既にV>22 Double Extra (V>22ダブルエキストラ)が発売され、巷でレビューがあふれています。そんな中、katsuo000は2022年4月の新商品、V>20 Double Extra (V>20ダブルエキストラ)についてレビューさせていただきます!
V>20 Double Extra (V>20ダブルエキストラ)は2022年1月の全日本選手権から、VICTASさんの広報が始まっていたようです。その時から、V>22 Double Extra (V>22ダブルエキストラ)も同じように広報していたようですね。その後、卓球王国などで情報が解禁されました。2022年春のカタログでは、バタフライとの契約終了と同時に電撃契約した、日本の至宝、岸川聖也選手の選んだラバーとしてV>20 Double Extra (V>20ダブルエキストラ)が見開きで紹介されています。↓
V>20 Double Extra (V>20ダブルエキストラ)に注目してみます。際立った特徴は、公表性能値よりもスポンジ硬度と粒形状に現れていると言えると思います。V>15 Extra (V>15エキストラ)やV>22 Double Extra (V>22ダブルエキストラ)と比較すると、最もスポンジ硬度が硬いのがV>20 Double Extra (V>20ダブルエキストラ)であり、ドイツ基準で52.5°になりますね。また粒が低くて太い点もV>20 Double Extra (V>20ダブルエキストラ)の特徴でしょう。公表性能値からわかるようにシートの強さが最も低い値であるのが、V>20 Double Extra (V>20ダブルエキストラ)ですので、シートはくい込みやすい柔らかめなものを採用しているのではないかと思います。続いて、硬度計の測定値です。
図にするとV>20 Double Extra (V>20ダブルエキストラ)はやや重いものの、ほぼTenergy 05 (テナジー05)と同じ硬度になりました。これは予想通りの値だとも感じました。前情報やレビューを拝見する限り、V>20 Double Extra (V>20ダブルエキストラ)はテナジーに近いラバーであることは予想しておりました。ドイツ工場の製造技術がバタフライのスプリングスポンジにおいつきつつあり、ドイツでもテナジーのようなラバーが製造できるに至ったといっても良いのかも言しれません。もちろん完全に同じではなく、ドイツ製ラバーのほうが、やや重い傾向であるようですね。
実際、V>20へ移行している選手、移行していない選手がいるようで、VICTASの契約選手のうち、村松雄斗選手、吉村和弘選手、岩渕幸洋選手、岸川聖也選手(コーチ)が使用しているようです(2022/10/23時)。吉村和弘選手はテナジー系のラバーを使用していたので、納得のチョイスだと思いますね。いっぽうで V>15 Extra (V>15エキストラ)を好んで使用していたと思われる選手はそのままV>22 Double Extra (V>20ダブルエキストラ)へ変更している印象です。同じ年に発売されたラバーでネーミングもかなり似ていますが、その性能はかなり異なるのかもしれませんね。
Spin:16.0、 Speed:16.5、 スポンジ硬度: 50.0° ラバー重量:xx g 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):xx.x、 shore a (sponge):xx.x shore c (sheet):xx.x、 shore c (sponge):xx.x katsuo000のレビュー:
Omega VII Tour i48 (オメガVIIツアーi48)
Spin:16.0、 Speed:16.0、 スポンジ硬度: 48.0°
Omega VII Tour (オメガVIIツアー)
Spin:14.5、 Speed:14.5、 スポンジ硬度: 55.0° ラバー重量:52 g 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):35.1、 shore a (sponge):29.9 shore c (sheet):49.2、 shore c (sponge):48.2 katsuo000のレビュー: https://katsuo000.com/review_omega_vii_tour/
Spin:15.0、 Speed:14.5、 スポンジ硬度: 55.0° ラバー重量:54 g 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):33.9、 shore a (sponge):29.6 shore c (sheet):46.9、 shore c (sponge):46.0 katsuo000のレビュー: https://katsuo000.com/review_omega_vii_hyper/
Spin:17.0、 Speed:12.5、 スポンジ硬度: 60.0° ラバー重量:57 g 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):33.0、 shore a (sponge):31.6 shore c (sheet):49.3、 shore c (sponge):49.1 katsuo000のレビュー: https://katsuo000.com/review_omega_vii_china_ying/
Spin:14.0、 Speed:14.0、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5° ラバー重量:49 g 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):29.9、 shore a (sponge):22.8 shore c (sheet):39.8、 shore c (sponge):35.2 katsuo000のレビュー: https://katsuo000.com/review_omega_vii_pro/
Spin:13.0、 Speed:13.0、 スポンジ硬度: 50.0° ラバー重量:xx g 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):xx.x、 shore a (sponge):xx.x shore c (sheet):xx.x、 shore c (sponge):xx.x katsuo000のレビュー:
Omega V Tour DF (オメガVツアーDF)
Spin:13.0、 Speed:12.5、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5° ラバー重量:51 g 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):28.2、 shore a (sponge):24.7 shore c (sheet):38.7、 shore c (sponge):36.1 katsuo000のレビュー: https://katsuo000.com/review_omega_v_tour_df/
Spin:15.5、 Speed:13.5、 スポンジ硬度: 52.5° ラバー重量:xx g 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):xx.x、 shore a (sponge):xx.x shore c (sheet):xx.x、 shore c (sponge):xx.x katsuo000のレビュー:
Jekyll & Hyde X50.0 (ジキル&ハイド X50.0)
Spin:14.0、 Speed:15.0、 スポンジ硬度: 50.0°
Jekyll & Hyde X47.5 (ジキル&ハイド X47.5)
Spin:14.0、 Speed:14.5、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5°
Jekyll & Hyde V52.5 (ジキル&ハイド V52.5)
Spin:14.0、 Speed:14.0、 スポンジ硬度: 52.5°
Jekyll & Hyde V47.5 (ジキル&ハイド V47.5)
Spin:14.0、 Speed:13.5、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5°
Jekyll & Hyde Z52.5 (ジキル&ハイド Z52.5)
Spin:16.0、 Speed:16.5、 スポンジ硬度: 52.5° ラバー重量:xx g 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):xx.x、 shore a (sponge):xx.x shore c (sheet):xx.x、 shore c (sponge):xx.x katsuo000のレビュー:
Vega Series (ヴェガ) シリーズ
Vega X (ヴェガX)
Spin:11.5、 Speed:12.0、 スポンジ硬度: 47.5° ラバー重量:52 g 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):30.3、 shore a (sponge):25.6 shore c (sheet):43.0、 shore c (sponge):39.1 katsuo000のレビュー: https://katsuo000.com/review_vega_x/
Spin:12.5、 Speed:12.0、 スポンジ硬度: 45.0° ラバー重量:48 g 硬度計評価 shore a (sheet):29.7、 shore a (sponge):26.5 shore c (sheet):40.6、 shore c (sponge):38.3 katsuo000のレビュー: https://katsuo000.com/review_vega_tour/
選手によってファオとバックのどちらかが得意であり、どちらかが苦手ということはよくありますよね。反対面と異なる特殊素材をもちいることで、極めて高いバランスのラケットとして、仕上げてあるのが、アイスクリーム系のラケットになるわけです。Jeoung Youngsik選手の場合、バックハンドが得意であり、インパクトも強くA面をバック側で使っているのではないかと思います。Jeoung Youngsik選手のラバーはフォアにHurricane Blue Sponge (キョウヒョウブルースポンジ)を、バックにOmega VII Tour i (オメガVIIツアーi)を使用されているようですね。
フォアとバックで特殊素材構成が異なるラケットといえば、過去に銀河のPro-13S (プロ-13S)を試打しています。このPro-13S (プロ-13S)というラケットは、片側がアウターALC、片側がインナーKLCというラケットです。試打した感想としては、アウターALC側には、確かなアウター感と弾きやすさ、そしてスピードを感じる一方で、バック側のインナーKLC側の球持ちの良さも感じました。ただし、インナーKLC側の上板には染色したコト材を使用していて、インナーKLCといいつつもかなり硬い打球感になっています。打球感として一番近いのはTornado King Power (トルネードキングパワー)で、インナーなのにかなり硬い打球感と高い回転性能が得られるラケットでした。なのでPro-13S (プロ-13S)はアウターと、半アウターみたいなラケットという印象でした。
一方、アイスクリームAZXiはどちらもインナー位置に特殊素材があり、そのインナーの中で差があるラケットだと感じました。A面であるアクシリウムカーボン側は、ループドライブを打つと満足できる高い回転量と、厚く当てた時には疾走感やスピードが得られて、スピンとスピード性能は満足できるものでした。一方で、バック側Z面であるゼフィリウムカーボン側は、飛距離はカーボンらしさがある一方で、打球感や球持ちはかなり合板に近いと感じました!もうボールに吸い付くような打球感で、それでいて、上板リンバかつカーボンも入っていて密度の高いブレードかつ5.7 mmの薄さによるしなりが、しっかりボールへエネルギーと回転を伝えてくれていると感じました。つまり、アイスクリームAZXiはReinforce AC (リーンフォースAC)やInner Force Layer ALC (インナーフォースレイヤーALC)のように抜群の球持ちをもちつつ、片面は弾きとスピードが、もう片面はより木材合板に近い、といえるラケットでした。インナーカーボン系ラケットを使っていて、苦手なフォアあるいはバック側の補いたいと考えるならアイスクリームAZXiはかなりありなラケットだと思います!
違和感なく使えると感じました。一番近いと感じたラケットは、Virtuoso AC (ヴィルトーソAC)になります。Virtuoso AC (ヴィルトーソAC)はもちろん上板にリンバを使用しており、そのブレード厚さは5.65 mm ± 0.05で、katsuo000が所有しているものは、5.69 mmになります。リンバインナーは5.6 mmなので、そりゃ似ますよね笑。非常に良かったです!やや高級ラケットではある分、申し分ないスペックで、しっかり回転もかかりしなり、厚く当てるとカーボンが前に出てきて高い音もなり非常に良かったですね。今後サブラケットとして使用していきたいと本気で思っています。
It’s been a long time since the release, but I would like to review VICTAS’s Triple Double Extra. At the time of its release, it became a hot topic that Koki Niwa used it for the back side! Due to the integration of TSP and VICTAS, TSP’s Triple rubber was released again in December 2020 under the VICTAS brand. Butterfly released the super popular Dignics 09C in April 2020, so I think that each company was conscious of releasing adhesive rubber. This VICTAS Triple series is made in China, which is famous for its adhesive rubber. It will be a tension type rubber. Moreover, the sponge is a blue sponge, and it is clearly a rubber that is conscious of the leopard NEO3 blue sponge.
It’s been a long time since the release, but I would like to review VICTAS’s Triple Double Extra. At the time of its release, it became a hot topic that Koki Niwa used it for the back side! Due to the integration of TSP and VICTAS, TSP’s Triple rubber was released again in December 2020 under the VICTAS brand. Butterfly released the super popular Dignics 09C in April 2020, so I think that each company was conscious of releasing adhesive rubber. This VICTAS Triple series is made in China, which is famous for its adhesive rubber. It will be a tension type rubber. Moreover, the sponge is a blue sponge, and it is clearly a rubber that is conscious of the Hurricane NEO3 blue sponge.
It was popular at the time of its release, but Niwa didn’t show much results after changing the equipment, and at the Tokyo Olympics 2020, he returned to V>15 Extra and participated in the war, so the impression that the popularity has declined slightly after that. is. On the other hand, Kobe TC coach Kazuya Yoshida, who participated in the All Japan Championship as a table tennis YouTuber, uses Triple Double Extra on the back side, which is reviewed on this page. It seems that the 2-ton push, which is also mentioned in the technical video, has become even sharper by using the triple-double extra, and the back volley in Chiquita and the rally and the triple-double extra’s features are used to score. It’s explained in game videos.
This rubber was well received by the people around me, and some players used it on both sides immediately after its release. It was used because the sheet is soft, so the ball is held well and the Chiquita is stable. I also felt that the rubber is characterized by the softness of the sheet in spite of the hardness of the sponge, and it is a rubber that does not feel that peculiar. I will introduce a review that I bought myself this time and put it on the outer ALC and tried it!
Performance value
Let’s compare the published performance values.
VICTAS’s performance chart was a little confusing, but from the 2022 pamphlet, a chart centered on speed and seat strength (spin) has been published. When creating such a diagram, the rubber in the upper right will be the rubber with the highest performance. In the figure, V>15 Stiff and V>11 Extra look like high performance rubbers. I would like to do an actual trial comparison in the future. Of course, V>20 Double Extra and V>22 Double Extra, which are hot topics in 2022, have high performance values. On the other hand, Triple Double Extra reviewed on this page has a fairly low speed performance due to its strong adhesion, and the sheet is soft, so the spin (sheet strength) performance is not that high. .
It should be noted that Triple Double Extra has the highest arc height of 9.4 among VICTAS rubbers! Since VICTAS rubber has many straight rubbers, triple double extra can be said to be a rubber characterized by the strength of the arc line among them. Next is a comparison of values measured with a hardness tester.
The weight is the same as V>15 Extra, and the hardness is the same as V>15 Extra and Ventus Extra. Comparing sponge hardness in the VICTAS catalog, V>15 Extra has a hardness of 47.5° according to German standards, and Triple Double Extra has a hardness of 57.5°, which is V>15 Extra suggests that the seat is hard, while triple double extra suggests that the seat is soft. Even though the sponge is hard, the triple double extra rubber seems to have the same hardness as high-end rubber.
If you check the difference between the hardness on the seat side and the hardness on the sponge side, you can clearly see that the triple double extra seat is very soft. I think that this difference in hardness between the sheet side and the sponge side plays a role in creating a strong arc line.
Triple Double Extra application and weight
Triple Double Extra
Tacky rubber
・Sponge Thickness: 2.0/MAX mm
・Sponge stiffness: 57.5°
・Arc height: 9.4
・Speed: 6.2
・Drive accuracy: 7.3
・Sheet strength: 8.0
・Backlash: 5.8
・5,200 yen + tax
・67 g (before cut) → 50 g (after cut)
At 50g, it’s a bit heavy. Recently, heavier rubbers have appeared, so I can’t call it the heaviest, but I think it’s a heavy rubber.
Three features of Triple Double Extra
Easy to handle for strong adhesive rubber made in China!
I felt that the rubber made in China, in short, was much easier to handle than the Hurricane rubber. Instead of trying to drive, I drew an arc even if I hit it, so even if I didn’t intend to hit the drive, I felt like I could draw an arc and enter the opponent’s court. Also, if you spin it as much as you want, it feels like a strong drive rotation like an adhesive rubber, but if you hit it like you hit it, you can hit a drive with speed and weight. Only when trying to make a strong habit, it is necessary to strongly bite into the hard sponge of 57.5 °, and in my case I felt it was a little difficult unless it was fore. Although the sinking and peculiarities of the arc line are superior to the leopard, it is an adhesive rubber that can achieve both rotation amount and speed, and I think it will be popular like the recently popular German-made adhesive tension rubber.
Push is cut well, and chiquita is stable!
It was very good to use it in the back, and it was easy to draw out the high rotation performance of Lin Gaoyuan ALC. I can’t go as far as a cut man, but I think I can dare to hit the opponent’s long serve and aim for a mistake. Also, since the arc is very high, it was very easy to lift the opponent’s serve and backhand drive or chiquita. This ease of use was reminiscent of the Moon Blue Sponge of the Galaxy. Dare to show the hardness comparison with Moon Blue Sponge here.
Moon Blue Sponge has a slightly harder seat, and the sponge is softer. However, I personally felt that both rubbers have similar shot feeling. The feel at impact was quite similar, so if you want a feel at impact, Moon Blue Sponge may be cheaper and better. However, I felt that the speed was higher with Triple Double Extra than with Moon Blue Sponge.
Rubber swinging forward
I think that the adhesive rubber itself is a rubber that comes out good by opening the surface and swinging, but this Triple Double Extra was the same. If you try to hit with just the sheet too much, the sheet will be soft, so it will be difficult to get a good taste. Rather, I think that you can hit a pretty good drive by opening the face and swinging forward, hitting the sponge while hitting it and giving it a lot of rotation. I think that it will be difficult to get the taste of this rubber if you hit it with a sheet. I think the way to bring out the taste of the Triple Double Extra is to drive with the sides open as if you were digging into a hard sponge.
Each technical review
Light hit I didn’t feel any particular discomfort. I think that Omega VII China Ying has more momentum.
Drive balls and rallies After all, I thought that Omega VII China Ying, which has a harder hardness, would be easier to put out. Also, the sheet was too soft, and when I tried to spin with just a thin sheet, I slipped well. I personally feel it takes some getting used to.
Drive with open face When I open the arc and hit it, I hit the sponge with all my might, but at this time I felt that the sponge was harder than I imagined. I felt a gap because the seat was soft.
Top spin (loop) drive against back spin It’s not bad, but the seat is a little soft, so I felt that it was hard to apply a lot of rotation. V>15 Extra may be higher only in the amount of rotation.
Speed drivae against back spin It was very easy to hit because it was easy to make arcs. Even if the hit point was dropped a little, I felt that I could easily enter the opponent’s court by firmly attracting the ball and hitting it with all my might. This sounds good. It was very good because the speed came out reasonably well.
Curve / shoot drive I don’t recommend curve drive. I think that the shoot drive is good because it opens the side.
Block I felt that the seat was more cushioned than I thought, so it didn’t bounce. Because it is an adhesive rubber, it is said that blocking is difficult, but I did not feel that it was easy to do.
Counter drive I hit with a sheet, so it was difficult.
Stop & push It stopped well, cut well and was my favorite rubber.
Serve I can cut it. However, since the seat is soft, it was necessary to make it bite with all one’s might.
Light hit It was a rubber that can be used even in the back. The seat was soft, so it was better than I thought.
Drive balls and rallies Since the seat is soft, it was easy to give a sense of stability anyway. Personally, I felt that I wanted to use it for the backhand. However, in my case, it was difficult to make a habit that I could put out in the foreground because of the lack of impact in the back.
Top spin (loop) drive against back spin The sheet is soft, so it was easy to just put it in.
Speed drive against back spin It was easier than I thought. However, if the impact is not strong, it will not be stable.
Block There were more network mistakes than I expected. I think that it is good to settle down as much as it does not bounce.
Counter drive It was difficult with my own hands.
Stop & push Like the fore, it stopped well and cut well.
Chiquita Easy to do! It was great!
Comparison with other rubbers (personal impressions only)
Max Spin Dignics 09C > Triple Double Extra ≧ Rakza Z
Speed Rakza Z Extra Hard > Triple Double Extra > Hurricane
You tuberのごぶりんずさんも動画でコメントしていますが、Rasanter R53 (ラザンターR53)は上回転の打ち合いに強い分、やや下回転打ちが難しいラバーになっています。特に対下回転スピードドライブが難しくて、しっかりくい込ませつつインパクト時にしっかり回転をかけないとボールが沈まないのでオーバーするかネットミスしやすいんですよね。一方、このC53はかなり弧線を強く描くのとドライブ時にボールがめちゃめちゃ上がるので非常に下回転打ちがしやすいラバーでした。これはラザンターの中で新しい、そして今までにない選択肢になると思います!下回転打ちのためにC53を使うのはありではないでしょうか。