
2023年 TIBHAR卓球用具カタログ


 松平健太選手の電撃移籍により、存在感がマシマシのブランドがTIBHARですね。松平健太選手、田添響選手、神巧也選手、と有名選手と契約していますね。また海外では、スロベニアのDarko Jorgic (ダルコ・ヨルジッチ)選手、フランスのAlexis Lebrun (アレクシス・ルブラン)選手とFelix Lebrun (フェリックス・ルブラン)選手 (ルブラン兄弟)と有名選手と契約していますね。2023年もその存在感は全開のようですね。注目はラバーに加え、新商品のラケットになりますね!

TIBHARさんの電子カタログ: TIBHAR CATALOG 2023 (sanei-net.co.jp)


MK Carbon (MKカーボン)

 松平健太選手と共同開発した新ブレードが登場。一般的なカーボンよりも厚くて柔らかい設計のクリプトカーボンは、威力を持ちながらも安定感が抜群。特にブロックとカウンター精度が高く、「打たれた時に強い」ラケットになっている。松平健太選手の感覚を繊細に伝え、彼のブロッキングゲームを支える。だそうです。アウターカーボンで、板厚は5.8 mmと標準的ですね。クリプトカーボンはALCと比較するともっと球持ちを感じやすいラケットのようで、ALCでも十分球持ちを感じやすい素材でしたがさらに感じやすいということで、性能の高い素材のようです。その分気になるのは球質がどのようになるのかが気になるところですね。

MK 7 (MKセブン)

 安定重視の7枚合板ということです。板厚7 mmということで、最近の7枚合板の中では厚めですね。

Libra (リブラ)

異次元の攻守のバランス / インナーハイブリッドZACという新提案
 ハイブリッドZCとハイブリッドACをかけ合わせたような性能を持つ新素材「ハイブリッドZAC」をインナーに搭載。リブラ (てんびん座)の名にふさわしく、攻守のバランスの良さが際立ち、柔らかくて芯のある打球感が特徴だ。打球のコントロールが容易で、回転をかけた時には深いアーチを描いて台に収まってくれる。だそうです。個人的には、上板にリンバなのか、それともコトなのか、どっちを使っているのか気になっているラケットです。既に試打動画がYou tubeにあげられていて、硬めのインナーカーボンということなので気になっています。ハイブリッドZCもハイブリッドACも使ったことがないので、本当にわからないんですよね汗。ただ、ハイブリッドZCインサイドとハイブリッドACインサイドの間というラケットであることは性能表からわかりますね。ということは、上板はリンバの可能性が高いかな、と想像しています。約20,000円なんで、高価ラケットで買うか悩む一本です。

TIBHAR (ティバー) Rubbers (ラバー)

TIBHAR -巨人サムソノフのブランド

 TIBHAR (ティバー)さんといえば、ベラルーシの巨人、サムソノフ選手が契約していたブランドです。その代表的なラバーがEvolution (エボリューション)シリーズになります。このシリーズはディグニクスと間違えるような真紅のスポンジを使用していて、最近ではYou tuber「ゆーじ」くんや「わった」さん含めて非常に注目と人気のブランドです!

Evolution Series (エボリューション) シリーズ

Evolution MX-D (エボリューションMX-D)

 Spin:125、 Speed:135、 Control: 80、 スポンジ硬度: 51.5°
 ラバー重量:53 g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):28.4、 shore a (sponge):25.3
       shore c (sheet):42.3、 shore c (sponge):40.8
 katsuo000のレビュー: https://katsuo000.com/review_evolution_mx_d/

価格:5236円(税込、送料別) (2022/9/25時点)楽天で購入

Evolution EL-D (エボリューションEL-D)

 Spin:122、 Speed:124、 Control: 82、 スポンジ硬度: 46.0°

Evolution FX-D (エボリューションFX-D)

 Spin:122、 Speed:121、 Control: 84、 スポンジ硬度: 44.0°

Evolution MX-P 50° (エボリューションMX-P 50°)

 Spin:120、 Speed:128、 Control: 75、 スポンジ硬度: 50.0°
 ラバー重量:50 g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):31.5、 shore a (sponge):30.4
       shore c (sheet):45.8、 shore c (sponge):44.3
 katsuo000のレビュー: https://katsuo000.com/review_evolution_mx-p_50/

★即納/あす楽★■卓球ラバーメール便送料無料■◆TIBHAR◆ティバー エボリューションMX-P 50°スポンジ硬度50度MX-P[品番:BT148]【卓球用品】裏ソフトラバー【RCP】
価格:6220円(税込、送料無料) (2022/9/25時点)楽天で購入

Evolution MX-P (エボリューションMX-P)

 Spin:120、 Speed:125、 Control: 80、 スポンジ硬度: 45.7~47.7°
 ラバー重量:47 g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):30.8、 shore a (sponge):23.9
       shore c (sheet):42.4、 shore c (sponge):38.7
 katsuo000のレビュー: https://katsuo000.com/review_evolution_mx-p/

【9/1木10:00-10/1土09:59エントリーでポイント5倍】[送料無料] 卓球 ラバー TIBHAR(ティバー) エボリューション MX-P
価格:4820円(税込、送料無料) (2022/9/25時点)楽天で購入

Evolution MX-S (エボリューションMX-S)

 Spin:120、 Speed:125、 Control: 80、 スポンジ硬度: 45.7~47.7°
 ラバー重量:50 g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):31.3、 shore a (sponge):27.1
       shore c (sheet):44.7、 shore c (sponge):40.4
 katsuo000のレビュー: https://katsuo000.com/review_evolution_mx_s/

価格:4851円(税込、送料別) (2022/9/25時点)楽天で購入

Evolution EL-P (エボリューションEL-P)

 Spin:120、 Speed:120、 Control: 85、 スポンジ硬度: 42.4~44.4°

Evolution EL-S (エボリューションEL-S)

 Spin:122、 Speed:123、 Control: 85、 スポンジ硬度: 43.8~45.8°
 ラバー重量:49 g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):28.8、 shore a (sponge):21.4
       shore c (sheet):36.9、 shore c (sponge):34.7
 katsuo000のレビュー: https://katsuo000.com/review_evolution_el_s/

価格:4851円(税込、送料別) (2022/9/25時点)楽天で購入

Evolution FX-P (エボリューションFX-P)

 Spin:120、 Speed:115、 Control: 90、 スポンジ硬度: 39.1~41.1°

Evolution FX-S (エボリューションFX-S)

 Spin:122、 Speed:118、 Control: 88、 スポンジ硬度: 41.0~43.0°

Hybrid Series (ハイブリッド) シリーズ

Hybrid K3 (ハイブリッドK3)

 Spin:130、 Speed:118、 Control: 100、 スポンジ硬度: 53.0°
 ラバー重量:51 g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):28.5、 shore a (sponge):25.3
       shore c (sheet):42.2、 shore c (sponge):40.3
 katsuo000のレビュー: https://katsuo000.com/review_hybrid_k3/

★卓球★ラバー★メール便送料無料★ハイブリッド K3
価格:5929円(税込、送料別) (2022/9/25時点)楽天で購入

Hybrid K1J (ハイブリッドK1J)

 Spin:125、 Speed:112、 Control: 80、 スポンジ硬度: 52.5°
 ラバー重量:50 g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):24.5、 shore a (sponge):30.1
       shore c (sheet):42.5、 shore c (sponge):43.8

Quantum Series (クァンタム) シリーズ

Quantum X Pro (クァンタムXプロ)

 Spin:115、 Speed:115、 Control: 95、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5°
 ラバー重量:50 g
 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):27.3、 shore a (sponge):26.4
       shore c (sheet):40.3、 shore c (sponge):39.3
 katsuo000のレビュー: https://katsuo000.com/review_quantum_x-pro/

★卓球★ラバー★メール便送料無料★QUANTUM X PRO
価格:4466円(税込、送料別) (2022/9/25時点)楽天で購入

Quantum X Pro Soft(クァンタムXプロ ソフト)

 Spin:112、 Speed:110、 Control: 100、 スポンジ硬度: 42.5°


Crazy Bull (クレイジーブル)

 Spin:103、 Speed:100、 Control: 105、 スポンジ硬度: 42.5°

Review Evolution EL-S


We would like to review TIBHAR’s attention rubber, Evolution EL-S. Speaking of TIBHAR, even if we retire, we will be a German manufacturer contracted by our legendary Belarusian giant Vladimir Samsonov. Recently, G.C. Foerster, who sells TIBHAR on You Tube after working as a private coach for former Dutch representative Jun Mizutani, and Bernadette Szocs, a beautiful Romanian player, are also Tiber contract players. Darko Jorgic of Slovenia, who made Tomokazu Harimoto stand out with a full set at the Tokyo Olympics, is also a contract player of Tiber!

I will review one of Tiber’s rubber, Evolution EL-S. The rubber used by many contract players as a high-end rubber is the Evolution series. Currently, the Evolution series has the latest and highest performance MX-D, 3 types of hardness x 2 types of sheets = 6 types, and 50 ° of MX-P, totaling 8 types of rubber are on sale. The latest MX-D released in 2021 is clearly a rubber that sets it apart from other Evolution series rubbers. We have a review about that, so please take a look there.
Review of Evolution MX-D (Evolution Maximum Dynamic)
   : https://katsuo000.com/review_evolution_mx_d/
Returning to the Evolution series, the three types of hardness are MX (maximum = approx. 47.5 °), EL (elastic = approx. 43 °), and FX (flexible = approx. 40 °). And the two types of sheets are P (power) and S (spin, slightly adhesive sheet). This page reviews EL (elastic) with a hardness of about 43 °, that is, EL-S (elastic spin), which is a combination of a medium hardness sponge and a slightly adhesive sheet. EL-S is a hit rubber, and TIBHAR also put out a color advertisement in the magazine Table Tennis Kingdom for the first time in 11 years. Now that the plastic balls have become harder and the rubber with medium hardness is often attached to the back side, I think that the most suitable rubber for the back side rubber will be EL-S. Let’s check the EL-S information posted on TIBHAR’s homepage.

Evolution EL-S
● Latest generation non-slip sheet
● Re-installed! Medium sponge with coarse bubbles that leads to increased elasticity
The MX-S type sheet, which has a long ball holding, a large amount of rotation, and is durable, uses a sponge with coarse bubbles, which is the biggest feature of the series, which was not installed in the MX-S, with an intermediate hardness. As a result, it demonstrates the true nature of non-slip rubber, which is that the ball becomes heavier. We have created a rubber that can improve the quality of play widely in the front middle team. Experience “evolution” with EL-S.


Evolution’s MX-P and MX-S have the same hardness as 45.7-47.7 °, but when you actually use it, you will feel that MX-S is harder because the sheet is harder. Similarly, when comparing EL-P and EL-S, the hardness is EL-P: 42.4-44.4 °, while EL-S: 43.8-45.8 °, which is the published hardness. I think you can feel the uniqueness of German spin tension rubber around here as well.

Performance value

Let’s compare the published performance values.

*Since the speed and spin performance of Evolution MX-P (Evolution MX-P) and Evolution MX-S (Evolution MX-S) are the same, they are plotted in the same place. EL-S is a rubber with higher spin performance than MX-S and MX-P, and among spin tension rubbers, it is the rubber with the highest spin performance next to MX-D. This is a very promising rubber! Next is a comparison of hardness with a hardness tester.

As it has an intermediate hardness, it is clearly softer than Tenergy 05, MX-P, and MX-S. The sheet feels stiff. As I will touch on in the future, I felt that this EL-S is quite close to rubber such as Joola’s Rhyzer Pro 45 and Rasanter R45. What these rubbers have in common is a sponge with a middle hardness, which makes the sheet a hard rubber.

EL-S pasting and weight

I pasted it on Zhang Jike ZLC as usual.

Evolution EL-S
 Spin type tension OFF+
・Sponge Thickness:1.7/1.9/2.1 mm
・Sponge stiffness:43.8-45.8°
・6,000 yen + tax
・73 g (before cut) → 49 g (after cut)

The impression is that it is heavy for a rubber of medium hardness.

Three features of Evolution EL-S

Both the sheet and the sponge have a mess of balls!

Since the sheet is a slightly adhesive sheet, I do not feel it sticky to the touch, but I felt that the twitching was very good. Also, because it bites into the sponge very well, it was a rubber that I felt that the whole rubber would hold the ball firmly. If it is a hard rubber, the ball holding time is very short, so when you hit the drive, you will feel that the ball will come off quickly, but since the medium hardness rubber has a very long ball holding time as a whole, the ball holding time It was EL-S that made me feel the ball holding the ball as much as I could upset the timing of the opponent. Also, compared to R45 and Riser Pro 45, which are rubbers with similar intermediate hardness and hard sheet as mentioned above, EL-S was characterized by ball holding and arc line height. The R45 and Riser Pro 45 have the ease of meeting and the goodness of playing in the overall softness, but I felt that the EL-S is the rubber that is most conscious of ball holding and rotation performance. Also, because it is a rubber with this much ball holding, I felt that the amount of rotation was extremely high.

Rubber that can be recommended in the back or fore

I think that rubber with medium hardness is generally suitable for back. As usual, this EL-S was a rubber that was highly recommended for use in the back. Chiquita and back hand drive are weak and I felt that it was easy to lift up even with a slow swing and put it on the opponent’s court. Also, I felt that Tsuttsuki was hard to float because the grip of the seat was strong among other soft rubbers with intermediate hardness. This hit was also a good feeling.
What I personally felt was that it could be used in the foreground. Compared to other R45 and Riser Pro 45, EL-S is a little hard and has a good ball holding, so I felt that it is a rubber that can be fully recommended even in the foreground. The point that I can recommend for the fore is that EL-S has the amount of rotation of the serve obtained from the good holding of the ball, the ease of driving, especially the ease of producing the arc line when the hitting point is dropped. It was good to be able to drive as I imagined even if I used it in the foreground. I felt that it was good to aim for a polite and rally-oriented table tennis that was easy to aim at the course.

Like the rubber of TIBHAR, there is also a good meat and momentum!

It’s easy to spin, but when I hit it with a meat or a strong play, I felt that the flight distance would be longer than I expected. I felt that this area was like TIBHAR. Although it is easy to handle, the meat and playing are quite intense. However, it is not a butterfly rubber or adhesive rubber, so I felt that the amount of rotation would drop if I hit it with a meat type or a little playing. There is a feeling that it will fly away without being settled. However, once I get used to it, I think it’s easy to get around the no-touch ace like a TIBHAR player and decide the counter.

Each technical review


Light hit
I didn’t feel any discomfort.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It was a little too soft and I felt an energy loss. I usually use rubber of 50 ° or more, so it may be natural. The ball is shallow and easy to enter. When using rubber with medium hardness, I feel that the energy loss will be reduced if the ball is attracted more carefully. Also, when I tried to hit the drive with all my might, I felt that the amount of rotation was low. However, since the speed is outstanding, I think that it is a rubber that makes inquiries and competition from the middle team fun. In addition, it is a rubber that can be attracted to the very limit and it is easy to make arch lines, so it may be a rubber that is easy to attack technically by driving, such as turning it upside down or dropping it on the net.

Drive with open face
The first impression is that it bites too much, but thanks to the grip of the seat, it was easy to drive even if the surface was opened. I felt that the amount of rotation was very large and the ball could be sunk firmly.

Top spin (loop) drive against back spin
I felt that it was easy to hit the ball with a sense of security and loop drive to drop it on the net. Even if the impact is strong, the ball does not pop out, so I felt that it was easy to do a fairly high quality loop drive. I think that this alone can be used as a Mazumazu weapon. This point was a pretty good feeling.

Speed drive against back spin
I personally found it difficult to do. If you hit it yourself, you will speed up too much and the ball will not sink. I felt that I couldn’t put it in the opponent’s court stably unless I hit it with a little more open surface and hit it firmly. However, I think that this way of hitting will also cause energy loss, so I think that Evolution’s MX series high hardness sponge rubber (MX-P, MX-S, MX-D) can hit a better ball. increase. Also, I think there is a way to speed drive by rubbing because of the middle hardness. However, the maximum speed may drop.

Curve / shoot drive
I think it’s easy to bend because it’s easy to control the ball shallowly.

This was relatively easy to do. However, I also felt that it was easily affected by the rotation of the other party. There seems to be a preference around here.

Counter drive
Since it is a little good to bite in, it may be difficult to suppress it if you try to change the rotation. Meat type may be better.

Stop & Push
It was easy to stop because of the seat. It was a good feeling that there was little popping out. I don’t think it’s inseparable. This is also hard to float, but the ball seemed a little light.

It was good to be able to cut it firmly.


Light hit
It’s soft, so I thought it would be easy to hit it thickly and play it. This kind of thing is difficult for rubber with medium hardness, isn’t it?

Drive on long balls and rallies
Compared to Dignics 05 and Tenergy 05, it is hard to get an arc, so I felt it would be difficult to go down. However, the swing speed is slower than that of hard rubber, and it is easy to drive even with a weak force, so I feel a sense of stability and security.

Top spin (loop) drive against back spin
There was a sense of stability. I’m glad. However, the maximum amount of rotation may be low. This may be a lack of skill in your backhand drive. Personally, I felt that it was a nice point in the backhand to be able to attract the opponent’s ball to the last minute.

Speed drive against back spin
I felt it was more difficult than the fore. I felt even more lacking in my arms here.

It was very easy to do. Meat balls are also easy to block.

Counter drive
I felt it with Rhyzer Pro 45, but the meat-like counter was good.

Stop & Push
It was easy to do without floating. I like the S type seat for the Evolution series. It’s not inseparable, but when I tried to cut it to the maximum, it was quite difficult. I think it’s easier to cut if you drop the hitting point like chopper.

It’s easy to do. It’s easy to put in with a weak force. The power is low.

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Spin amount
 Evolution MX-D > Evolution EL-S ≧ Quantum X Pro

Ease of spin
 Tenergy 05FX > Evolution EL-S > Evolution MX-S

 Quantum X Pro > Evolution EL-S > Tacky rubber (such as Hurricane)


レビュー Hybrid K3(ハイブリッドK3)


 TIBHAR(ティバー)さんの最新の注目ラバー、Hybrid K3(ハイブリッドK3)をレビューさせていただきます。TIBHAR(ティバー)といえば、ベラルーシの巨人Vladimir Samsonov(ブラディミル サムソノフ)選手東京オリンピックで張本智和選手をフルセットで粘り勝ち、ワールドランキングも上り龍が如く上げているスロベニアのDarko Jorgic(ヨルジッチ)選手2022年1月全日本選手権大会準優勝の松平健太選手元オランダ代表で水谷隼選手のプライベートコーチも経験しYou Tubeでティバーを売り込みまくるG.C. Foerster(フォースター)さんや、ルーマニアの美人選手Bernadette Szocs(スッチ)選手契約するドイツメーカーになります!

 特に今年の1つの大きな話題になった松平健太選手のバタフライからティバーさんへの電撃契約は、驚きだったのではないかと想像します!松平健太選手は、とりあえずバックハンドにハイブリッドK3を使うことを決めて契約したということだそうです。他にも登り龍Darko Jorgic(ヨルジッチ)選手イギリスのPaul Drinkhall(ドリンコール)選手クロアチアのTomislav Pucar(プツァル)選手ベルギーのCedric Nuytinck(ニュイティンク)選手もフォア面にハイブリッドK3を使用しています!今までテンション系ラバーを使用していたヨーロッパのトップ選手がハイブリッドK3へ変更していることから、スピン系テンションラバーからの移行も難しくないことを暗に物語る、そんな粘着テンションラバーが、ハイブリッドK3といえそうです。
 他のティバーさんのラバーといえば、ハイエンドラバーとして契約選手が多く使用するEvolution(エヴォリューション)シリーズ最新の一枚、Evolution MX-D(エヴォリューションMX-D)が、今大ブレイクしている印象です!このラバーは卓球王国別冊の「卓球グッズ2022」のブラインド試打企画で、ディグニクス05やモンスターラバーのテナジー05を抑えて評価No.1になりました!値段も定価6,500円+税とディグニクスの税込み価格10,780円と比較すると半額くらいで、とてもリーズナブルなラバーになりますね!個人的には少し回転で沈む感じが乏しいものの、ボールの走りは爽快でスピード性能が非常に高いと思いました。スピードが速いにもかかわらず、シートも硬いので、回転性能が高く、台上はおさまりが良くて切れる、ドライブの打ち合いでは負けない強さを示す非常に高性能なラバーだと思います。

 今回のハイブリッドK3は、ティバーの看板のスピン系テンションラバーであるエヴォリューションシリーズではなく、粘着テンションラバーシリーズであるハイブリッドシリーズの1枚になります。日本では、Hybrid K1J(ハイブリッドK1J)が発売されていて、一般で東京選手権予選を通過する今西健太郎選手(東山高校→同支社大学)が一時期フォア側に使用していたことでも有名ではないでしょうか。粘着ラバーに近い強い回転性能を持ちつつ、テンションラバーに近いスピード性能を持つ、良いところどりの粘着テンションラバーとして、粘着ラバーユーザーの選択肢の一つになっていた印象です。そんなハイブリッドK1Jの次のラバーとして、登場したのがハイブリッドK3になります。ハイブリッドK3の説明について、ティバーさんの発信情報を確認してみましょう。
















 ハイブリッドK3は重量は多少50 g台とやや重いですが、硬度はそこまで硬くないことがよくわかりますね。これだけ柔らかいと、かなり使いやすいラバーではないかと想像できますね。硬さで例えるとテナジー05と同等といえそうです。


Hybrid K3(ハイブリッドK3)
 粘着系テンション OFF+
・Sponge Thickness:2.0/max mm
・7,700円 + 税
・72 g(白い粘着シート込み) → 51 g(970XXX-KLCに貼って)


Hybrud K3の3つの特徴






 普段、自分はOmega VII China Ying(オメガVIIチャイナ影)を使っていますが、その性能を引き出すには、面を開いてドライブした方が回転性能が高く、スピードドライブも打ちやすいと感じます。ハイブリッドK3は、打ち方による差はあまり感じませんでした。つまりどのような打ち方でも、ハイブリッドK3の性能を引き出しやすいということだと思います。特にバックハンドグリップで少し巻き込んでドライブする人は、粘着ラバーを使うと、少しスピードドライブを打つことが難しいと感じやすいと思いますが、ハイブリッドK3なら、そのように感じることが少ないのではないかと感じました。回転性能の非常に高いスピン系テンションラバーを使っているような感覚になるのが、ハイブリッドK3だと思います!


















 Dignics 09C > Hybrid K3 > Tenergy 05

 Tenergy 05 ≧ Hybrid K3 > Dignics 09C

卓球ラバー メール便送料無料 TIBHAR ティバー ハイブリッドK3 aia0082楽天で購入

2022年 TIBHAR卓球用具カタログ


 TIBHAR(ティバー)さんは、今本当に熱いメーカーですね!昨年はヨルジッチ選手が張本選手に勝利し、今年は全日本選手権準優勝の松平健太選手が契約しました!卓球You tuberのわったさんやユージくんとも契約して、かなり注目のメーカーだと思います。katsuo000ブログでもTIBHARさんの用具レビューは伸びやすいです!新商品のハイビリッドK3も大注目ですね。既に貼っているので速くレビューしたいです!

TIBHARさんの電子カタログ: http://www.tibhar.jp/TIBHAR_2022catalog.pdf


Hybrid K3(ハイブリッドK3)





Darko Jorgic(ヨルジッチ)



Fortino Pro DC Inside(フォーティノプロDCインサイド)

 ダイニーマ素材は、TIBHARさんのオリジナルな素材なので、上のヨルジッチモデルラケットよりも個人的にはこちらの方が使ってみたいです。ただブレード厚さ6.2 mmは少し厚いと感じますね。ドイツ製のラケットってやはり厚いものが多いですよね。ここは好みが分かれるところだと思います。 



レビュー Evolution EL-S(エヴォリューションEL-S)


 TIBHAR(ティバー)さんの注目ラバー、Evolution EL-S(エヴォリューションEL-S)をレビューさせていただきます。TIBHAR(ティバー)といえば、引退しても僕らの伝説ベラルーシの巨人Vladimir Samsonov(ブラディミル サムソノフ)選手が契約するドイツメーカーになります。あと最近では、元オランダ代表、水谷隼選手のプライベートコーチも経て、You Tubeでティバーを売り込みまくるG.C. Foerster(フォースター)さんや、ルーマニアの美人選手Bernadette Szocs(スッチ)選手もティバー契約の選手ですね。東京オリンピックで張本智和選手をフルセットで粘り勝って存在感を際立たせたスロベニアのDarko Jorgic(ヨルジッチ)選手もティバーの契約選手です!

  Evolution MX-D(エヴォリューションマキシマムダイナミック)のレビュー
   : https://katsuo000.com/review_evolution_mx_d/

Evolution EL-S





 *Evolution MX-P(エヴォリューションMX-P)とEvolution MX-S(エヴォリューションMX-S)のスピード、スピン性能が同値であるため、同じ場所にプロットされています。EL-Sはなんと、MX-SやMX-Pよりもスピン性能が高いラバーでスピンテンション系ラバーの中ではMX-Dの次にスピン性能が高いラバーになります。これはかなり期待ができるラバーといえるでしょう!続いて硬度計での硬度比較です。

 中間硬度ということでテナジー05はもちろん、MX-P、MX-Sよりもあきらかに柔らかいですね。シートは硬い感じです。今後も触れると思うのですが、このEL-Sは、Joola(ヨーラ)さんのRhyzer Pro 45(ライザープロ45)、Rasanter R45(ラザンターR45)などのラバーにかなり近いと感じました。これらのラバーの共通点はミドル硬度のスポンジで、シートが硬いラバーになりますね。


 いつものようにZhang Jike ZLC(張継科ZLC)に貼りました。

Evolution EL-S(エヴォリューションEL-S)
 回転系テンション OFF+
・Sponge Thickness:1.7/1.9/2.1 mm
・6,000円 + 税
・73 g(切断前) → 49 g(張継科ZLCに貼って)


Evolution EL-Sの3つの特徴































 Evolution MX-D > Evolution EL-S ≧ Quantum X Pro

 Tenergy 05FX > Evolution EL-S > Evolution MX-S

 Quantum X Pro > Evolution EL-S > Tacky rubber (such as Hurricane)


Review Quantum X Pro


German table tennis equipment maker, TIBHAR is a maker contracted by Belarusian living legend Vladimir Samsonov (Vladimir Samsonov). Speaking of Belarusian Samsonov, he is a 44-year-old European “giant” who is still active. In his 40s, he is still active and features a very stable backhand and a tall and strong forehand drive, and his play style is centered on blocks and counters. He has been ranked number one in the world rankings many times in the past and is still capable of winning top prizes in European competitions. TIBHAR is a German manufacturer, and although it is a little less well known in Japan, it can be said that it has a solid presence in Europe to support athletes. Recently, it seems that Tazoe Hibiki, who belongs to Okayama Rivets, has a contract.

The rubber reviewed on this page will be Tibhar’s Quantum X Pro. It is a rubber sold in the fall of 2020, and it is said that it is sold targeting intermediate to advanced users. The price will be 5,500 yen + tax, which is 500 yen cheaper than the regular price of 6,000 yen + tax of the Evolution series, which is the signboard! This Quantum X Pro is the only one sold in Japan, but when I looked at the English catalog on Mr. Tibhar’s homepage, there were two other types of rubber with the title Quantum. Please refer to the published performance values for comparison, including those.
This Quantum X Pro seems to be selling very well, and the advertising phrase is “You can tell by hitting it!”. Even recently, the former Dutch national team, the private coach of champion Jun Mizutani, and now the general manager of the Asian region, G.C. Forster, are also being advertised on SNS! When I heard the promotion, “You can understand it by hitting it!”, I imagined that katsuo000 would be “similar to Tenergy 05?” In fact, Tibhar’s top player rubber, Evolution MX-P, is a rubber that has a shot feel that is quite similar to Tenergy 05. Then, I would like to write about the difference between MX-P and Quantum! In addition, Quantum means “quantum”, and there is a word “quantum dot” as a chemical material. I don’t think the rubber contains quantum dots, but I think it’s a sound that makes you feel that it is manufactured with the latest technology.

Published performance value

I am sorry that it is very difficult to understand. Because the speed and spin performance of Evolution MX-P and Evolution MX-S are the same as those of the English catalog Quantum X Pro. Only Evolution MX-P is plotted. In the above figure, Quantum X Pro is from the Japanese catalog.

Some sites use expressions like “10+”, but we have adopted the ones that are evaluated by three-digit numbers. It seems that the actual spin performance is higher for soft rubber. Around this time, I would like to actually try it out and check it.

The trouble this time was that the performance values were different between the Japanese homepage and the English pamphlet. Around here, I think that the intention of the manufacturer is reflected, isn’t it?. Aside from the performance values, we will quantify the impression that katsuo000 felt and update the rubber comparison, so I would be grateful if you could refer to it!

Quantum X Pro sticking and weight

Quantum X Pro
    Spin type tension OFF
・Sponge Thickness: 1.8/2.0/max mm
・Speed: 115 (125)
・Spin: 115 (120)
・Control: 95 (80)
・Sponge stiffness: 47.5
・5,500 yen + tax
・72 g (before cut) → 50 g (after cut)

It’s heavier than I expected. Still, when I held the racket, I didn’t feel the weight.

Three features of Quantum X Pro

It looks like Tenergy 05!

After all, katsuo000 is like Tenergy 05 for Quantum X Pro! I thought. When I used it in the foreground, it felt softer than the Evolution MX-P, which had almost the same hardness, and I felt that it could be easily rotated with a weak force! In terms of image, the shot feeling is close to that of Tenergy 05, and the amount of rotation of the ball is close to that of Tenergy 80. However, both Quantum X Pro and Evo MX-P are non-rubbers similar to Tena 05. Tena 05 does not bend the racket and the ball collides, but it can fly firmly while taking the plunge to rotate just by pulling. This area is truly unique performance, and I think it is the charm of Tena 05 used by top players. Tena 05 bites in, but it’s not a dangerous rubber that reaches the racket board, isn’t it? On the other hand, I think that it is Tiber’s rubber that gets speed and flies by firmly biting the rubber and hitting the board with a click. As a result, Tena 05 runs a drive but is difficult to use, while TIBHAR’s rubber is easy to handle, both are easy to block and meet, but instead make you feel a little low rotation amount.

The next thing to worry about is how the Quantum X Pro and the Evolution MX-P differ. There are three differences that katsuo000 thinks about.

Differences between Quantum X Pro and Evolution MX-P
1. Difference between sponge thickness and bite
2. Difference in sheet hardness
3. Slippery

Difference between sponge thickness and bite
As is clear from the catalog, there is no Quantum X Pro and Evolution MX-P with the same sponge thickness. Quantum X Pro is a type of rubber with a thin sheet and a thick sponge, which is often found in German rubber in recent years, and a rubber with a sponge thickness of Max (thicker than 2.1 mm) is on sale. On the other hand, the Evolution MX-P is a little old, so the thickest one is 2.1 mm. Also, instead of using the same type of sponge, I thought that Quantum X Pro had a firmer feel and was easier to bite into. I imagine that if it is adopted for Evolution MX-P, it will be a harder sponge.

Difference in sheet hardness
I felt using it, but I felt that the Quantum X Pro was weaker than the Evolution MX-P because the sheet was thinner. Therefore, it is easy to handle and rotate, but I felt that it was also easily affected by the rotation of the opponent’s ball. The good side and the bad side are like the front and back of a coin, so it can’t be helped.

As for the first and second, Quantum X Pro felt slippery when touched with a sheet and sponge. The Evolution MX-P is a rubber for top players, so I don’t feel it slippery at all, but the Quantum X Pro is for intermediate and advanced players, so it is slippery. Even though it’s slippery, I feel that it’s okay to use it on the arm of katsuo000, which is at the level of participation in the All Japan Business Group. It may seem fatal to top players who cannot afford to make a single mistake, but I think it can be used as a weapon by intermediate players, including slipping.

Easy to hit down!

I felt that the ball went up very much. It’s pretty stable even with a backhand drive, and it’s good that both loop and speed drive are easy to do! Speaking of rubber that goes up, I think that Dignics 09C and Dignics 05 are, for example, but they will be over if you do not rotate firmly. Of course, the Dignics series has high rotation performance, so if you rotate it firmly, it will sink firmly and settle on the table, but the Quantum X Pro was just the right way to go up. The rubber that I felt close to was Tena 05, but I also thought that the arc line was a little lower than Tena 05.

There is also the amount of spin and it is easy to meet!

As I felt with the Evolution MX-P, the shot feeling is exactly Tena 05, but it was a rubber that was easy to play because it took a lot of rotation. German rubber, Fastarc G-1 and V> 15 Extra had a feeling that it was difficult to apply unless it was firmly inserted and then rotated, but that was not the case at all, and Quantum X Pro is Japan. It was a very well-balanced rubber that had a shot feeling close to that of a rubber made and was easy to meet. In particular, Meet may feel a little difficult with Tena 05, but I think it’s very easy to do with Quantum X Pro!

Each technics review


Light hit
I didn’t feel any discomfort. Is it an image that the amount of rotation is low and the flight distance is controlled by the plate of the racket rather than flying by rotation?

Drive on long balls and rallies
Compared to Dignics 05, I felt the ball was a little shallow. I also felt that the ball would not sink if I flew too much, so it would not be stable. However, the person who received it said that the ball has the power, so I think it was a heavy ball to be pushed!

Drive with open face
Sounds good! It has arrived at the board, but I like it. Imagine that some people dislike it.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
It took a good rotation and felt good. I felt that it was enough rotation even if I used it in the foreground!

Speed drive against back spin
It’s a good drive, but I felt that the amount of rotation was a little small. So I felt that it was easy to over-miss if I was careful.

I could do it, but it was easy to feel when I slipped. I felt it wasn’t good, but I think it would be great if I could use this slippery feeling as a weapon!

Counter drive
It was a little easier to bite in, and it was easily affected by the rotation of the other party. I think that the overwrite counter drive is easy to do because it takes a firm spin!

It stopped firmly. I didn’t feel like I was flying.

It was good to be able to make push that was firmly rotated. It was easy to make a chance at the counter! It’s speculation, but I imagine that Samsonov’s opinion will be reflected and it will be easier to do push and stop.

It was good to be able to cut it firmly. It was a good feeling!


Light hit
I felt that there were a few arcs and I was about to get caught on the net.

Drive on long balls and rallies
I felt stable when I swung from the bottom to the top, but when I tried to hit the speed drive, the rotation did not stop and over mistakes increased. This area is probably due to my low backhand skills.

Speed drive against back spin
It was very easy to do. The Lazanta series has a little less grip, so I like this grip! I felt that the amount of rotation was small.

Speed drive against back spin
I was quite stable and surprised. It was good!

It was easy to put in, but it slipped.

Counter drive
I was a little influenced, but I have a good ball holding, so if I overwrite it firmly, I can enter. It was good!

It was good. It didn’t even pop out.

It was easy to cut and make a chance. It was a very good feeling.

It was easy to make an arc and it was easy to do!

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Tenergy 80 > Quantum X Pro > Tenergy 64

Ease of spin
 Rasanter R48 > Quantum X Pro > Tenergy 80

 Tenergy 80 > Quantum X Pro > Tenergy 05

Review 5Q VIP


German table tennis equipment maker, TIBHAR is a maker contracted by Belarusian living legend Vladimir Samsonov (Vladimir Samsonov). Speaking of Belarusian Samsonov, he is a 44-year-old European “giant” who is still active. In his 40s, he is still active and features a very stable backhand and a tall and strong forehand drive, and his play style is centered on blocks and counters. He has been ranked number one in the world rankings in the past and still has the ability to win top prizes in European competitions. TIBHAR is a German manufacturer and has steadily become a manufacturer with a strong presence in Japan in recent years. In Europe, it can be said that it is a manufacturer with a solid presence that supports athletes. Recently, it seems that Tazoe Hibiki, who belongs to Okayama Rivets, has a contract.

The rubber reviewed on this page will be Tibhar’s 5Q VIP. It is a rubber that is not well recognized, and it is not a rubber that has been specially taken up by Mr. Table Tennis Kingdom. As katsuo000, it was a fairly expensive rubber, so I was curious and bought it. This 5Q VIP also has a predecessor rubber called 5Q. The 5Q slogans are “grab the ball deeply” and “throw the ball back with your hand”. The published performance value is lower than the Evolution series, which is a signboard rubber, but it can be said that it is an easy-to-use rubber series. 5Q VIP, which is an evolved version of 5Q, is a very expensive rubber of TIBHAR, and it costs 7,200 yen + tax. Among the top players, it seems that Chinese Taipei’s Chen Chien-an is using it for his backhand. I tried it while expecting what kind of high rotation performance and ease of handling would satisfy the use of top players.

Published performance value

I am sorry that it is very difficult to understand. Because the speed and spin performance of Evolution MX-P and Evolution MX-S are the same as those of the English catalog Quantum X Pro. Only Evolution MX-P is plotted. In the above figure, Quantum X Pro is from the Japanese catalog.

Some sites use expressions like “10+”, but we have adopted the ones that are evaluated by three-digit numbers. It seems that the actual spin performance is higher for soft rubber. 5Q VIP is also a rubber that is said to have higher rotation performance than speed.

5Q VIP sticking and weight

The rubber was not a square, but a diamond-shaped rubber. This was surprising and impressive. It was heavy for its hardness, wasn’t it?

    Spin type tension OFF
・Sponge Thickness: 1.7/1.9/2.1 mm
・Speed: 110
・Spin: 118
・Control: 90
・Sponge stiffness: 45
・7,200 yen + tax
・72 g (before cut) → 50 g (after cut)

3 features of 5Q VIP

It wasn’t surprising performance, but it was a very good rubber for professionals. Rubbers of various intermediate hardnesses are on sale, but I think that there are quite a few rubbers that are easy to handle, even though the quality of the ball that can be passed even at the top player level can be obtained. I think it’s okay to review it!

The quality of the ball is high though it is soft!

The 5Q VIP is still soft, but I thought the ball was of very high quality. There was no discomfort in the serve and drive when used in the fore, and although the loop drive was deep, I felt that it was very easy to handle because I could hit a drive with a low arc. I felt that I needed to get used to the softness during the rally of the upper rotation, and since it was not a rubber whose arch line went up, there were more net mistakes than I expected. I had the impression that if it was soft, it would bounce on its own, but on the contrary, this rubber is soft and fits well, and even if you take the plunge, the flight distance is not long, so I felt that it was easy to settle! Compared to Rhyzer Pro 45, which has a medium hardness and the same sponge hardness, it does not feel like a soft rubber because the sheet is hard, but Tenergy 05 and Tenergy 05 FX. I felt the hardness, shot feeling and ball quality like between.

Easy to slow down!

Especially when I used it in the foreground, I felt it was very easy to adjust. There was certainly a feeling of hitting with the image of grabbing and releasing the ball, and I felt that there was a control system that could hit a slow, low-quality drive like a loop drive even in an upturn rally. On the other hand, because it is soft, it is easy to hit the speed drive, and it is exactly the performance that the expert likes!

It can be used even with a backhand!

What impressed me especially was the backhand drive against the downward rotation, and it was almost impossible to rub it up by hitting it. Since you can drive firmly, I think that the number of things whose reason for making a mistake is unclear will be drastically reduced. Also, even if I couldn’t drive with the backhand from the middle team, it was easy to put the ball on and fly, and he told me if there is such a way to use it. When you hear that you grab the ball and release it, you tend to imagine holding the ball when you drive, but it is expensive not only for driving but also for push and flick, fish and backhand from the middle team. He taught me that the ball holding makes me feel like I have a ball, and that the ball holding becomes easy to handle, and it is highly easy to handle even in the backhand.

Each technics review


Light hit
I didn’t feel any discomfort.

Drive on long balls and rallies
I felt that it was difficult to get a long distance, but personally I prefer rubber that is hard to get a long distance to. Therefore, I was very impressed with the fact that it was able to move freely even in the rally of the upper rotation.

Drive with open face
There was a feeling that it would bite in a little too much, but even if it bite in, it felt like it had a ball, so it was easy to control. The speed may be a little slow.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
The high quality low loop drive was very easy to do! This is a weapon, isn’t it?

Speed drive against back spin
I felt that the amount of rotation was a little small because it was soft.

Since it is soft, meat balls such as smashes are easy to block, but drives with a lot of rotation are a little more susceptible to rotation.

Counter drive
As mentioned above, it was easily affected by rotation.

It was easy to stop because it had a ball. I don’t feel like it’s cut.

It was a little slippery.

It was good to be able to cut it firmly. It was a good feeling!


Light hit
It was easy to draw an arc. Even if the start was delayed, I felt like I was in time because I had the ball.

Drive on long balls and rallies
The quality of the sphere seemed a bit low, but it was very controllable and easy to handle.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
It was easy to do. The outer ZLC also has this ball, so I thought it would be good for beginners and intermediate rubber. Although the price is a little high.

Speed drive against back spin
It wasn’t too bouncing, so it was settled. Is it a little slow?

It was easy to put in a meat type ball, but it was easily affected by rotation.

Counter drive
It was a little affected, so it wasn’t stable unless I put it in with my body.

It was easy to stop. It didn’t feel like bouncing because it was soft. This area was also a good impression.

It’s easy to enter low. I don’t think it has expired.

It’s hard to bounce, so I was able to take the plunge.

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Tenergy 80 >5Q VIP > Tenergy 64

Ease of spin
 Tenergy 05 FX > 5Q VIP > Rasanter R48

 Tenergy 05 > 5Q VIP > Hurricane NEO III

Review Evolution MX-S


The Evolution series is a rubber series for top players of German table tennis equipment manufacturer TIBHAR. There are 6 types of Evolution series, 3 types of sponge hardness and 2 types of sheet type, and 3 types of sponge hardness x 2 types of sheet. Flexible (Flexible, FX) with the softest sponge hardness, Elastic (Elastic, EL) with medium altitude, Maximum (Maximum, MX) with hard sponge, Power type sheet (P) and Spin type hard sheet (S) is not it. The Evolution MX-S reviewed this time will be the rubber used by Belarus’s living legend Vladimir Samsonov. Speaking of Belarusian Samsonov, he is a 44-year-old European “giant” who is still active. In his 40s, he is still active and features a very stable backhand and a tall and strong forehand drive, and his play style is centered on blocks and counters. He has been ranked number one in the world rankings many times in the past, and still has the ability to win top prizes in European competitions. TIBHAR is a German manufacturer, and although it is a little less well known in Japan, it can be said that it has a solid presence in Europe to support athletes. Recently, it seems that Tazoe Hibiki, who belongs to Okayama Rivets, is using the Evolution MX-S in the foreground. The sheet is harder than MX-P, and it looks like a rubber with high spin performance from the name, so I reviewed it with great expectation!

Published performance value

I am sorry that it is very difficult to understand. Since the speed and spin performance of Evolution MX-P (Evolution MX-P) and Evolution MX-S (Evolution MX-S) are the same, they are plotted in the same place.

Some sites use expressions like “10+”, but we have adopted the ones that are evaluated by three-digit numbers. It seems that the actual spin performance is higher for soft rubber. Around this time, I would like to actually try it out and check it.

MX-S sticking and weight

Evolution MX-S
    Spin type tension OFF+
・Sponge Thickness: 1.7/1.9/2.1 mm
・Speed: 125
・Spin: 120
・Control: 80
・Sponge Stiffness: 45.7-47.7°
・6,000 yen + tax
・74 g (before cut) → 50 g (after cut)

I didn’t feel that heavy, but it seems to be heavy. The performance value is the same as MX-P.

Three features of Evolution MX-S

The shot feeling is like Dignics!

I felt this rubber at the time of hitting the curtain, but I felt it was quite similar to Butterfly’s Dignics! I felt that this was a big discovery. From the conclusion, Dignics 80, which is easier to use, is the best! Compared to Dignics 05, it is overwhelmingly easy to handle, and it looks like Dignics 80, but Dignics 80 has the impression that it is a little easier to blow off. The MX-S was a rubber that had a very good impression on push and felt a cohesiveness without any graduation. The sheet is hard, but the sponge is like the same type of sponge as MX-P, so I felt the sponge bite well. I also felt that the goodness of the bite was like Tenergy.

Easy to push!

As I mentioned in the first one, push was a very good impression. The trajectory is very low and it is easy to make a push that does not let the opponent hit! I think it’s worth trying just for this reason! I felt it with MX-P, but it is easy to rotate, but I also felt that the rotation performance was inferior. I felt that this was the part I wanted. I think there was a review from World Rubber Market (WRM) that MX-S was recommended for chopper, but I was impressed with the ease of push.

The sheet is hard and easy to block and counter!

I expected it because the seat was hard, but after all the blocks and counters were quite easy to do. I think you can counter and block both the front team and the middle team. From the second and third features, it was a rubber that could be said to support Samsonov’s backhand push and block! I felt that it is also a rubber that can be easily sewn into the block thanks to the rubber that bites well for the hardness of the sheet.

Each technics review


Light hit
I didn’t feel any discomfort. At this stage, I didn’t really feel like Dignics.

Drive on long balls and rallies
To be honest, I felt that the attack power was insufficient. The ball tends to be shallow, the amount of rotation seems to be a little weak, and the counter is also about. It was good that it was very easy to handle compared to Dignics 05. If anything, I think it will be good when you keep up with the other party’s drive!

Drive with open face
This was good. I felt that it would be easier to hit if the racket was not Zhang Jike ZLC but a racket with a slightly thicker plate such as Timo Boll ALC. This area was more like MX-P or Tenergy.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
It’s not bad, but I felt it wasn’t good. The amount of rotation may be a little weak. Maybe I’m not good at it and I should let it bite into the whole rubber more firmly. It’s easy to catch on a sheet, but I felt that the sponge was a little soft and I needed some tips to convey the rotation firmly.

Speed drive against back spin
This was also good. It felt like I was hitting it with a feeling of playing rather than flying it by rotation. I feel that it is a way of hitting that will never enter in Dignix 05. Dignix is an image that goes straight to the net unless it is spun and flew. Sweat.

This was relatively easy to do. Blocking against speed drives was pretty easy!

Counter drive
It was easy to do.

As it grips, it was very easy to stop. nice one!

It was good because it also grips. However, it seemed to be lighter if I took it easy.

It was good to be able to cut it firmly. It was a good feeling!


Light hit
The dignics-ness became apparent when used in the back. I think it’s because the sheet is hard.

Drive on long balls and rallies
It was easy to do! It was a very good impression because it was easy to meet and drive. The grip is a little weak, so I felt that it required a lot of practice. I think it’s a very good rubber for backhand! If I wanted to use a hard rubber such as Dignics in the future, I thought it would be okay to use the current professional rubber.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
I felt the speed of leaving the ball a little. Probably because the sheet is hard. It’s not impossible.

Speed drive against back spin
It was good in the fore, but I felt it was difficult in the back. I think it’s an arm problem.

It was very easy to do. I felt the hardness to withstand the rotation.

Counter drive
I felt it was easy to do. I feel that the seat is strong.

This was also good! It will stop!

You can cut it! Is good! Since it grips firmly, it didn’t float and I liked the shot feeling! Right now, I want to take advantage of the difference in ease of handling and the amount of rotation, so I have Rakza X as my main job, but the problem with Rakza X is push, so it is difficult to become a high quality push, so I will actively do it from here. I felt the need to rotate it. I’m glad that the MX-S has a slightly high quality push in the auto!

It’s easy to do! It was great!

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Tenergy 05 > Evolution MX-S ≧ Evolution MX-P

Ease of spin
 Tenergy 05 > Evolution MX-S > Fastarc G-1 > V>15 Extra

 Evolution MX-P > Evolution MX-S > Tenergy 05


Review Evolution MX-P 50


The Evolution series is a rubber series for top players of German table tennis equipment manufacturer TIBHAR. There are 6 types of Evolution series, 3 types of sponge hardness and 2 types of sheet type, and 3 types of sponge hardness x 2 types of sheet. Flexible (Flexible, FX) with the softest sponge hardness, Elastic (Elastic, EL) with medium altitude, Maximum (Maximum, MX) with hard, Power type sheet (P) and Spin type slightly adhesive sheet (S) is not it. The Evolution MX-P 50 ° (Evolution Maximum Power 50 °) reviewed this time is a rubber like Tiber’s flagship rubber, which is also used by many top players.

Evolution MX-P is a rubber used by many top players who contract with Tiber, and is used by the following players.

・Vladimir Samsonov (Belarus)
・Paul Drinkhall (England)
・Hibiki Tazoe

Speaking of Belarusian Samsonov, he is a 44-year-old European “giant” who is still active. In his 40s, he is still active and features a very stable backhand and a tall and strong forehand drive, and his play style is centered on blocks and counters. He has been ranked number one in the world rankings many times in the past, and still has the ability to win top prizes in European competitions.
Also, Drinkhall is England’s No. 2 young player, and is characterized by forehand drive and counter drive from Recibuchikita and the middle team. The Japanese team is suffering from England’s Drinkhall player in world groups.
In this way, the top European players have signed a contract with TIBHAR and are active on the front lines. TIBHAR is a German manufacturer, and although it is a little less well known in Japan, it can be said that it has a solid presence in Europe to support athletes.

Published performance value

I am sorry that it is very difficult to understand. Since the speed and spin performance of Evolution MX-P (Evolution MX-P) and Evolution MX-S (Evolution MX-S) are the same, they are plotted in the same place.

You can see that the Evolution MX-P 50 ° is the fastest speed performance of any TIBHAR rubber. Also, the high rotation performance remains the same. For katsuo000, I feel that hard rubber takes more rotation, and hard rubber is more difficult to speed up. According to the German manufacturer’s published performance value, it is a soft rubber, so it is easy to rotate, so it is sometimes seen that the spin performance is high. I haven’t tried the Evolution EL-S, but since the MX-P 50 ° has a hard sponge, I think you can expect the rotation performance to exceed the published performance value. In fact, I felt that the rotation performance was high!

MX-P 50 ° sticking and weight

It has reached 200 g for the first time in a while. It’s pretty heavy.

Evolution MX-P 50°
    Spin type tension OFF+
・Sponge Thickness: 2.1 mm
・Speed: 128
・Spin: 120
・Control: 75
・Sponge stiffness: 50°
・6,000 yen + tax
・78 g (before cut) → 54 g (after cut)

As for the impression of the attached racket, I felt it was so light that I could not feel it as 200 g. I’m not sure why this is because Zhang Jike ZLC has a center of gravity on the grip side, or MX-P 50 ° dares to make the grip side part with the name of the rubber heavier. It was a very strange impression as I had.

Three features of Evolution MX-P 50 °

Ball holding & shot feeling is very similar to Tenergy 05!

As I mentioned in the review on Evolution MX-P, it is very similar to the shot feeling of Tenergy 05. Perhaps this Evolution series was developed with reference to the Tenergy series. The Rasanter series, XIOM high-end rubber, and Omega series, which have high rotational performance, had a unique shot feeling even with German rubber, but these Evolution MX-P and Evolution MX-P 50 ° Is really similar to Tenergy 05. If you are looking for a rubber with a shot feeling similar to Tenergy, you can try it once.

High-quality rotation with a mad shot feeling

Since the sponge of Evolution MX-P 50 ° is hard, the amount of rotation during loop drive and service was very satisfactory. I think the MX-P 50 ° was more rotated than the MX-P. I think it’s an ant to choose 50 ° to get this amount of rotation.

With a 50 ° sponge, you won’t lose to your opponent’s ball!

I felt that the Evolution MX-P 50 ° will show its true value when it is a technology that strongly bites into the sponge, such as a counter for the opponent’s drive and a speed drive, while inheriting the MX-P’s uniqueness as it is. Even if the MX-P 50 ° is strongly bitten into the sponge, it does not easily give the shot feeling that it reaches the racket, and I felt that it was easy to drive while strongly biting into it. katsuo000 is linked to the feeling of losing or not losing to the ball, whether or not it reaches the board even if it bites into it. If you use a soft racket or rubber, it may bite too much and it may be difficult to make an arch line, but I felt that such a thing was less with MX-P 50 °. I think that the difference will come out when you bite hard with Tenergy 05 Hard, but I think that the same can be said for MX-P 50 °.

Each technics review


Light hit
I didn’t feel much hardness. In the first place, MX-P is also a reasonably hard rubber, so honestly I didn’t feel that MX-P 50 ° was difficult.

Drive on long balls and rallies
You won’t lose. With the MX-P, when I tried to hit the speed drive, I felt that it was easy to reach the racket and the amount of rotation dropped, but with the MX-P 50 ° it was easier to achieve both rotation and speed.

Drive with open face
If you open the surface, it will be easier to bite into the rubber, so I think that the MX-P 50 ° was more responsive to the drive than the MX-P.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
Since it is a rubber that makes it very easy to feel the ball holding, it was easy to do a loop drive with a low and high rotation amount.

Speed drive against back spin
This was also easy to do. Since it is easy to make an arc, I felt that even speed drive can be stabilized if there is an impact.

Curve / shoot drive
Since it is a very straightforward rubber, I was able to straighten the curve drive and shoot drive, and it was not painful or good. Compared to MX-P, MX-P 50 ° had more ball rotation when it was driven into a curve.

I felt it was easier to do than I expected. However, since it is a sheet / grain shape that is easily affected by rotation, I also felt that it was affected by rotation. Compared to Tenergy 05, it was less affected and easier to do.

Counter drive
It was very easy to do, but it was not easy to ignore the amount of rotation to some extent like Dignics 05 or V> 15 Extra, but the feeling of hitting the ball back and forth was very good. It was very good to go back half a step and overwrite the counter drive near the apex.

It was easier to do than MX-P. The sponge is so hard that it doesn’t bounce.

This also settled low.

Fore flick
Since it is hard, the ball separates quickly, so I felt that it would be easier to put it firmly on.


Light hit
I didn’t feel the hardness of 50 ° so much.

Drive on long balls and rallies
When it came to driving, it was easy to feel the speed of leaving the ball.

Loop (top spin) drive against back spin
It was a good shot feeling with a ball that can be handled even with a backhand.

Speed drive against back spin
I felt that speed driving was difficult due to the lack of impact.

The influence of rotation was small and it was easy to do. It was my favorite shot feeling.

Counter Drive
Because I had a ball, it was a little difficult to make adjustments, such as an over-miss when trying to spin, and a net mistake when trying to counter-drive with a slight meet.

This was easy to do. I felt that the rotation was not so much.

It was easy to do, but the amount of rotation was small.

It was very easy to do. The arch line was also just right.

Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)

Max spin amount
 Tenergy 05 Hard > Evolution MX-P 50° ≧ Tenergy 05

 Tenergy 64 > Evolution MX-P 50° > Tenergy 05 Hard
