andro (アンドロ)さんの中級者志向のラバー、Hexer Power Grip (ヘキサーパワーグリップ)をレビューします。近いのかなーと思っていたラバーはRigan Spin (ライガンスピン)ですね。同じようなラバーなのかなーと思って試打しました。ちなみに、NUZN (ニューゾーン)、発注しましたよ!(^^)/
話題のラバーも早く試打したいところですが、今回本ページは、Hexer Power Grip (ヘキサーパワーグリップ)ですね。このラバーは中級者志向の安価、またはコスパの良い高性能ラバーとして発売されました。ヘキサーシリーズ自体は4種類のラバーが発売されています。円安の影響で、今は良コスパとはいいづらいのが辛いですが、使いやすくてしっかり球を持つイメージかなーということで、試してみたくなり、レビューさせていただきます。
Virtuoso + OFF (ヴィルトゥーソ+OFF)に貼りました。余談ですが、抗菌仕様など含めて最近のプラボールはさらに硬く、回転がかからなくなり、5枚合板系のラケットでも全然手に響かないなーと久々に使って感じましたね。5枚合板は手に響き過ぎて苦手でしたがこれはありやなーと久々に使って強く感じました。
Hexer Power Grip (ヘキサーパワーグリップ) ・Speed: 117 ・Spin: 118 ・Control: 79 ・Sponge Thickness: 2.1 mm ・Sponge硬度: 47.5° ・5,600 円 + 税 ・72 g(切断前) → 50 g (Virtuoso + OFF (ヴィルトゥーソ+OFF)に貼って)
Virtuoso + OFF (ヴィルトゥーソ+OFF)に貼りました。上板Limba (リンバ)の5枚合板で、このラケットがダメな人は多分いないだろってくらい球持ちを感じられるのに、めちゃめちゃ板がしっかりしてて威力も抜群のラケットです。スピードと飛距離は出しづらいですが、その分オールラウンドに立ち回れるラケットですね~。ではではヘキサーパワグリ
andro (アンドロ)さんの大人気ラバー、Rasanter C45 (ラザンターC45)をレビューします。もしかしたら一般層にとっては、硬いRasanter C53 (ラザンターC53)やRasanter C48 (ラザンターC48)よりも、人気のラバーなのかもしれないですね!柔らかい硬度で、かつ球を持ちやすいシート形状ということでイメージとしてはTenergy 05 FX (テナジー05FX)と同系統のラバーといえるかなーと思います。まだ試打できていませんが、DNA Platinum S (DNAプラチナS)も近いラバーではないかと思いますね。柔らかいラバーとなると、回転量は落ちますが、その分容易に回転をかけられるので、バックに貼ってもスピードドライブやスピードチキータがしやすいことが特徴の1つになってきますよね。またブロックもしやすかったり扱いやすいということも特徴として挙げられると予想されますね。そのあたり確認していきたいと思います。そもそもRasanter (ラザンター)は非常に人気のラバーとなった印象で、You tubeを中心に流行っているイメージですね。2024年春はRasanter (ラザンター)の新商品の発売はないようです。ちなみに最新のハイエンドラバー、Nuzn (ヌーズ?)も英語などのサイトでは掲載されていますね!秋くらいに発売でしょうか、気になります!それではRasanter C45 (ラザンターC45)を確認していきましょう。
Rasanter (ラザンター)シリーズ
Rasanter C Serieas (ラザンターCシリーズ)はシートの粒形状を変更し、微々粘着系のテイストを加えたラバーになっています。粘着は近年一つの流行ではありますが、中国製粘着などと比べると、Rasanter C Series (ラザンターCシリーズ)は粘着感はほとんどなく、スピン系テンションらしさの方が強いですね。ボールをしっかりカミつきつつ、初速から相手のコートに向けて伸びる感じがあるラバーになってきていると思います。またシートの硬さがしっかりあるため、カウンターもしやすいラバーシリーズになっています。Counter Spin (カウンタースピン)のC Series (Cシリーズ)ですので、時代にあったラバーだと思いますね。
最近のラバーの素晴らしい点ですね。スピードが出しやすいRasanter V47 (ラザンターV47)は、ストップやツッツキが難しかったです。最近のラバーでもDignics 80 (ディグニクス80)もツッツキはいけますが、ややストップが難しいんですよね。使いやすいと感じた意外なラバーはV>22 Double Extra (V22ダブルエキストラ)、Evolution MX-D (エボリューションMX-D)などですね。最近のラバーは弾むのに結構ストップしやすいんですよね。この心はラバーにもよりますが、シートが一番重要だと思います。シートが硬いため、シートだけで打球するようなタッチで止まるんですよね。柔らかいのに、シートの力によって、Rasanter C45 (ラザンターC45)もストップが良かったです。Rasanter C series (ラザンターCシリーズ)はかなりストップがやりやすいので、自分に合った硬度を選ぶことはアリですね!
注目はやはり、Synteliac VCI OFF (シンテリアックVCIオフ)でしょうか。このラケットは大島選手が選んだ一本になりますね。インナーカーボンになります。なお、大島選手はmizunoではFortius FT ver. D RE (フォルティウスFT ver. D RE)というアウターにDual WEB (ポリエステル繊維)をはさんだ7枚合板を使用していました。アウター繊維+7枚合板からインナーカーボンへ変更したということなので、木材よりのインナーなのではないかと予想してます。実際、androと契約しているコーチの方に伺うと、かなり使いやすいということでした。ちなみにその方が使用されているラケットはTreiber FI OFF (トレイバーFI OFF)というインナーにファイバーを入れた板厚のラケットになりますね。Synteliac VCI OFF (シンテリアックVCIオフ)とFortius FT ver. D RE (フォルティウスFT ver. D RE)をスペックで比較すると次のようになると思います。
Composition 構成
Blade thickness 厚さ
Blade Size ブレード面積
Weight 重量
Synteliac VCI OFF (シンテリアックVCIオフ)
Inner Voltema Carbon 5+2
5.9 mm
158 x 152 mm
86 g
Fortius FT ver. D RE (フォルティウスFT ver. D RE)
Outer Dual Web 7+2
6.1 mm
157 x 149 mm
90 g
結構変化していることがわかるかと思います。特に、katsuo000が注目したいのは、厚さとブレード面積ですね。katsuo000は厚さとブレード面積でラケットを選んでおります。厚さは0.2 mm薄くなる一方で、ブレード面積は大きくなるということで、結構な打球感覚の変化ではないかと個人的には思います。ブレード面積は、過去使っていたFortius FT ver D (フォルティウスFT ver. D)とほぼ同じ広めのブレード面積で、本人としては慣れているのかもしれないですね。一方、カーボンの入ったラケットを使わないことが大島選手のこだわりではないかと想像しておりましたが、2023年は新たにインナーカーボンラケットということで挑戦の年となりそうですね。現在、非常に注目しているのですが、同じくらいTIBHAR (ティバー)さんのLIBRA (リーブラ)というインナーラケットも気になっており、迷っております。でも気になっているので、どちらかは買う気がします。その時はレビューしますので、よろしくお願いします!
You tuberのごぶりんずさんも動画でコメントしていますが、Rasanter R53 (ラザンターR53)は上回転の打ち合いに強い分、やや下回転打ちが難しいラバーになっています。特に対下回転スピードドライブが難しくて、しっかりくい込ませつつインパクト時にしっかり回転をかけないとボールが沈まないのでオーバーするかネットミスしやすいんですよね。一方、このC53はかなり弧線を強く描くのとドライブ時にボールがめちゃめちゃ上がるので非常に下回転打ちがしやすいラバーでした。これはラザンターの中で新しい、そして今までにない選択肢になると思います!下回転打ちのためにC53を使うのはありではないでしょうか。
さてこのR45について、kastuo000はなんとなくですが、R48で相当シートもスポンジも柔らかいものになっていたので、R45ではスポンジ硬度は45°しかないので、シートを硬くするのではないか、となんとく想像しておりました。要はシートの硬い軟テンション系ラバーということですね。シートの硬い軟テンションラバーは、実は既に人気を博している(おそらくヨーロッパで特に人気の)売れセンのカテゴリーのラバーだと思います。katsuo000が確認しているシートの硬い軟テンション系ラバーは、TIBHAR(ティバー)さんのEvolution EL-S(エヴォリューションEL-S)、Joola(ヨーラ)さんのRhyzer Pro 45(ライザープロ45)、XIOM(エクシオン)さんのVega X(ヴェガX)などになります。どのラバーもシートが硬く、上手に扱えば高い回転性能を発揮してくれるラバーですね。それでいてスポンジは柔らかいのでくい込ませやすく初-中級者層向けの非常に扱いやすいラバーといえるでしょう。ただ上級者層になってくると、シートだけでボールをこすったり捉えたりしようとしたときにスリップすることがあるので、好みがわかれるラバーでもあると思います。今回のR45も、硬度計で硬度を計ると明らかにシートが硬く、要はシートの硬い軟テンション系のラザンター、というのがR45の立ち位置と言えると思いました。このR45について、androのパンフレットでは次のように紹介しています。
andro sells rubber that feels outstanding rotation performance among German-made rubber. For katsuo000, if you can’t use Butterfly’s Tenergy series or Dignics series, you can be sure that you’ll use andro’s signature rubber, the Rasanter series. The reason is that the Lazanta series has high rotational performance! Considering the price, I think it is a very good series. It’s been a long time late today, but we’ll be reviewing the original Rasanter sign, the Rasanter R50! Speaking of andro, the stylish apparel and the green color of the rubber sponge always give off a unique presence. Players contracted with andro include Simon Gauzy, who has defeated Jun Mizutani at the 2017 Table Tennis World Cup and China’s Xu Xin (Xu Xin, China) at the 2019 World Championship. (Simon Gauzy, France) and Akifumi Hamakawa, who entered the 2019 All Japan Championship as a ranker. Also, in recent years, you have contracted with table tennis club coaches from all over Japan, and the coach who has participated in the All Japan Championship, who is also indebted to katsuo000, has also contracted with andro. I think this area is strategic.
From Rasant to Rasanter
andro was selling the characteristic green sponge rubber Rasant series (Rasant Grip, Rasant Power Grip), Rasant Power Sponge, which was sold as a signboard until 2016. The 6 types of Rasant Power Sponge, Rasant Beat, Rasant Turbo, and Rasant have all been discontinued, and a new lineup called Rasanter has been launched in 2017. The Razanter series is a new flagship rubber that uses the same green sponge as the Razant series. The Lazanta series includes the R series, which has high rotational performance and makes it easy to make arcs, and the V series, which has high rotational performance and high speed performance, and is sold with a number that reflects the hardness of the sponge attached after R or V. In addition, ahead of other German manufacturers, it will be a rubber lineup equipped with a technology called Ultra Max, which has a sponge thickness of 2.3 mm. This technology seems to have been applied to top players before that, and it is a rubber that makes the seat thinner than the current one and makes the sponge thicker by that amount. There is an international rule that the thickness of rubber, including the adhesive layer, should be 4.0 mm or less, so it is necessary to make the sheet thinner in order to make the sponge thicker. It is said that rubber with a thin seat and a thick sponge is easier to get rotation, speed and flight distance, and it is easier to get the performance to receive top players. However, thinning the sheet is prone to manufacturing variations, and it seems that it was not widely available before that. Probably the latest technology could increase productivity, and as a result, it became possible to produce rubber with a thin sheet and thick sponge at a low price, and it seems that it was sold to the general market. This technology is not sold to the general public by Butterfly’s rubber, which sells the Tenergy series, which is the world standard for leading table tennis equipment in Japan and around the world. As of 2020, Butterfly has the thickest sponge, with a sponge thickness of 2.1 mm. In recent years, the number of rubbers made by other German manufacturers or made in Germany with thin sheets and thick sponges, so-called rubber thickness Max, is increasing. Up to now, 8 types of Razanter have been sold, 6 types for the R series and 2 types for the V series.
Rasanter series
The Razanter series has a naming like the series in which the sponge hardness can be finely selected with the rotating R and the speed V, but when I actually tried it, it was different from my imagination. Apparently, the hardness of the sponge was changed, and the shape of the seat was also changed, so the shot feeling, performance, and easy-to-use technology were different. Furthermore, although the V series is certainly fast, it is not a rubber specialized for speed because it takes a lot of spin tension and rotation. katsuo000 has tried out R53, R48, R50, R47, V47 and R42, and would like to summarize the comparison in the future. I would like to comment here that the grain shape of the R53, R48, and R50 sheets is a little thin and the grain shape feels a little quick to separate from the ball. Compared to Dignics 05 and Tenergy 05, I think that the grain shape of the sheet makes it hard to feel the ball holding. On the other hand, the sheet is soft and the sponge has a good bite, so I think that it is a rubber that feels like holding a ball when it bites into the whole rubber. Initially launched in 2017, there were six types: R50, R47, R42, R37, V47, and V42. Furthermore, in October 2019, the R53 equipped with Energy Cell technology was newly released, and in May 2020, the R48 also equipped with Energy Cell technology was newly released. Currently, andro’s flagship rubber is R53 and R48.
Recently, I think that the R53 and R48 of the red Razanter are the focus of attention in the Lazanta series. We have already created a review, so we hope you will read it as well.
Published performance value
It is a comparison of performance values announced by andro. Is it characteristic that andro adds an item called control in addition to speed and spin? After all, R53 and R48 with energy cells have high performance and you can see that they are the current signboard rubber (as of September 2020)!
The R50 has also been used by Simon Gauzy in the past, and I think the first one I used after signing with andro was the R50. I feel that there are many reviews that this rubber also has speed and flight distance. In fact, it had a German-made rubber feel, not the heavy hardness of adhesive rubber or Omega VII Hyper. To put it simply, the R50 was designed to have the same level of rotational performance as the R47, and I had the impression that the remaining performance was a rubber with speed performance. The Razanter series are not rubbers with different hardness, but are probably developed with their own concepts. I think the R50 is a rubber that seeks speed performance such as meat while maintaining an arch trajectory. It is only clear that R47 and R50 are not related to Tenergy 05 and Tenergy 05 Hard. If you don’t know the Lazanta series at all, you may think that R47, R48, R50, and R53 have different hardness, but it’s not just a difference in hardness! I would like to summarize the above points at the time of this review and the review of R47. Thank you for your cooperation.
R50 paste and weight
Rasanter R50
UM Tension (Tensor Bios UM)
For 40+ Plastic Ball
・Sponge Thickness: 1.7 mm, 2.0 mm, ULTRAMAX (2.3 mm)
・Speed: 120
・Spin: 122
・Control: 80
・Sponge stiffenss: 50
・6,200 yen + tax
・72 g (before cut) → 51 g (after cut)
Three features of Rasanter R50
R50 is easier to bite than R47!
The grain shape of the sheet was different between R47 and R50, and R50 seemed to be finer and wider than R47. Therefore, I felt that R50 was easy to bite into the entire rubber. As a result, R50 is easy to use meat technology, and I think it is easy to hit speed drive even if it goes down! However, since the sponge is hard, even if it bites into it, the ball will last for a short time and the ball will come off quickly. From here, it is arbitrary and prejudiced, but while many rackets of Mr. andro are thick rackets, they do not have special materials such as carbon, so considering that the design of rubber will also speed up. It seems that it was designed. For other Lazanta series, I felt that there was no rubber designed with the concept of maximizing ball holding and rotation performance at the expense of speed performance. As a result, I think that the rubber of the Razanter series has many balanced grain shapes that are close to the grain shape 80 of the butterfly sheet. And I thought that R50 goes well with andro’s racket. Specifically, I thought that R50 is a rubber that goes well with plywood rackets. If you match it with a plywood racket, the hard shot feeling and spiky feeling of R50 will be round and soft, and I think that you can supplement the speed performance that is easy to feel if it is insufficient. It’s a little digression, but I think the rubber that I felt similar was Q5 or Q3, and the rubber that made Q5 feel softer was R50.
Of course, the rotation performance is high! Equivalent to or better than R47!
R50 felt high rotation performance like R47. The R47 that I tried earlier has very high rotation performance and I felt the rotation performance comparable to Tenergy 05. I felt that the R50 also had high rotational performance, but I felt that it was at the same level as the R47. R47 was a rubber that was very hard and felt the hardness derived from the grain shape like Tenergy 05. Therefore, I felt that it is easy to rotate with a sheet even among German rubber, and it is easy to obtain high rotation performance. On the other hand, R50 feels the hardness of the sponge, but since the sheet is soft in grain shape, it is easy to bite into it, and I think that it is a rubber that bites into the whole rubber and spins. The rotation performance is high for the soft sheet, and I felt that it was easy to draw an arc. I felt that katsuo000 was good for speed drive and meet, and I felt that the speed ball was more stable than I expected. I think it depends on how you use it, but I think that the speed ball with a sense of stability with the minimum rotation and arch line is a feature of the R50 rally. Depending on the user, I think that you can also find a feature by taking advantage of the rotation performance and continuing to hit a heavy drive while dropping the hitting point a little!
Push and stop are good to stop!
It was a rubber that was easy to fly because of the momentum and flight distance, but on the other hand, it was easy to stop and stop. It was difficult to cut it, but I think it is clearer than V47 and easier to stop than R48. I think that very important performance, push, and stop are reasonable performance.
Each technics review
Light hit Because of ULTRAMAX, I didn’t feel the hardness of the light hit.
Drive on long balls and rallies If anything, speed drive is easy to do. I felt it was easy to play. Maybe the order of the rough balls Rough R53 > R50 > R47 > R48 > V47 Beautiful It is an image. R48 is a rubber that is more beautiful than a rough ball because it is very easy to bite into it despite the hardness of the sponge. You may feel that R47 is harder. R53 is the hardest, but R50 also has a similar hardness. Probably the R50 has the most speed drive seat shape among the R47, R50, R48 and R53. Therefore, I think that R50 will be quieter than R53 in terms of roughness.
Drive with open face The sponge was so hard that I didn’t expect it to hit the racket right away. It was good.
Loop (top spin) drive against back spin I felt that the ball holding was a little short and it was difficult to control the loop drive.
Speed drive against back spin On the contrary, I think that this is fine if it is in the foreground. I think it’s easy to do.
Curve / shoot drive I think R53 is more addictive and bends more. The R50 is easy to bite into, but it is a hard rubber, so I think it is easier to handle it if you use a drive with a little lateral rotation to master it!
Block I felt that it was quite susceptible to rotation.
Counter drive If anything, overwrite type counter drive is easy to do.
Stop I’m glad it was easy to stop the ball.
Push It was good that this was also low.
Serve It was good to be able to cut it firmly. It was a rubber that could secure enough rotation amount of my rubber.
Light hit It’s hard, but I was surprised that it went unexpectedly.
Drive on long balls and rallies It was easy to become a speed drive. I was also told that it didn’t rotate much. On the other hand, if it’s a back, I think it’s an ant. I think you can also aim for a gap with the fore.
Loop (top spin) drive against back spin It was a little difficult. Sometimes I dropped it due to swing speed and lack of impact.
Block Since the seat is soft, I think it is easily affected by rotation.
Stop / Push It was easy to do. It was good that this was also low.
Chiquita The flight distance was a little too long and over mistakes were conspicuous.
Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions)
Max spin amount R53 > Tenergy 05 Hard > R50 ≧ R47 ≧ R48 > Tenergy 05 ≧ V47