy 19.

It’s not as sticky, but it’s easy to do on the table!

Since the rotation performance is high, it is easy to do on the table! Of course, it is not as easy to stop as adhesive rubber, but I felt that I was able to stop the ball by rotating it. The seat of the Blue Storm Z1 Turbo is hard, but I also felt that it was a little easy to float, so I felt that it was ant to use PRO for ease of use on the table. The price is a little high, but I think it’s a highly recommended rubber!

Each technical review


Light hit
It’s a 50 ° rubber, but I didn’t feel its hardness.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It was very nice to be able to hit a drive that can be applied when you want to apply rotation, and when you want to apply speed, you can apply pressure due to speed with a low trajectory. This slowness may be exactly the difference from the Blue Storm Z1 turbo. With Blue Storm PRO, I think it’s very easy to shoot a chance ball by shaking it with the amount of rotation of the drive!

Top spin (loop) drive against back spin
Even though I could hit such an aggressive drive, I was able to hit a fairly satisfying loop drive. This is highly rated!

Speed drive against back spin
The weight of the ball may be reduced, but a good ball was hit. It was good to feel the stretch like a spin tension rubber.

Curve / shoot drive
Since it has high rotation performance, it will bend considerably if you take the plunge. You will be able to hit a characteristic curve and shoot drive compared to the rubber with high speed performance so far.

Compared to the Blue Storm Z1 Turbo, it is the PRO who feels that the entire rubber is soft. Therefore, PRO is a little more susceptible to the influence of the opponent’s rotation. However, because the arc line is low, there were more net mistakes than I expected. PRO is recommended if you want to rotate and stabilize the block!

Counter drive
The arc line is lower than I expected, so it was surprisingly easy to do counter drive! This was surprising!

Stop & Push
I think it can be stopped enough. I felt that it was possible to attack aggressively with a deep push.

Since the spin performance is high, I was able to give a satisfactory serve!


Light hit
It feels soft enough so I felt it could be used in the back.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It’s very good. I felt that I could aim for the course with grip power even if I was late for swinging because I could wait for my pocket with confidence because the bite was good.

Top spin (loop) drive against back spin
It was easy to do and the rotation performance was sufficient!

Speed drive against back spin
It’s easy to bite in, so it’s easy to do! I want to use it if I don’t have Dignics!

I was surprised that there were more net mistakes than I expected. It may be due to the grain shape.

Stop & push
It was easier to do than the Z1 turbo.

The bite is good, so I felt like I could go to Chiquita after waiting for the ball to the very limit. This is due to the good bite.

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Dignics05 > Q5 ≧ DNA Platinum XH ≧ Target Pro XD-52.5 ≧ Rasanter R53 > Blue Storm PRO > Fastarc G-1 max > Rasanter R48 ≧ Evolution MX-D > Tenergy 05

 Dignics 05 ≧ Evolution MX-D > Blue Stom PRO >Rasanter R53 ≧ Q5 ≧ Rasanter R48 > Target Pro XD-52.5 > DNA Platinum XH > Fastarc G-1 Max

レビュー Blue Storm PRO(ブルーストームPRO)


・Blue Grip(粘着ラバー) 5種
・Blue Storm(ブルーストーム) 7種
・Blue Fire(ブルーファイヤ) 9種
・Acuda Blue(アクーダブルー) 4種

 ブルーのラバーはいくつあるのか、というと25種類になりますね!その中でもDONIC(ドニック)の2022年の1月に発信された新ラバー、Blue Storm PRO(ブルーストームPRO)をレビューします。DONICのラバーといえば、ブルーとつくラバーが多いですね。スピン性能の高いブルーファイヤシリーズ、スピード性能や低弾道で直線的なブルーストームシリーズ、粘着テンション系で扱いやすさとさらなる回転性能と癖も出るブルーグリップシリーズとラインナップが多いのも特徴です。これは選手の技量にあわせて細かく細かく硬度やシートを変更できるメリットをもたらしてくれるものだと思いますね。2022年のパンフレットではブルーファイヤJPシリーズは掲載されていませんんが、日本のDONICホームページでは掲載されていますね。廃盤になるかもしれませんが現状は取り扱いがあるみたいです。メーカーとしては在庫を多く扱うことになって企業的には費用がかさむ戦略だと思いますが、どのシリーズも硬度やスポンジ厚さを多くラインナップするDONICのスタンスは、ユーザーファーストなメーカーだと思います。そんなDONICさんの最新作で、大注目のラバー、ブルーストームPROについて確認してみましょう。まずは既に配信されているものを取り上げますね。






 DONICの契約選手で今年のインターハイ優勝三冠候補の一人である愛工大名電の鈴木選手も一時期ブルーストームPROを使用していたようですが、現在はBlue Storm Z1 Turbo(ブルーストームZ1ターボ)に戻されていますね。一時期ブルーグリップ系のラバーも使用していたようなのですが、ラバーに頼った癖ではなく、技術で繰り出す癖球を求めてブルーストームZ1ターボを使用されているそうです。











 硬度比較をするとラバーの特徴が出ると感じます。katsuo000が所有しているDONICさんのラバーの中では、ブルーファイヤM1ターボよりも軽くなっていてブルーストームZ1ターボとほぼ同等の重さになりました。Z1ターボはくい込みが非常に良くて柔らかいと感じるラバーでしたが、PROはもう少し硬くなっていますね。だいたいテナジー05と同じくらいの硬さになると思います。 前評判にあるように、テナジー05と同等のスピン性能であるならPROは、かなり期待が持てるラバーだと思いますね。


 最近はインナーということで、YASAKA(ヤサカ)さんのReinforce AC(リーンフォースAC)に貼りました。


Blue Storm PRO(ブルーストームPRO)
・Sponge Thickness:2.0 mm、MAX
・Speed: 11+
・7,800円 + 税
・72 → 50 g(リーンフォースAC)

Blue Storm PROの3つの特徴


 今までのブルーラバーの中でも抜群の回転性能を感じました。回転性能の高いブルーラバーはBlue Fire M1 Turbo(ブルーファイヤM1ターボ)やBlue Grip C1(ブルーグリップC1)などですが、圧倒的に異なるのは、くい込みの良さです。他のラバーがスポンジの硬さで回転をかけるのに対し、ブルーストームPROは、スポンジのくい込みの良さでボールをグリップしつつ強い引き攣れで回転をかけていることが非常に感じやすいラバーでした。強い回転性能は良いラバーの条件だと思いますので、非常にオススメです。























ストップ / ツッツキ



 ディグニクス05 > Q5 ≧ DNAプラチナXH ≧ ターゲットプロXD-52.5 ≧ ラザンターR53 > ブルーストームPRO > G-1 max > ラザンターR48 ≧ エボリューションMX-D > テナジー05

 ディグニクス05 ≧ エボリューションMX-D > ブルーストームPRO >ラザンターR53 ≧ Q5 ≧ ラザンターR48 > ターゲットプロXD-52.5 > DNAプラチナXH > G-1 Max

2022年 DONIC卓球用具カタログ


 DONIC(ドニック)といえば、自分の世代はやはり天才ヤン-オベワルドナー(Jan-Ove Waldner)選手のイメージが強いです。中国選手、2度以上大きな大会で勝利した選手だと思います。そんなDONICですが、あえてオシタイのは2022年インターハイが期待される愛工大名電の鈴木颯選手になります。

 かなり小さいときからDONICの用具を使いつづけているようで、ラバーも最新のBlue Storm PRO(ブルーストームPRO)やBlue Grip C1(ブルーグリップC1)などを経て、現在はBlue Storm Z1 Turbo(ブルーストームZ1ターボ)を使用しているようです。インターハイ3冠を狙っていると思いますので、インターハイの活躍次第ではDONICのラバーが売れ筋を伸ばすことがありそうな気がします。



Blue Storm PRO(ブルーストームPRO)


スピード: 11+    (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 11)
スピン: 11     (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 10+++)
コントロール: 5+  (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 6-)

カラー: 赤、黒

硬度: 50°   (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 50°)
価格: 7,800円 + 税 (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 6,200円 + 税)

 卓球王国さんでも取り上げられていたラバーです。気になっていて、既に購入済みで、試打したいと思ってます。DONICさんのラバーで好みはBlue Fire M1 Turbo(ブルーファイヤM1ターボ)でした。それらと簡単に比較してみたいと考えてます。

Blue Storm PRO AM(ブルーストームPRO AM)


スピード: 11-    (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 11)
スピン: 11     (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 10+++)
コントロール: 6  (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 6-)

カラー: 赤、黒

硬度: 47.5°   (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 50°)
価格: 7,800円 + 税 (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 6,200円 + 税)


Blue Grip S2(ブルーグリップS2)


スピード: 9+    (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 11)
スピン: 11     (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 10+++)
コントロール: 7  (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 6-)

カラー: 赤、黒

硬度: 42.5°   (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 50°)
価格: 5,800円 + 税 (Blue Storm Z1 Turbo: 6,200円 + 税)


Original True Carbon Inner(オリジナルトゥルーカーボンインナー)


スピード: 10-
コントロール: 8
打球感: MID+
ブレード厚さ: 5.5 mm

価格: 15,000円

Review Blue Grip C1


I’d review DONIC’s 2021 Adhesive Tension Rubber, Blue Grip C1. Speaking of DONIC rubber, there are many rubbers that are named blue. It also features a large lineup of spin blue fire series, speed blue storm series, and adhesive tension blue grip series. I think this brings the merit of being able to finely change the hardness and seat according to the skill of the player. The highlight of this Fall-Winter 2021 is Blue Storm PRO, which will be the latest rubber in the Blue Storm series. I have already placed an order for Blue Storm PRO because I want to review it in the future, but the performance of German rubber has improved considerably these days, and as an evolved Tenergy rubber, it may have the same or higher performance than Tenergy. I’m expecting it. Among Japanese players, Kaede Suzuki of Aiko Dai Meiden is famous because he uses DONIC’s equipment. It seems that he used blue grip rubber for a while, but he seems to be using blue storm rubber in search of a habit ball that is drawn out by technology, not a habit of relying on rubber. Perhaps you are using the latest Blue Storm PRO. I’m looking forward to playing an active part in the All Japan Championship in January 2022.

Among such DONIC rubbers, the Blue Grip C1 reviewed on this page was released as a rubber that gives off a unique color. This Blue Grip C1 is a rubber sold at the same time as XIOM’s Omega VII China Ying, and has a sponge hardness of 60 degrees. Since the concept of the Omega VII China shadow released earlier was “rubber that exceeds the Chinese rubber leopard”, I think that this blue grip C1 is also a rubber with a strong image as a super hard German adhesive tension rubber. In fact, when compared with the hardness of the German standard, the only rubber that is so hard is Omega VII China shadow, and I think it is one of the ambitious rubbers. Looking at what has already been reviewed, I got the impression that there are many rubbers that are easier to use and have improved speed and ease of use compared to the Omega VII China shadow. How is it actually?

The explanation in Japanese of the manufacturer is as follows.

A spin rubber that is convincing to the power group.

The 60 degree bubble blue speed sponge made quite hard and the adhesive top sheet with the best rotation performance and grip feeling firmly produce a big catapult effect. It is recommended for players who use the power of fore drive as a weapon with strong adhesive rubber.

Published performance value

Blue Grip C1 has the highest spin performance of 11 +++. You can also see from the published performance values that it is the latest Blue Storm PRO that is well-balanced. Next is the comparison of katsuo000 hardness testers.

After all, when you compare the hardness, the characteristics of rubber come out. Among the rubbers of DONIC owned by katsuo000, the one that is heavy and hard is Blue Grip C1. On the other hand, the Blue Fire JP01 Turbo, which went up considerably and felt easy to rotate, is the same weight as the Tenergy 05 and is a little softer. Taking the difference between the sheet side and the sponge side of the shore a hardness, the values ​​of JP01 turbo and Tenergy 05 are quite close. This is not a coincidence, and as the name JP01 suggests, JP01 was probably made with Tenergy 05 in mind. The Z1 turbo and M1 turbo still have a smaller difference than the JP01 turbo and a larger difference than the Dignics 05, so it may be said that it is an easy-to-use rubber among the German spin tensions. The difference in Blue Grip C1 is obviously small, and I think it shows how difficult it is to bite. Blue Grip C1 is quite difficult to bite into, so I think one of the evaluation axes is how easy it is to get a habit ball.

Blue Grip C1 sticking and weight

Although it is a strong adhesive, I thought that it was a rubber with a low adhesive feeling and almost a slight adhesive, which seems to be the adhesive tension made in Germany these days. Since the Kyo Leopard Dragon 5 is a racket with a wide blade area, I think it is also characteristic that it has become quite heavy. It weighs 57 g, which is a little lighter than the Omega VII China shadow, and is an obvious super heavyweight. Compared to Nittaku’s Hurricane Pro III Turbo Blue’s 65 g, I think it’s a rubber that doesn’t go that far.

Blue Grip C1
    Tacky tension
    Made in Germany
・Sponge Thickness: 2.0 mm, Max
・Speed: 11
・Spin: 11++
・Sponge stiffness: 60
・オープンプライス (4,363 yen)
・82 g (before cut) → 57 g (Hurricane Long V, 158 × 150 mm)

Three features of Blue Grip C1

To be honest, I’m getting used to the Omega VII China Ying, so I’m wondering if I can make an accurate comparison of ease of handling, but I felt that it was a rubber with outstanding hardness and rotation amount rather than a habit ball.

Compared to Omega VII China Ying, rubber from spin tension with a hardness of 60 degrees

There are many comparisons with Omega VII China Ying of the same hardness, but while Omega VII China Ying were a tacky rubber, this Blue Grip C1 was a rubber with a high cross-linking density. While it is difficult to bite in, I felt that it is a rubber that makes it easier to do meat technology than Omega VII China Ying. I felt that it was a rubber that was quite incompatible with the Hurricane Long 5, which is easy to drive. Omega VII China It is an adhesive rubber rather than a spin type tension rubber compared to a rubber that is used for adhesive habits like shadows, and I felt that it is a rubber that requires a more overwhelming amount of rotation.

Even though it’s an adhesive rubber, it bounces a lot!

Like the Omega VII China Ying, it is an adhesive rubber, but what surprised me was its speed performance. It was a large gymnasium, so I felt it was slow, but it still had outstandingly high speed performance compared to the leopard. I also felt it in the shadow of Omega VII China, but if the speed goes up to this point, it will pop out before spinning, so I also felt that the racket that should be matched naturally would be an inner carbon or wood plywood racket. No matter how much you want to fly, if you do not stay in the inner system, it will bounce too much and it will be difficult to drive with the amount of rotation, and the quality of the drive will deteriorate. There is no doubt that the racket to be matched will be a wood plywood system or an inner carbon racket.

Easy to hit down!

As I get used to the shadows of Omega VII China, I also felt the ease of hitting the downward rotation speed drive with this Blue Grip C1. However, I also felt that it was easy to get a speed drive like a smash because it is hard to feel the chewy feeling like the shadow of Omega VII China. I think this is a part that depends on skill and sense.

Each technics review


Light hit
As for the impression of receiving the ball, I didn’t feel that it didn’t bounce like a leopard, but it felt like a normal spin tension rubber.

Drive on long balls and rallies
I think there is a part due to my own arm, but it’s not a chewy rubber, but a chewy rubber, so I felt that it was hard to bite and I just played it. It bounces firmly, so I thought it would be a rubber that would be easy to meet even if it was attached to the Hurricane Long V. However, I also felt that the taste and habit of driving was hard to come out. It may mean to use it like a spin type tension rubber, but it is heavy and not as fast as a spin type tension rubber, so I think that I still want to drive.

Drive with open face
I felt that the good thing about this rubber is that even if you hit it fairly roughly, the drive will enter. I didn’t feel that it was spinning, but there may be a feeling that the speed drive will come in due to the impact.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
Since it is a combination of Hurricane Long V and hard rubber, it was easy to hit a strong loop drive with strong rotation even if it was not adhesive rubber. Since the whole rubber is hard, the seat is not so hard, but I felt that it was good to pop out. The recent German-made adhesive tension rubber has a good pop-out, so I think that it will be a low loop drive as much as aiming at the net.

Speed drive against back spin
It was easy to hit. However, I felt that the amount of rotation was low. I felt that it is easier to use adhesive and adhesive tension rubber than spin tension rubber because the ball sinks enough to make a speed drive even if the hit point is dropped, so there is no need to move in a hurry. I’m a habit, and when I try to hit a speed drive, I use my body like a smash, so I’d like to fix the center of gravity a little more and hit it by turning the torso, but I’m glad that it was easy to enter even if it was rough.

Curve / shoot drive
I felt it would bend a lot, probably thanks to the Hurricane Long 5. I don’t think outer carbon will bend this far.

The block was easy. The ball doesn’t fall. This may be a good point of the recent German adhesive tension. I think Hurricane and the like will fall. In the case of a leopard, I think it will be hit as if it were raised.

Counter drive
It was easy to do. If it is so heavy, it will not eat the rotation of the opponent’s drive, so it feels like you can take it forcibly.

It will stop firmly. It’s an adhesive rubber, so it’s a problem if you don’t stop.

I didn’t feel like I was cutting the fore because I wasn’t good at cutting it.

It cut firmly.


Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Hurricane type > Dignics 09C ≧ Blue Grip C1 > Dignics 05

 Dignics 05 > Blue Grip C1 > Omega VII China Ying > Rhyzen ZGR > Hurricane type

Review Blue Fire JP01 Turbo


DONIC is a slightly minor manufacturer in Japan, but Swedish genius Jan-Ove Waldner, Jorgen Persson, and until last year, Dimitrij Ovtcharov. It will be the manufacturer that the player has contracted. Ovcharov is a close friend and rival of Jun Mizutani! Recently, I imagine that it is a manufacturer that has been picked up by You Tuber “Goblinzu” in Kansai and is receiving a lot of attention. Goblin’s recommendation seems to be the Blue Storm Z1 Turbo. DONIC with the name Blue

・ 5 types of Blue Grip (adhesive rubber)
・ 7 types of Blue Storm
・ 9 types of Blue Fire
・ 4 types of Acuda Blue

Yu-san of the World Table Tennis Kingdom also has multiple types, so I have listed a video that outlines it.

The blue fire that I tried this time will be a rotating rubber. It seems that the speed rubber will be Blue Storm, and the stable rubber will be Acousticable. I have already given a trial hit review of the Blue Storm Z1 Turbo.

The blue rubber last will be Blue FIre JP01 Turbo. It’s a rubber that I bought a long time ago and used a little to put a TSP adhesive sheet on it. I had the impression that it was a rubber that bites well and is very easy to handle, but this time I put it on my main racket again and tried it out, so thank you.

Published performance value

You can see that the JP01 turbo is the slowest in terms of the announced performance. When it comes to speed, I imagine it’s a rotating rubber. DONIC’s explanation is as follows.

The power of "blue" to bring out more.
    Power-up of "Blue Fire JP01", a state-of-the-art FD rubber that brings together DONIC's technology. The special "Blue Fire JP01 Turbo" has been completed by improving the top sheet of "Blue Fire JP", which has a good reputation for its rotational power during attacks, and raising the two major elements of rubber, speed and spin, to the utmost limit.
Suppresses the transmission energy loss of the swing when hitting the ball, and gives the player a power ball that adds weight to the power of the ball with speed + spin. Since it is a top sheet with high grip, you can continue to attack as much as you want without compromising the sense of security that you have with your hands.

From this explanation, I think it is difficult to understand what kind of rubber it is. In fact, the Blue Fire JP01 turbo was a rotating rubber with the highest arc.

JP01 turbo sticking and weight

Blue Fire JP01 Turbo
・Sponge Thickness: 1.8 mm, 2.0 mm, MAX+
・Speed: 10+
・Spin: 10+++
・Control: 6+
・Sponge stiffness: 47.5°
・Open price
・48 g (after cut)

The hardness of the sponge was not too hard, and it was a rubber that could be used by a wide range of players.

Blue Fire JP01 Turboの3つのThree features of Blue Fire JP01 Turbo

The highest arch line in blue!

The arch line was high in the blue rubber anyway! I felt that the arch line was too high and the flight distance was quite long. Therefore, I think the ball will go in quite deeply. The height of this arc line made me feel that I was conscious of JP → Tenergy 05. I think Vega Japan of XIOM also has a high arc line, but Blue Fire JP01 also made me feel the height of the arc line.

The most downward rotation drive in blue is easy to do!

Since the arch line is high, it was easy to drive downward rotation anyway. I didn’t feel like making a mistake. It was pretty easy to do with a backhand drive. Also, if you let it bite firmly and the swing speed is fast, it also took a firm rotation. It’s easy to handle and I felt it was perfect for both the fore and back.

Although it is a rotating rubber, it is not easily affected by rotation!

Spin tension rubber is easily affected by the rotation of the other party, but this Blue Fire JP01 turbo was not affected by rotation more than I imagined, probably because the seat has a core! It was similar to the Blue Fire M1 Turbo. Not only was the block easy to do, but the counter drive was also pretty easy to do! It felt pretty good! Tenergy rubber has high rotation performance, but there are some parts that are easily affected by rotation. In recent years, katsuo000 has been looking for a rubber that has high rotation performance and is not affected by rotation. I thought it would be possible to evaluate it in the same way as Dignics, which has similar characteristics! However, compared to Dignics, the amount of rotation and speed performance were clearly lower.

Each technics review


Light hit
I felt it was soft. There was a sense of stability rather than power.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It’s not as powerful as Tenergy 05 FX, but it was easy to hit repeatedly.

Drive with open face
I felt it hit the racket board when I let it bite into it. I think Tenergy 05 is easier to do here.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
It was easy to do anyway! I felt that top spin drive was a little lacking in power because it had a good bite. Still, it’s pretty easy to do.

Speed drive against back spin
It was easy to do because it bites well. I think it is better to be aware of the arc line because it is easy to over-miss.

Curve / shoot drive
Since there is a certain amount of rotation, it will bend as you wish.

It was easy to do! It was surprising, but it was easy to do because it was not affected by rotation even though it was a rotating rubber.

Counter drive
I felt that this was also easy to do because it was not easily affected by spin!

It was difficult to cut. It was also easy to float.

Push also had quite a few over mistakes. It wasn’t difficult to do.

Serve didn’t feel heavy. If anything, I think it’s easier to take the opponent’s time with a long-legged serve.


Light hit
The hardness was just right for the back.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It was easy to over-miss if I hit it thickly to speed up. It was easy to drive deeply when I turned it firmly.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
This was also easy to do. It wasn’t powerful, but I didn’t feel like making a mistake and it was a good impression.

Speed drive against back spin
It seemed like I could do it after practicing moderately.

It was easy to do!

Counter drive
I can hardly do counter drive in the back, but I felt like I could remember counter drive with this rubber.

It was a little easy to float.

I can’t cut it.

Chiquita was pretty easy to do because the arch line was high.

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Blue Fire M1 Turbo > Blue Fire JP01 Turbo > Blue Storm Z1 Turbo

 Blue Fire M1 Turbo > Tenergy 05 Hard > Blue Fire JP01 Turbo

Review Blue Fire M1 Turbo


DONIC is a slightly minor manufacturer in Japan, but Swedish genius Jan-Ove Waldner, Jorgen Persson, and until last year, Dimitrij Ovtcharov. It will be the manufacturer that the player has contracted. Ovcharov is a close friend and rival of Jun Mizutani! Recently, I imagine that it is a manufacturer that has been picked up by You Tuber “Goblinzu” in Kansai and is receiving a lot of attention. Goblin’s recommendation seems to be the Blue Storm Z1 Turbo.

 DONIC with the name Blue

・ 5 types of Blue Grip (adhesive rubber)
・ 7 types of Blue Storm
・ 9 types of Blue Fire
・ 4 types of Acuda Blue

Yu-san of the World Table Tennis Kingdom also has multiple types, so I have listed a video that outlines it.

The blue fire that I tried this time will be a rotating rubber. It seems that the speed rubber will be Bluestorm, and the stable rubber will be Acousticable. I have already mentioned the trial hit review of the Blue Storm Z1 Turbo, but the rubber that katsuo000 likes the most among the blue rubbers is this Blue Fire M1 Turbo. !! Let’s start the review immediately.

Published performance value

To be honest, I don’t think it’s a good idea to use the Blue Fire M1 Turbo from the announced performance. Blue Grip is better for rotation performance, and Blue Storm is better for speed performance. In addition, in the manufacturer’s explanation, it is written as follows.

Innovative DONIC. Because it is "blue", it comes out.
    The "Blue Fire M1 Turbo" that uses a 50 degree hard sponge is a rubber that breaks through the opponent's wall by further amplifying the power of the attacking player who uses smash and blow power drive as the score source. It is the best blue fire to send to the one-shot deadly power hitter.

After reading this explanation, I was able to imagine that it was a spin-type tension rubber that was hard and had rotational performance. In fact, the Blue Fire M1 Turbo was a heavier and much harder rubber than the Blue Fire JP01 Turbo and Blue Storm Z1 Turbo. Similar rubbers from other manufacturers include Tenergy 05 Hard, Rhyzer Pro 50, Evolution MX-P, Omega VII Pro, etc. I think you can give it.

Blue Fire M1 turbo sticking and weight

Blue Fire M1 Turbo
・Sponge Thickness: 1.8 mm, 2.0 mm, MAX+
・Speed: 10++
・Spin: 10+++
・Control: 6
・Sponge stiffness: 50°
・Open price
・73 g (before cut) → 53 g (after cut)

It’s heavy. Compared to other Blue Fire JP01 turbos and Blue Storm Z1 turbos, it is overwhelmingly heavy at this point. Both the JP01 turbo and the Brust Z1 turbo weighed less than 50 g.

Three features of Blue Fire M1 Turbo

To be honest, I didn’t feel the same rotation performance as the Blue Storm Z1 Turbo! Overwhelmingly, the Blue Fire M1 Turbo hit a ball with a higher amount of rotation!

The hardest and most rotating rubber in blue! The weight of the drive is also No. 1 in blue!

Serve, push, Drive, Chiquita and rotating technology were able to hold the ball firmly, and it was very nice to have a sense of stability and power with the arc line as imagined when it was rotated! The katsuo000 likes the spin-type tension rubber, which is hard and often rotates, but the Blue Fire M1 turbo was a very good feeling. I think the rubbers that I think are similar are Tenergy 05 Hard, Riser Pro 50, Evolution MX-P 50 ° (Evolution MX-P 50 °), etc. Also, the weight of the drive of the Blue Fire M1 Turbo was heavyweight! For example, the loop drive of the Blue Storm Z1 turbo had a low arc line, but it was easy to eat the counter when it floated a little, but the Blue Fire M turbo was able to induce a considerable over-miss of the counter depending on the amount of rotation.

Even though it is hard, it is easy to handle even in the back!

The rubber with DONIC’s blue name was a very easy-to-use rubber with no strange habits as a whole. Therefore, it felt good when used in the back, and it was easy to use high-quality loop drive and speed-type chiquita. I think there are some differences due to the heat and individual differences, but one of the characteristics of DONIC’s rubber is that it has few habits and is easy to handle, so I felt it was a good feeling. The blue fire M1 turbo has a hard sponge, and I want more speed than rotation! If so, I recommend the soft Blue Fire M1 and M2, and the Blue Fire JP01 with a high arch line, and with the Blue Storm Z1, I think that the ball can be released quickly and a fast drive is easy to hit and stable.

It is not easily affected by rotation! You can also go to the counter power drive! ??

Spin tension rubber is easily affected by the rotation of the other party, but this Blue Fire M1 turbo was not affected by rotation more than I imagined, probably because the sponge is hard and the seat has a core! Not only was the block easy to do, but the counter drive was also pretty easy to do! It felt pretty good! Tenergy rubber has high rotation performance, but there are some parts that are easily affected by rotation. In recent years, katsuo000 has been looking for a rubber that has high rotation performance and is not affected by rotation. I thought it would be possible to evaluate it in the same way as Dignics, which has similar characteristics! However, when compared with Dignics, I felt that the amount of rotation and speed performance were low. Still, for katsuo000, it was a rubber that I wanted to use in the game more than Tenergy!

Each technics review


Light hit
I feel the hardness of the sponge. I’m not good at rubber that is too soft, so I personally felt that it was a good shot.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It was very easy to hit. I was able to grip the ball firmly and it was easy to hit. I think it is a sheet that often holds 05 series balls.

Drive with open face
I felt that it hit the racket board a little faster. I felt the same way with Evolution MX-P. Monster rubber and Tenergy have little or no feeling of hitting the racket board. I feel that Tenergy is very high performance in a drive with an open surface or a drive that rotates while hitting.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
Since the sponge is hard, it was easy to do top spin drive that can be caught only by the sheet, and it was really easy to do topspin loop drive. This is a weapon!

Speed drive against back spin
It was a little difficult to speed drive because it was easy to do loop drive. When I let it bite in, I felt that it reached the racket board earlier than I felt, and I played it, and the amount of rotation did not come out more than I expected. I think I can hit it if I get used to it, but I felt that it needed to be corrected.

Curve / shoot drive
Since there is a certain amount of rotation, it will bend as you wish.

It was easy to do! It was surprising, but it was easy to do because it was not affected by rotation even though it was a rotating rubber.

Counter drive
I felt that this was also easy to do because it was not easily affected by rotation!

It was a little difficult to cut, I got a good enough low quality stop.

Push is also low and easy to settle.

It was a good feeling to have a heavy serve. However, if the rubber deteriorated, it seemed to become lighter.


Light hit
The back is a little hard to hit.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It was easier than I expected. I think it’s because the ball doesn’t come off quickly and the ball has a good hold. I think that it is easy to do because it is very stable because it can be rotated firmly.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin 
This was also easy to do. In addition, I think that it was a loop drive that can aim for a score with abundant rotation amount.

Speed drive against back spin
On the contrary, this was quite difficult. You need practice.

Curve / shoot drive
It was bent to some extent because of the amount of rotation.

It was easy to do!

Counter drive
I can hardly do counter drive in the back, but I felt like trying this rubber. Actually, I was surprised to get one or two balls when I was practicing the system!

It was a good impression to be able to put it in at the minimum low. I think it’s good to bite in the hot summer season, but I think it’s good that it’s low and easy to hold.

It was difficult to cut, but it was easy to do low and short Tsuttsuki like Tenergy 05 Hard.

Both speed chiquita and horizontal rotation chiquita were easy to do as you imagined! There was a sense of stability because it took a lot of rotation.

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Tenergy 05 Hard > Blue FIre M1 Turbo > Blue Fire JP01 Turbo > Blue Storm Z1 Turbo

 Blue Storm Z1 Turbo > Tenergy 80 > Blue Fire M1 Turbo > Tenergy 05 Hard